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Belphegor wanted nothing more than to make damn sure that Rini knew just how much he loved and adored the young brunette human girl. As much as he wanted all of his dark dreams and fantasies to come true, he wanted to be sure that Rini was truly ready to give herself completely to him. Being as innocent as she was he knew he'd have to be careful with her, she was precious to him after all. It made him realize that if he wanted Rini to be just his, he had to be damn sure she knew just how much he loved and adored the hell out of her. 

After he had claimed her by words, he spoke no longer to her for a long while. He let his actions talk more than his own words. He wanted nothing more than to make damn sure that she knew just who loved her more-Him or Satan. Obviously Satan had a lose hold upon himself, but he didn't. He waited until she wanted him, it was her words of acceptance that made him more than happy to hear that she wanted him.

Belphegor loved her to pieces and he was careful to strip her of the clothes that she wore, he didn't want to harm the precious woman that he was deeply in love with. After he had taken her hoodie, tank top and sports bra off of her his lips latched onto her right breast as his hands ran down her body as he inched closer to her shorts before slipping them off of her body, once they were in the pile of clothes that he was slowly making with everything he was taking off of her small precious body.

He didn't take her panties off just yet, he wanted to be completely sure she truly wanted him to go all the way with her.  When he took her breast out of his mouth and kissed up to her neck, he marked her neck. The entire time Rini held onto his shoulders or upper arms, when he looked her in the eyes, they were slowly getting hazy in lust which made him happy to see just what he had done to her.

"I'm going to go as slow as possible with you, just let me know if you get spiked up because of what's going on alright?"

She nodded her head. "A-Alright Belphie."

Belphegor gently cupped her womanhood in his left hand as his thumb went up against her clit through her panties making her whimper as her brown eyes instantly shut feeling his hand where it was. He grinned a bit seeing just what he was able to do to her so quickly. He enjoyed the sound that came out of her as he had touched her a small bit. He moved his thumb in a circular motion where it had made it's place against her womanhood only for him to earn soft wanting moans from her as she held onto his jacket tightly.

"B-Belphie...F-Fuck B-Belphie..."

Belphegor captured her lips with his as he grabbed her hands with his free hand to place over her head as he pressed his thumb harder against her womanhood making her body arch up against his hands' movement. The moans that escaped her as he kissed her egged him to do more to her small body. He took his hand off of her womanhood for a few seconds just to slip his hand into it to give her more of his touch as his thumb went back to work rubbing against her clit as two of his fingers went knuckles deep inside of her curving into her just right.

Rini broke the kiss with him as she moaned out loudly making him smirk as he heard his name being moaned out with each thrust his fingers made inside of her. "That's it Rini, say my name like that. I want to hear just what I do to you. I want your body to know just what my touch can do to you."

Rini couldn't speak normally feeling the unfamiliar feeling of pleasure from the sloth demon above her. Once she came against his fingers he pulled his fingers out of her and let go of her hands so he could take her panties off of her. He licked off his fingers one by one in front of her before he pulled her legs on either shoulder before he held onto her thighs as he drove his tongue deep inside of her. 

Rini's face went bright red as she held onto the top of his head as she moaned out feeling his tongue inside of her. "F-Fuck! B-Belphie!"

Belphegor knew that it was going to be a while before he was able to touch her like he was, so he was going to make good with his time with her while he could. He took into consideration just what sounds she made depending on where his tongue went and chose to nip and suck at the most sensitive part of her womanhood making her cry out in pleasure until she came for a second time. 

He cleaned her up before he got up and took his jacket off of him. "That wasn't too bad now was it?"

She shook her head no. "I...It wasn't. B-But I want more than that...Please belphie..."

"That's all I need to know Rini, you'll get more if that's what you truly want darling."

Rini was quick to nod her head as she was quick to push him down onto her bed where she undressed him of his shirt before she kissed him on the lips. He was more than happy to kiss her back as he had his hands on her hips. Once she parted her lips from his, her hands had already undone his pants and belt, she slipped them off of him before doing the same to his underwear. 

Before he could voice anything to her, his purple eyes were shut as he moaned out feeling not just her hands but her tongue against his shaft. Belphegor placed his hand on the top of her head rubbing the top of it so she knew she was doing well as he could feel her hands and tongue pleasuring him in ways that he didn't think she even knew were possible for her to do.

Once he came inside of her mouth she held onto his legs for a moment before she licked her lips and crawled up his body so they were eye to eye with one another, her once calm brown eyes were now clouded with lust as she looked down at him. "Belphie..please fuck me, I want to feel what you can do to me. I want to feel your touches on me once more."

He was quick to turn them around as he laced his hands with hers. "You realize if I do this now, you're never getting away from me when I want you, I'll take you when I want where I want. I won't hear the word 'no' come from you here on out. I've been really good at holding myself back from you, I won't be able to do so if I go on from here."

"I've agreed to go this far, either fuck me now or I'll go to Satan letting him know how much of a coward you were to fuck me."

Belphegor let out a low growl as his demonic form took it's place, his cow tail went around her left leg as he held her hands tighter. "Don't you fucking dare woman! you're mine!" He growled out possessively.

"Then prove it Belphegor." She betted with a smirk on her face "Show me just how I'm yours belphegor."

He smashed his lips against hers harsh but passionately as he lifted her lower body up enough slip deeply inside of her without any hesitation. Rini held his hands tightly for a moment as Belphegor stayed put letting her get used to him as much as she needed to. His purple eyes looked at her as he pressed his forehead against hers. "You're officially mine now Rini, you even think about letting Satan touch you without me around and you'll be the one punished do you understand me?"

"Y...Yes Belphie...I...I understand."

He smiled a little and kissed her softly on the lips as he moved first slow and soft, just so she could adjust to him. Once he could feel her hips moving into his, his movements got slightly faster and deeper each time he went inside of her while he held her hands up with one hand as the other went to her hip to keep her hips still, he didn't want her to give herself more pleasure than he was willing to give her. Rini and Belphegor couldn't hold the kiss as the friction between the two of them was just too much for both of them.

As Belphegor could feel her tighten around him, he went faster and harder inside of her until he heard her voice break due to the thrusts he made inside of her. At that time, she had orgasmed which triggered his soon afterwards. He pulled out of her before he had and came against his shirt instead. He then lied against her chest as he felt too tired to move, Rini just looked at him amused knowing that she wasn't going to be moving any time soon, especially knowing just how hard of a sleeper Belphegor was. She let out a sigh and petted Belphegor's head.

"I love you too Belphie, thank you for finally just saying it instead of hiding it from me like I know you and Satan have been doing for months now. Rest for now, tomorrow we're going to have to tell Satan about what happened tonight. About the rash and about this."

Belphegor faked being asleep so he didn't have to acknowledge that she wanted him to tell Satan that he fucked her and took her first time. Rini was his and he didn't know if he'd be able to share her now.

You belong to ME [Possessive! Satan x Oc x Possessive! Belphegor]Where stories live. Discover now