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prompt 85. -Give me your kisses and I'll give you my heart.


'Give me your kisses and I'll give you my heart' that was something you said to your wife almost everyday. She'd never been able to explain it, the way you would make her feel with a simple sentence.

You had been saying it since you started dating the Australian, the woman would always just blush and tell you that she'd give you however many kisses you wanted. The football player has had your heart under lock and key since the first ever time you'd met her, since the first time you'd looked into her dark and rich brown eyes.

Steph had always just figured that you were quoting some old movie or a poet, she had never actually thought there was more to it.

That was until you were questioned by your teammates, the lot of them always having heard you quote it to your wife.

Your conversation with Katie was interrupted when a tray of food was set down in front of you, having asked your wife to fetch you some lunch so that you could continue your conversation with the Irish player.

Leaning up, you place a sweet kiss to the brunette's lips, cupping her face as well as you could with you sitting down and her standing up.

When you pull away and the woman sits down next to you, you finally say what you were waiting for.

"Oh my sweetest, just give me your kisses and I'll give you my heart." The cheeky smile bestowed upon your face puts one on your love's too. When she looks into your eyes, you cannot help but get lost in endless pools of chocolate brown.

The clearing of a throat across from you has you looking away, the moment between you and your wife having been broken by an impatient Irish.

"So, Y/n why do you always say that thing after you kiss Stephy?" Her heavy Irish accent cuts through the air in an uncomfortably loud way and suddenly all the eyes in the room are on you, just waiting to hear your response.

Clearing your own throat, you simply choose to act stupid.

"What thing? I don't say anything" Your eyes flit around the faces of the room and you could see just how in disbelief they were at your poor attempt at acting dumb.

"Come on, you always say that thing, give me your kisses and I'll give you my heart after you kiss her. Why?" You'd give it to her, the woman was persistent.

Looking up at the ceiling, you choose not to meet anyone's eye, not even your wife's.

"Hmm, well my grandfather always said it to my grandma before they passed, and I guess it just stuck with me. He'd always tell me that wives needed that little extra bit of loving, so it just became something I said." Tearing up, you can't even see the heartfelt smile painted on Steph's face when she looks up at you.

Placing her head on your shoulder, she rubs your back with the hand that's closest to your body. Her tries at comforting you slowly but surely works and within the span of 5 minutes, you're back to the smiling charismatic Y/n that everyone knew and loved.

Later that night, when Steph lays next to you in your bed she can't help but gaze upon the peaceful expression you're wearing.

The way you always made her feel so loved was one of the many things she adored about you, and she couldn't wait to spend the rest of her life feeling as loved as she felt every day with you.

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