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"So, when we're on the topic, did any of you know that the world cup wasn't Alexia's first time dyeing her a crazy color?" You ask your scattered teammates, the team bonding being at your and Alexia's place after a lot of fuss. The midfielder slung across your lap looked at you with wide eyes, the story embarrassing from her perspective.

"Amor, let's not talk about that" Alexia's nails close around the skin of your torso where your shirt had ridden up. The action makes you yelp, it being fairly unexpected, but out of your peripheral you can see the way she smirked in self amusement.

"No, no, let's talk about it." Mapi's face is lit up by a mischievous grin, clearly wanting to hear the embarrassing story. It was the first time since her injury that she seemed like herself again, she'd been so sullen as of late.

"Yeah Ale, we want to hear the story." Pina shouted from her place across from where you and Alexia sat together, her back leaning against the couch as Patri poked at her. The younger girl is getting all the more annoyed at her best friend's repetitive actions, slapping away her hand every so often.

"Por favor Ale, it's a funny story." Your hands run up and down her thighs softly, squeezing ever so lightly at times. It's fun to see the way her resolve breaks with every stroke of your hands, the way her eyes slowly shut as she thinks about the implications that the story might bring.

"Okay then, tell it, but you have to finish what you started later." The last part is whispered only for you to hear, leading to an embarrassing dark red color spreading across your cheeks. You sit up straighter and shift the midfielder around on your lap for it to be more comfortable for you both.

"Let me take you all back in time, sometime in September of 2010..."

September 7th, 2010.

"Amor please, I'm in need of some new hoodies, since you steal them all as soon as I put them on." You pleaded with your girlfriend, the muddy clothes covering your body nearly leaving a trail of dirt behind you.

"That's just because you buy the best hoodies, it is not my fault." She puts her hands up in an 'I'm innocent' gesture, the girl looking at you with her most innocent expression. You weren't asking for much, wanting her to bike with you to the mall located an hour away to spend some time together.

Well, it wasn't like you were apart often, the two of you stuck at the hips.

"I need clothes, you don't want Mila to see me shirtless, right?" Mila was another girl in your team, a girl that pretty clearly had a crush on you, something that Alexia detested.

"No. You'll just have to wear my clothes I guess." Her little self-assured smirk melted your heart, a puddle at the bottom of your stomach.

"Mhm sure, your clothes don't fit me amor, but good try." You wink at the brunette, her shy smile covering her lips.

"Y/n Y/l/n, you better have not tracked dirt into my house." Alexia's mum, Eli, called out to you. She knew your habits and how you'd always forget that your shorts were dripping dirt.

"I haven't Mrs Putellas, I promise." Eli always knew when you were lying, and that sing-songy tone was a sure sign.

"Okay, but you're the one who's going to wash up. And once again, call me Eli." Your cheeks darken at the reprimanding tone your second mother used. The Putellas family was as much family as your own.

"Yes Eli."

"Y/n/n, I'm going to take a shower, you stay out here. Don't sit on the furniture until we've washed you off." Alexia is already halfway up the stairs when she calls out for you, her sister peeking her head out of her room at the sound of your girlfriend's voice.

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