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When Satan woke up, he saw that Rini was still asleep beside him which made him smile. He kissed the top of her head softly before he got up letting her sleep as much as she possibly could. She suffered because of his idiocy when she shouldn't have, Satan got himself up and dressed before he roamed around only to see that Lucifer was in the living room waiting.

"Afternoon Satan, rest well? I had been told by Lord Diavolo that you barely slept the week you were locked up." Lucifer asked as he shut his book with one hand as he got up

Satan averted his eyes not knowing what to say to Lucifer knowing from Rini that he was going to get lectured and punished. Lucifer saw that he wasn't going to answer him so he sighed out. "Have you spoken with Rini yet today?"

"Yes, we're fine now...I know what I did was stupid and I've made it up to her."

"Good to hear, now on the subject of what you did. I have talked it over with Lord diavolo and because of what has happened without you around-it is obvious that what has happened in the past is needed to have happen. Lord Diavolo can turn a blind eye to what you do as long as you let him know who and why. Be it before or afterwards understand?"

Satan's green eyes widened hearing what Lucifer said. "So I'm not going to get lectured for killing those low life demons?"

"I was going to, but seeing what has happened to Rini while you've been in a cellar. I can see now why you have done what you have. The alternative can't be used if Rini can't speak. Now speaking of Rini, for the week you've been gone she has done your chores. That shouldn't have happened. In turn for first not doing what I had told you to do previously to you turning yourself in and for forcing me to have that poor girl do your chores for this past week. I believe it is only fair that you do not just your chores but her chores as well." Lucifer said seriously

As lucifer finished speaking, Rini came into the room still looking a bit sleepy. "so this is where you went Satan....oh afternoon Lucifer."

"Afternoon Rini, rest well?"

"Mhm, I ended up napping with Satan in his room while you guys were at school."

"So he wasn't fibbing about you two being fine."

"Mhm, he made it up to me earlier by cuddling with me. I just wished he would have woken me up so I didn't end up wondering where he went." Rini said with a sigh

"Come here Rini." Lucifer stated

She nodded her head and went towards him only for him to place a bracelet on her wrist that was black and purple. Rini was confused as she looked up at him. "What's this?"

"This is part one of a pair of bonding bracelets that I was able to get from a nice witch that was happy to help me out." Lucifer said before he went up to Satan and gave the other one to him "Put this on."

Satan was skeptical but did what he was told as the bracelet turned Black and green. Once the bracelet was on him, instantly Rini and Satan were pulled closer to one another making their backs hit one another. "What the hell is this Lucifer?! Are you trying to have us hurt one another?!" Satan said angered

"She had mentioned that it would pull the two together at first. It needs to calibrate between the two of you. It may take an hour to a hour and a half. Once it is done you may only be six feet apart from Rini afterwards, anymore than that and you will be pulled to her like that once more. For a month you will be stuck with her with those on. Which means that she will have to be around you to do your chores and hers."

"This is going to be a rather big hassle you realize this don't you? This means that her and I aren't going to be able to go to our regular scheduled classes that we don't have together. They are more than six feet away from one another. They are on different floors from one another." Satan said shaking his head

Lucifer was silent as he heard what Satan said, Rini then let out a sigh. "I get wanting to punish him, but I gotta agree with Satan, you didn't really think this through. My third, forth and sixth block are all on different floors and they are classes that I have with Belphie instead of him. If we can't be outside of six feet from one another it's going to make going to school a pain in the arse. And it is too late to change schedules."

"And let's not even talk about how different our schedules are outside of classes. I have my job at the library every other week which I can't have her be at since it'll be outside of the range of this darn thing. And the whole thing of bathing and sleeping. Our rooms aren't anywhere near one another-and I don't think you'd want anyone sleeping beside her or sleeping inside one of our rooms." Satan said with his arms crossed

"This is your punishment, work around it." Lucifer said seriously "I'm not going to disregard what you've done and not punish you for it."

"This isn't only punishing me but Rini as well!" Satan growled out angered

Lucifer left out which angered Satan even more, Rini placed a hand on his arm. "Satan, calm down. Maybe one of the others knows what which Lucifer went to and we can talk to the witch ourselves."

Satan let out a sigh and nodded his head. "Fair enough. Alright then."

The first person they went to was Belphegor to see if he knew. Belphegor was happy to see Satan only to hit him upside the head. "Don't you dare do that shit again!" He said with a bit of a huff

"Ouch...looks like Rini isn't the only one who had a problem with what I did."

"Yeah no shit! I felt too guilty about being around her without you around!"

"Speaking of that...Do you know what Witch Lucifer went to?" Satan asked

"Yeah I do, he went to the Raven witch Rece who lives in town. She has a shop there called the eye of the raven." Belphegor stated

"Looks like we know where to go." Rini said looking to Satan

"Yeah, the sooner we can get these off of us the sooner we can go about our lives. As much as I love you I don't want my punishment to end up making you get punished as well." Satan said with a nod of his head

Belphegor looked at them confused. "What are you two talking about?"

Satan and Rini lifted the arm that had the black bands that had green or purple on them. "Lucifer got these and now we can't be away from one another." Rini stated

"Six feet or nothing." Satan stated with a sigh

"What the hell? That's just stupid why would he do that?"

"He wanted to punish me for what I had done. So he figured doing this would be a 'good solution'. It's only made Rini and I rather frustrated."

Belphegor shook his head. "What an idiot. I'll go with you guys, I know the witch and I can bargain for you guys."

"Okay thankies Belphie." Rini said with a smile

You belong to ME [Possessive! Satan x Oc x Possessive! Belphegor]Where stories live. Discover now