Season Opener

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prompt 18. -Only I belong with you and only you, babe.

prompt 19. -I think of her so much it drives me crazy.


After a successful but tiring start of the season match, the only thing you want to do is go back to the locker room and sit down for some rest. Of course that is not what you end up doing, instead you join your injured girlfriend in doing a victory lap around the stadium, taking pictures with fans and signing autographs.

After a while of signing, your hand starts to cramp up and you can't help but feel slightly empty. Looking to your side, you quickly find that your girlfriend no longer is there, the simple reason for the emptiness you're feeling.

Turning your head away from the screaming, red clad crowd, your eyes flit over the backs of your friends and simultaneous teammates to find that of the short blondes.

A couple of seconds into scanning the team for the Austrian, you catch sight of her side profile, her messy hair falling down like a stream of water over her face. The girl seemingly senses the intense gaze situated on her, and she responds by meeting it, the shorter girl's stare equally as intense as yours.

Your eyes soften in a way that is uniquely meant for her, love expressed all through one look.

That same lovesick expression doesn't last long though as you see a fan leaning over the railings, nearly falling over them, touching your girl's arm flirtily and batting her eyelashes aggressively. Laura seems almost oblivious to the flirting, speaking animatedly to the fan and wifting her arms around, unknowingly throwing the girl's hands off her.

You stand there, frozen, for what seems like an eternity as the big green monster inside you grows. It isn't until the fan brushes a piece of Laura's fallen hair out of her face and behind her ear that your system's finally rebooted and set on destroying that fan.

Marching demandingly towards the woman intent on flirting with your girlfriend, you only speed up as you hear the tailend of her question.

"-So, can I get your number?" The fan asks, her nonchalant tone having a slight quiver to it, cluing you into how they really felt. Stomping feet make deep marks in the bright green pitch, the feet belonging to you, the anger mixed with jealousy making for a dangerous and destructive combination.

The red that clouds your vision seemingly makes you deaf too, not hearing Laura's response to the frankly stupid question.

"Ummm, no. I have a girlfriend that I think about so much it drives me crazy." Leaning your sweaty body on the shorter girl, you press a sloppy kiss to her forehead, one that she can't help but smile at. Her smile could light up the entire stadium if it had the chance. "Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Hi Schatz!"

The beaming smile directs up towards you when your hand travels down from its place on her shoulder to the small of her back, sitting there possessively. The smile falters slightly when she sees that you're not looking back at her, but rather at the fan.

Your venomous gaze was almost as poisonous as a black mamba, if not more. The girl who looks to be about as old as you cowers back in her seat, willing you to stop staring, only you don't.

After about 15 seconds of pure staring on your behalf, Laura decides to intervene. She does this by dragging you in the direction of the locker room, and yet you don't break the staring contest you have with the back of the fan's head until she's completely out of sight.

You two don't get very far before you're pulling the younger girl into a storage closet, and pushing her against the door. Arms going tightly around her waist, you quickly stuff your face in her neck, marking the soft pale skin there.

"Only I belong with you, and only you baby." You almost growl into the vicinity of her neck, and the Austrian girl lets out a symphony of sounds at the firm tone the words are spoken in.

When you feel satisfied with the deep dark red marks scattered all over her neck, you make your way out of the broom closet and back to the locker room, where you receive teasing wooos and other teasing comments. Stina even pulls your girl closer to inspect her neck better.

You could handle teasing from the team as long as it meant that no one would flirt with your girl.

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