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After a bit of time Satan and Rini chose to do their work together, even though Rini still felt very needy when she woke up. So Belphegor chose to help her out under the table while the two of them worked, he didn't want her to be to frustrated while Satan and her did their work together. He knew he could only be around them when he wasn't in school, the days that he did have school Satan would take the time to feed her small body and give it what it needed be it on her bed or in the shower.

Satan refused to let her needed be ignored, he wanted to be sure that she was loved and cared for-Especially, knowing that she couldn't get pregnant. It gave him a sense of ease knowing that no matter what he did with Rini nothing would happen between the two of them. As it became the first weekend of Rini recovering from being sick for two weeks, She saw barbatos come into her room as she was on Belphegor's lap while he was helping her out with her work. 

Barbatos was surprised to see the sloth demon but didn't say anything about it. "Satan, has Rini been able to get any of the work done from the last two weeks?"

"Mhm, she has. Belphegor and I have been helping her out together with it." Satan said before he grabbed the folder she had placed her work in and gave it to Barbatos. "This is all the work she's been able to do so far. Belphegor is helping her with this past weeks work."

"I see, may I ask she's on his lap instead of beside him?"

"The curse that was over the bracelet that Lucifer placed on her without telling her what it was. It's what made her sick and now she craves male touch. As long as she has physical touch somewhere on her body from someone who she trusts she is calm like she is now and she can focus on the work that she needs to do. Belphegor and I made that discovery a few days ago. So we've been trying all that we can to keep her from completely going haywire because of that curse."

"Ahn...got it. So far from what you've done Satan you've been given high markings. I was told to tell you that by the teachers. They are worried about you and Rini though, even though it was known that Rini was wrongfully cursed by Lucifer. The day she gets better and you two can live your lives per-normal. I suggest the two of you to go to  your instructors and let them know that you both are alright and nothing is wrong with either one of you two."

Rini heard what Barbatos said as she was writing and looked up from her notebook. "Okay, I can do that Barbatos not a problem...and thank you for getting the work you have been. That was rather nice of you to do that."

Barbatos smiled and bowed his head. "Of course, it was wrong for Lucifer to do what he had. I hope in time we can see the two of you back in school."

"The Monday after next, that's when we'll be in school. I have one more week of this nonsense then I'll be okay."

He nodded his head with a smile. "Very well, I'll be sure that the young lord is aware of it." He said before he left out. 

After the door was shut Rini placed her head down on her notebook as she whimpered and moaned out. "Move damn it Belphie...I can't believe you chose to do this of all things!" She whined out

"Not until you are done with that page I'm not. The more you procrastinate the longer you'll feel how you do Rini." He said placing his head against her shoulder as he slipped his hand under her baggy shirt toying with her breast as he spoke to her

She mewled out even more as she let go of her pencil. "B-Belphie...W-Why?!"

He said nothing as his hand got more aggressive against her breast, Rini had to try to push through the pleasure she felt to finish what she had been writing before. Rini was rather quick as she was frantically writing in her notebook before she filled out the paper work that went with what she had read and had been explained by the sloth demon before he chose to have her sit on top of him. 

Once Belphegor saw she had finished with the worksheet, he knew she was done with the previous weeks work. He shut the book and he slipped his hand from her breast, before he turned her around and had her take him in her facing him. He kissed her on the lips. "Good girl, now I'll give you what you want. Then once Satan is done with his work he'll do what he can to help you alright?"

She nodded her head. "Okay Belphie."

You belong to ME [Possessive! Satan x Oc x Possessive! Belphegor]Where stories live. Discover now