New Girlfriend

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W.C. - 1.8 k

prompt 18. -Only I belong with you and only you babe.

prompt 20. -I hope you find peace for yourself, -New girlfriend ain't gonna fill the void.


3 years. You had just spent three damn years loving someone who was willing to chuck all that away in a second. Three wonderful years tarnished in the span of a minute, just because she decided that you weren't enough for her.

Just because Alexia decided she was bored, of you and of your relationship.

When she just a week ago told you that you were done, over text nonetheless, you simply couldn't believe what you were seeing. Everything was going so well, she hadn't given you any indication of being unhappy whatsoever.

When the shock passed, the despair set in. What could you possibly have done to warrant being broken up with that way? Had you really been that bad of a girlfriend?

The thundering crack of your phone screen hitting the floor marks your breaking point, curling up into a ball on the floor and sobbing until nothing more comes out.

You're not even surprised that she doesn't return back to the shared apartment you once saw as your home, now everything was just a reminder of her and how she'd been yours only seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks before.

And no matter how much you cry, how much secretly wearing her hoodies tears a hole in your heart all over again, you know that she's not yours anymore. You'll never feel her feather light touch late at night again, never feel her lips pressing against yours again, never feel her nails scratching at your back.

Her new girlfriend was so much prettier than you, kinder eyes, glossier hair, better lashes, bigger tits, rounder ass. How could you ever compare to that?

Seeing her face everyday at training had you close to breaking down in tears, every look into your favorite pair of eyes bringing you that much closer to the edge.

The only way for you to not fold in two every single second you spend in her presence, is to outright ignore her.

Something she doesn't take too kindly to.

Dragging your feet against the floor, you're instantly reminded of how Alexia used to chastise you for doing that exact thing.

All of a sudden, you can feel your shoulder being pulled on harshly. Stumbling back into the body of the mystery person, you can feel the familiar curves under your fingertips, her fingers clutching painfully at your shoulder.

"Can we talk?" She rasps out, staring into your eyes with an indescribable amount of venom. The way she was looking at you, you'd think you were the one who broke up with her over text.

"No" Pulling your shoulder away from her iron vise grip, she doesn't even get a glance in her direction.

"No te alejes de mi Y/n, you do not walk away from me." Her thick spanish accent covers the english words, the once charming zing of her accent now only making you want to throw up.

"There's nothing to talk about Alexia. You broke up with me over text, you didn't even have the decency to look me in the eyes as you threw away 3 years." Now it was her turn to not look you in the eyes, turning her eyes down to the sidewalk.

"Say something then Alexia, that's what you wanted to do right, talk." You see how her lips move but no words come out, almost like she was expecting you to just lay down and admit defeat. Foolish of her.

"Good talk Alexia, I'll see you tomorrow. Oh and, don't forget to pick your things up from the apartment." Turning on your heel, you feel her stare into the back of your head.

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