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When they had gotten to Rini's bathroom, she had him sit down where he had the previous night for her to be able to clean and redo the bandage on his hand. While she got her first aid kit Satan stared at her for a moment before he spoke up. "Belphie told me."

"What did that sloth demon tell you Satan?"

"About what you're hiding under your bandages...I thought the worse last night. I swore you had cut yourself...not that it was a rash from being allergic to the soap we use. Why didn't you tell anyone?"

"Like I'd be listened to? All of you seem to enjoy ignoring me for your own messed up egos for one thing or another. I'm not going to say something about myself if it isn't going to be heard by the ignorance that surrounds me unwillingly." She inquired with a raised eyebrow at him

He averted his eyes as he knew that she was right. None of them dared listened to most of what she said and did what they wanted freely. When he had first inquired her he hadn't meant to bring up the rash even though it was true that it had happen. He had inquired about her first time going to Belphegor. 

"Was that all he told you Satan?" Rini inquired as she cut the bandages off of his hand and cleaned up the blood around his hand not looking up at him

"No, it wasn't but it was the first."

"I see, you realized had you not kissed me that wouldn't have happened." Rini stated not denying that her first time went to Belphegor

Satan raised an eyebrow at her. "What do you mean by that?"

"Belphegor told me about the promise you two made with one another. That you two promised one another that you two wouldn't kiss me, touch me or show any romantic type feelings for me unless I have consented to the agreement of being around both of you freely and willingly. You broke that promise when you kissed me, I didn't give any type of consent towards you or him about being around either one of you or both of you." She explained as she cleaned the wound up and placed a new bandage around his hand "Sure I did enjoy that you took my first kiss, even if you were a tad bit rough with me. But had you not done so without breaking that promise, Belphegor wouldn't have done what he had last night in recoil."

Satan stared at her quietly for a moment before he placed his good hand over her throat where he knew the mark from Belphegor was. Instantly Rini took his hand from there and moved away from him which confused and worried him. "Rini?"

"D-Don't...please. I hate it when people have their hands there." She said sadly shaking her head

"I see...so he did give you trauma."

Rini shook her head no as she hugged herself uncomfortably. "It's not because of belphie even though he has made it worse from my past."

He looked at her sadly, concerned about what they had taken her from. "Rini...just...just what's gone on with you before we met you?"

"I...I was taken out of an abusive relationship Satan, the male I was around enjoyed strangling me, hitting me and taking his anger out on my body. I knew he was cheating on me which is why he never touched me sexually, but it didn't make anything any better. I...it was a relief to be here and to be around all of you for a bit of time. My wounds healed and I didn't feel as scared about things...as much." Rini explained sadly

"You...You were in an abusive relationship and you didn't tell any of us? Why?"

"I didn't think anyone would care that I was in one. You all were in your own little worlds so like it mattered what had happened with me or not." She said sadly

Satan got up and he hugged her tightly to comfort her, Rini was stunned that he hugged her but hugged him back as she broke down crying in relief knowing that one of the boys were concerned enough about her that they actually comforted her instead of telling her to get over herself. Once she finished crying she was forced to look up at him. "You need to let Belphegor know about what you just told me. He told me how you had agreed last night to be around both of us. Since you've told me and not him, I'd like for him to know just what you've gone through as well."

She sniffled and nodded her head slightly. "O...Okay. I...I will Satan."

He gave her a small kiss on the lips. "I promise you that you'll never have to go through that again." He spoke softly to her.

"I...I hope you're right about that."

"Let's go eat before the others get suspicious of us."

"O...okay Satan."

When they got to the table Rini said nothing as she sat between Satan and Asmodeus, she just over heard them all talking with one another as she ate her breakfast. Once breakfast was over and dishes were done from that morning, Belphegor walked beside Rini as he held her hand tightly. "You look like you had just finished crying when you came back, what happened?" He asked concerned

"S-Satan had asked me something about my past that I...I didn't feel all that comfortable saying because of how much damage it has placed upon me." She said sadly

"Oh...I see. So he didn't do anything directly to make you cry then."

She shook her head no "No...he was merely inquiring about something that's all."

You belong to ME [Possessive! Satan x Oc x Possessive! Belphegor]Where stories live. Discover now