Cookie Clicker

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W.C.- 1.1 k

Click! Click! Click! Click!

The repetitive clicking coming from your mouse board wasn't that bad for the girls in the bus at first, but after the first minutes it became incredibly annoying. What might have been even more annoying though was that they didn't know what the clicking was for.

But you just sit there, headphones in and blasting music all while continuing to click on the damn mouse board. With no current seatmate you were at full liberty to do whatever you want as you sit in your seat.

Clic-! Cli-! Cli-!

The tapping on the mouse board increased dramatically in speed, cutting off the earlier click in the process and the continued repeating of the incredibly annoying sound was beginning to drive the girls in the limited space mad.

A few girls at the back of the bus had started an instagram live for people to see what it was like on the bus with the lionesses, but as the noises reach them and people in the comments start asking what the sound was they know they've had enough.

A game of rock, paper and scissors ensues to decide the person who's going to go over to see what you're doing. One sore loser later, Georgia is making her way towards you the phone with the instagram live in hand to inquire what all the tapping is about.

Sliding into the seat next to you, Georgia isn't even acknowledged as you're too preoccupied with your computer. She decides that the best way to get your attention is to steal the source of inattentiveness. She holds the phone with one hand while snatching your computer with the other.

"Hey! No, my sugar lump is soon ready for harvesting!" Your shout is heard all throughout the bus and they all look in your direction at the weird sentence springing from your parted lips.

"Excuse me, your WHAT?" The comments start to flood in, some catching your reference and some utterly confused like your teammates.

"My sugar lump? The things you use to level up your buildings..." Your voice matches the expressions on the other girls' faces, confusion taking over. You spot what's happening on the screen of your computer, immediately reaching for it but ultimately unable to reach it when Georgia moves it away.

"Come on G. I've gotta press the golden cookie before it disappears!" Everyone is even more confused at your statement now, everyone except Alessia who just about escapes falling to the floor in laughter at her girlfriend's obsession with the cult classic game.

"Wait...don't tell me you've never played Cookie Clicker before. This is outrageous! Blasphemy!"

You decide to spend the rest of the trip explaining the purpose of the game and how you play it, telling all your attentive listeners the tips and tricks you've learnt during the many years of playing Cookie Clicker. You tell them about all the nooks and crannies of the seemingly simple game all while playing said game. You even tell them the name of your bakery, Injury FC, after your club of course.

By the time you reach the stadium for the game, you've got everyone hypothetically hooked on your favorite game. Even the people listening to the live seem hooked.

After the game, which you won, you sit back in your seat on the bus before you feel the familiar warmth only your favorite person could bring you. Leaning into her you put your head on her shoulder and pull your computer up once again meaning to continue your earlier endeavor but before you can, Alessia lets out a sigh-laugh into the top of your head.

"Don't you think the others'll be annoyed?"

"Sugar, I'm pretty sure no one's gonna mind, seeing as they're all playing it too." That was true, every single one of the ladies minus Sarina, she has too much class for a silly game, were glued to their respective tablets or computers tapping away discreetly. You join Alessia as she laughs this time, the two of you in your own little bubble.

When you go down for breakfast the next morning, hand in hand with Alessia, you don't even get teased for your clinginess to your girlfriend in fact they don't even look up as you enter the room. Everyone is glued to their screens, obviously playing the increasingly popular game.

You share a look with the girl beside you, amusement dancing around both of your gazes at the women who were always quick to tease you about your peculiar interests. Alessia and you sit down at a table in the corner of the room where it's secluded and relatively isolated from the distracted girls.

You decide to take advantage of the situation to spend some extra time with your soulmate. Alessia practically sits upon your lap as the two of you eat and converse with each other. Leah eventually joins the two of you, not bothered by the closeness of you two having experienced much worse during the Euros after party. She explains her reasoning for joining you as being fed up with no one answering her because they were too busy with the new obsession in the team.

The breakfast is one well spent talking with your girlfriend and skipper. That was until your peace was broken by Lucy coming up and shoving her phone in your face, surprisingly the content on the phone isn't about Cookie Clicker, at least not directly.

It's a tweet with a video connected to it. The video being an outtake from the live with the caption 'alessia russo is one lucky girl'. You reach out and press play on the video, hearing yourself talk while seeing a closeup of your fingers tapping rapidly on the touch board.

You don't catch the meaning at first, but when you do a smirk takes over your face as you question;

"Yeah you're pretty lucky, aren't ya?"

Leah, who's seen the tweet by now, exclaims in disgust at your statement.

"Eww, gross. Don't discuss what you do in your...private time around me. I don't need to know anything about that. " You raise your eyebrows at Leah, having heard much more revolting things muttered from her when she and Jordan thought you were asleep. She seems to catch what you're trying to convey as she blushes and shuts up, leaning back into her seat with her arms crossed over her chest.

You feel Alessia's elbow nudging your ribs catching your attention as you look up towards her. Alessia has the same teasing expression as you had moments before when you were teasing Leah and as she leans in to whisper her breath fans across the side of your face. The action has all focus disappearing from your body as the only thing your mind can pick up on is Alessia's smooth, seductive voice flooding directly into your ears.

"I'm very lucky indeed. But only your performance on the pitch later decides how lucky you'll get tonight"

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