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After they had gotten what they needed at the store, they made their way home and bumped into Solomon and Simeon who were both out as well. "Satan, Rini-we didn't see you two today in school. Are you two alright?" Solomon asked

Rini and Satan looked at one another, before Satan spoke up. "Things are complicated right now. Let's just say that for now we're alright, but due to circumstances Rini may not be in a few days."

"I'd like to hope that one of you will be telling me just what's truly going on." Solomon asked concerned

Rini gave Solomon a small smile. "Once Satan and I get home, I'll call you and tell you everything. We really need to get home so Leviathan can make dinner before Beelz ends up going on a tangent for being hungry."

"Very well, I hope you don't forget Rini. I'll be waiting." Solomon said with a nod of his head

Rini nodded her head back and the two of them left out together, once they got far enough Satan looked down at Rini. "What are you going to tell him?"

"I'm merely going to tell him that you had to take care of business that made you not be part of school and the house all week. So no one in the house was able to see you all week, I missed you a lot more than the others so I was able to stay behind after taking over your chores for the week. Which isn't a lie, and I'm going to tell him about the punishment that you were given by lucifer and what it did to me."

"I believe I should be in the room with you, to give him information on what happened after you collapsed."

Rini nodded her head. "Okay, sure thing."

When they got home they gave the bags to Leviathan so he could make dinner, afterwards they went to Rini's room where Rini ended up calling Solomon as Satan had her sit on his lap. He kept himself quiet and occupied as Rini had her phone against her ear. Satan kissed her neck that didn't have her phone against it as his hands slipped under her skirt. One kept her legs apart as the other was tracing her womanhood with the tips of his fingers.

Rini was trying rather hard to keep her cool as Solomon answered his phone. "Evening Rini, I'm glad you remembered this time. So what's going on with Satan and you? I was worried when I didn't see either one of you today. I had been told that I would but it never happened."

"I don't know who told you but that won't happen till tomorrow. You see Solomon, Satan had something he had to do to get guilt off of his chest for some odd reason. He never spoke about it any more than that. But because he didn't say a word to anyone no one in the house knew where he went. They weren't worried about Satan-unlike me. I was given all of his chores on top of my own. Since I had been kidnapped for two days-I had to make up those two days which made me stay up basically all night and part of the morning to get all of that stuff done. Lucifer promised me he'd punish Satan for leaving without speaking to anyone and for me doing his chores all last week, so I asked him if I could stay back to sleep since I hadn't-which he approved of."

"Ahn, I see. How are you feeling now, better?"

"I feel rested yes, but that wasn't until after I saw Satan and gave him a piece of my mind. I was worried sick about him and he didn't even think to talk to me before he left out like a dope head." Rini said letting out a small huff of air

Satan only gave her a small love bite on her shoulder letting her know if she kept up her attitude she wouldn't be on the phone much longer. Rini completely ignored his warning as she continued to speak. "The only thing that makes me a bit angy though is Lucifer got these stupid bracelets that had to be taken off of Satan and I by a witch by the name of Rece who Belphie knew."

"Wait...he went to her?! Please tell me you're okay! Her items are not for humans!" Solomon asked concerned

"Had Belphie not taken Satan and I there I probably wouldn't have been. But the sweet witch took off the stupid bracelet that was supposed to bind Satan to me for a month as part of his punishment for ignoring him having to talk to me after a small banter happened between him, Belphie and I that I didn't like being in the middle of. The only thing is, the after affects of having that bracelet on for as long as I had is that I had gotten dizzy and was out for a bit then I'm supposed to get sick for two weeks." She said as she had her eyes shut

Rini couldn't handle the fact that Satan was now thrusting his fingers deep inside of her instead of teasing her through her panties. Her mind could only hold back so much.

"Is Satan or Belphegor there with you? I'd like to talk to them about what happened after you passed out."

"Satan is with me, he seems rather keen on following me like a lost kitten."

Solomon laughed amused at the comparison that Rini made. "Funny, may I speak with Satan for a moment."

"Sure thing, hold on." Rini took her phone from her hand and muted it. "I swear to fuck if you don't stop fucking me with your fingers like that we're not having dinner peacefully tonight sir. Now you need to talk to Solomon and tell him what you know sir."

Satan smiled and kissed her on the lips. "I can do that just you aren't leaving me, I'm not stopping so you better keep yourself down." He said with a grin as he took her phone with his free hand

He unmuted the phone before he placed it to his ear as his fingers moved faster inside of her. 

"Evening Solomon."

"I got the jest of things, so what happened after Rini passed out?"

"Belphie caught her, we were told that after Rini gets sick she'll be dealing with a lot of hormone problems no thanks to Lucifer forcing her to wear that stupid bracelet. She then explained to Belphie and I that she could do the punishment that Lucifer wanted to have for her and I just the distance away from one another is unknown. She had done a curse over Rini and I that'll last the entire month that I'm supposed to be punished to be around Rini for. Her and I have matching markings on our arms showing that we were cursed by her."

"And she didn't ask for any payment from you guys?"

"No, she said she was going to get it from lucifer since it was his fuck up."

Solomon chuckled a bit. "Very well, then at any time Rini will be getting ill. Which means that she'll need to eat foods that her pallet will be verse to eating while sick. Soups and the such should be good for her."

"She said that too when I explained things to her earlier."

"She must get sick often in the human realm."

"Apparently...it is too common for her." Satan said with a sigh

"I see, well I'm glad that you two are relatively alright. Do take care of yourselves."

"We will, Talk to you later."

"That you will."

Satan hung up the phone before he kissed her on the lips and pushed her down onto her bed. "I told you I wouldn't hold myself back, that I'd touch you whenever we're alone I meant that."

"I knew you are a man of your word Satan, just I'm worried if someone will barge into the room. Leviathan is making dinner after all."

"We'll be fine as long as you keep that beautiful voice of yours down."

You belong to ME [Possessive! Satan x Oc x Possessive! Belphegor]Where stories live. Discover now