Trends and Kisses

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word count: 2 K

The door slamming against the wall is the first thing to gain your attention as you look up from the screen of your phone and towards the source of the noise. You see the silhouette of your best friend, Alessia Russo. The first thing you notice about her is her expression, the one that only came out when she had a 'brilliant' idea. Made up of a slight smirk and conspiring eyes it is your first reason to worry, the other one is the speed at which she crosses the room in your direction.

If you have learnt something during all the years you have known Alessia for then it is her clumsiness. Her speed is a sure factor to the fall she experiences halfway on her journey across the room. She stands up just as fast as she fell down, effectively not losing much time at all.

You manage to pull your body into a sitting position by the time Alessia reaches you and she hastily throws her body down on the bed right next to you. Feeling the weight of her head resting on your shoulder you turn your body towards her. She clearly doesn't anticipate your movement showing as her body falls down against yours, making her practically sit in your lap by the time she has stopped moving. She looks up at you with puppy dog eyes, those were dangerous as they could get her anything and everything she wanted.

A sigh leaves your lips almost instantaneously and you look down right into her eyes. Your eyes hold a pleading look as you practically beg her to not bring you into whatever was about to proceed. She doesn't seem to hear your silent pleads and if she does, she seems to ignore them.

"There's something I need to show you, but before that I'd like for you to agree to something I want you to do after. I promise it's nothing bad or morally wrong."

Her breath fans across your face and after another sigh has left your lips you reluctantly agree to her conditions. Pulling her phone up to your line of sight you come across a video with a familiar sound attached to it. The voice of the soft singing artist reaches your ears and as the video comes to an end you look back at Alessia, scepticism painted over your every feature. But alas you are a man of your word and you did agree to do whatever she wanted of you.

Time later

The color from the expensive lipstick stains her lips red as she drags it across her soft, plump lips. You wait in anticipation as she decides where to press her lips next. This process has been replicated countless times over the last few minutes, lipstick leaving deep red stains all over your face and neck. She looks you in the eyes as if asking for permission, what to you don't know at least until you catch her glancing down towards your lips. Kissing Alessia is something that you have wanted to do since that warm spring morning, just after you had turned 14.

You're incredibly close in proximity to her as she sits perched upon your lap, meaning she was already close to you before she even started to lean in. She slowly starts to advance her face closer to yours, but gets cut off as you lean up and press your lips to hers. It was everything you've ever dreamed and hoped of packed into one simple kiss, it starts off slow and full of emotion wanting to let all the feelings you have into the sensual gesture. It was as if you had put every square inch of the universe into one singular kiss, one that you were fortunate enough to be part of.

Only once you've pulled away do you realize that your hands are gripping at her waist tightly, likely to ground yourself as well as providing Alessia with the safety of not falling off your lap. Your hands let up their tight grip as you move to remove your hands from her waist. You ultimately fail as her hands keep yours in place, apparently not wanting you to let go of her.

"Stay. It's nice, I like it." Her voice is expressed in a quiet whisper, but you could still hear every emotion in the simple short sentence. So your hands remain on her waist for a moment longer before letting go for her to be able to grab her phone. She picks up the phone and once again enters the app on which you would record and then later post the video on. Alessia looks after the sound that she wants for the video as soft tunes of different songs and other sounds float out of the speaker of her phone. Finally finding the sound she takes the lipstick from your hand as she uncaps it, ready to apply it once she has started recording.

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