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When Satan had gotten out of his shower, Rini was still asleep. It made him wonder if the time she had been away from the others had she slept at all. Satan shook his head, as much as he loved and adored the woman who was sleeping on his bed, she had a lot to answer for herself. He shut his door and he walked up to his bed before he placed a knee on it hovering over the sleeping brunette woman who was on his bed.

He gave her a small kiss on the cheek before he caressed the side of her face with the back of his hand. "Rini...Rini wake up." He spoke sincerely and softly to her

It took her a minute but she did end up waking up and opening her eyes. The moment she saw him, her eyes teared up before she tackled him into a tight hug as she sobbed out against his chest. "Satan!"

Satan hadn't expected that as a first response from her, he truly didn't think what she wrote had any merit to it. He didn't think she truly 'missed' him, she merely missed the thought of him being around. But feeling the tight grasp she had around him and the fact that the moment she saw him she started to cry-made him realize how much he truly meant to her. Once he had gotten over his state of shock he hugged her back and let out a sigh.

"You truly missed me a lot...haven't you Rini?" He asked softly to her

"Of course I have you moron! You didn't even talk to me before you left out! Had you not done that I wouldn't have been kidnapped by a bunch of asshole Low life demons! You are my protector, I've placed my life and care in your hands dummy! None of the others care about me like you do! I know you have anger issues and you don't know how to control them sometimes...I get it." She said as she sniffled a bit getting a hold of herself

She then looked at him as she placed her hands on his face softly. 

"But because of what you did Belphie couldn't protect me like he used to. It'd go against what you had claimed."

"You don't hate me anymore do you?" He inquired

"I've never hated you dumbass! Sure I was annoyed that you choked me due to you being a jealous asshole. But I've never hated you for anything! I still love you! That's never ever going to change! I haven't been around belphie at all because of how guilty he feels that you had done what you had!"

Satan's eyes widened hearing what she said. "I...I guess I truly should have spoken to you. I had assumed that you had detested me since I made you cry. I guess it was presumptuous of me to think that you'd ever hate me for any reason."

"Yeah no shit! Now you owe me sir!"

Satan raised an eyebrow at her. "How do I owe you Rini?"

"Because you were locked up for a damn week Lucifer gave me all of your damn chores for the week. I had to stay up until the wee damn hours just to make sure the chores were all damn done, which was part of the reason I was allowed to stay behind."

"Part of the reason? What other reason could you have had?"

"I specifically asked Lucifer to stay behind so I can be the first to see you. I wanted to talk to you like you fucking should have done after you spoke with Lucifer!  Now tell me what the fuck possessed you to go and do what you had?"

Satan averted his eyes as he sighed out "I figured since I've already made you cry I shouldn't be allowed around you. Belphie and I made an oath to never be the reason that you cried and I broke that oath. I didn't think that I was fit to be around you, Lucifer had told me to talk to you and apologize but I just didn't have the nerves to do so. So I chose to write you a letter and to not let the guilt eat at me anymore. I figured if Diavolo knew I was behind the demon killings he'd have me locked away so you'd never have to worry about me making you cry ever again."

"And you really thought that it would work?"

"Yes...but it didn't. He understood why I did what I had. So he gave me a week in a cell as a slap on the wrist. I have to inform him now if I catch anyone trying to get to you."

Rini frowned "I was miserable without you around, yes I've told Belphie that I love him...but that doesn't mean that I don't love you too Satan. I love belphie for his cuddles and the protection he gives off while we sleep-that's it. I love you for being my voice of reasoning, for hearing me out when things get bad...for actually talking with me. I love you for being yourself. No one is perfect Satan, all of us have made mistakes here and there. It's just part of how life is. I've already forgiven and forgotten what happened a week ago. I want my possessively loving Satan back...is that possible?"

Hearing what she said he pushed her down onto the bed and kissed her on the lips. "I hope you know I'm going to do more than just kiss you now that I have you all to myself."

"Remember Leviathan is here."

"But he usually wears headphones so he doesn't have to hear anything. You'll be fine." 

"As long as you aren't as weak as Belphie was when he took my first time, sure...but let's see."

"What do you mean by that?"

"He some-what took care of me before I took care of him, then he got it so he came and fell asleep against me-I never did. I've been sexually frustrated since then."

Satan's eyes widened hearing what she said. "So not only did he take your first he left you....Don't worry Rini, that's never going to be a problem with me. I just hope you realize with what you've told me I'm not letting you go until you're fully spent."

"I'd be rather upset if you do let me go before then." She said with a small smile.

You belong to ME [Possessive! Satan x Oc x Possessive! Belphegor]Where stories live. Discover now