Field Trip

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prompt 52; Shh, stop moving.

Field trips with the Arsenal team, that did not involve away games, were frankly rare. They usually happened once in a blue moon whenever the stars aligned and Jonas thought that the team had done a good enough job on the pitch to skip training.

Somehow the team had managed to convince Jonas to plan a day trip just after the season ended, the sun standing proudly in the sky as you sit on the bus taking you to the activity. Jonas hadn't told you what exactly you would be doing, but it surely did take a lot of time to get there.

You spent the time divided between your teammates, playing card games or gossiping, before finally retreating back to the arms of your longtime girlfriend. You had been missing her while socializing with the others, the smiley girl's touch enough to make your knees weak.

You slide down in the seat that had been left vacant next to your girl for the last 45 minutes, she immediately notices your presence beside her. She slides her hand into yours, needing your touch just as much as you need hers. You bring your joined hands up to your mouth, kissing the back of hers before starting to fiddle with her fingers and the few rings that sat upon them.

A slight blush covers her face as she looks at your face with an indescribable amount of love in her eyes, she doesn't even notice the lull in the conversation when she doesn't respond and how there suddenly is a hand waving in front of her face.

"Beth, are you listening? You haven't been responding," Viv says, staring dramatically at the girl. Beth looks back at her best friend, telling her that she did in fact listen to the taller girl.

Another 20 minutes go by, Beth still talking with the dutch girl while you are sitting silently, your arm now around her shoulders. The bus stops suddenly, right outside of a farm with a big red barn and different types of fencing around pieces of land where the animals could go free.

"Alright team, as you can see we will be spending the day at this farm. We will go on a guided tour, learning all about farm life before you all get to go free." The team nods at Jonas' words, filing out of the big bus as you stand in a line in front of the large vehicle.

The guide comes up to you, introducing herself quickly and looking you up and down. It's not something you notice, way too much in your own world, but it is something that Beth notices. A feeling rises up in Beth's chest. It's not news that people thought you were attractive, but it was something about this tour guide that made her want to strangle someone(preferably the tour guide).

Beth separates herself from your side as you all begin to walk on the mud caked walk leading up to the biggest barn. Under the entire duration of the tour, the woman at the front of the group flirted with you, whether that be a subtle wink or a full on flirty line about how you were so strong.

The others had seemingly started to pick up on it too, sending her dirty looks every time she sent you flirty looks and flirted so openly. The only one to seemingly not pick up on it, was you. They knew you were oblivious, I mean it had taken you a full year of very obvious hints from your girlfriend before you had asked her out, but to not pick up on such obvious flirting was beyond you.

You couldn't understand why Beth had separated herself from you completely, not even locking her pinky with yours. Something was obviously wrong, and you would have to figure that out before she closed herself off even more.

You slip up behind her as the tour nears its end, clamping one hand over her mouth and picking her up with the other. She tenses for a moment before she starts to thrash in your hold, trying to get you to let her loose.

"Shh, stop moving. It's me, I just want to talk in private." Beth's previously tense and thrashing body stills and you loosen your grip on her, hand sliding down to grip her hand to pull her with you towards the big red barn.

As soon as you reach it, the two of you hide behind it. You're slightly out of breath from the running as you look around the corner for the group, Beth's body between you own and the red wall of the barn.

"They shouldn't notice that we're gone for like 5 minutes, and to find us it would take another 5 minutes. So we have 10 total minutes to talk." You look down at her flushed face, suddenly realizing how close you were.

Leaning down, you place a lingering kiss on her mouth, one hand on her waist and one on her jaw. You pull away before you can get too carried away, remembering why you brought her there in the first place.

"Beth, what happened before?" You ask her, looking directly into her eyes. She looks away briefly before looking back into your eyes, hers full of innocence.

"What do you mean?" The innocence in her tone matches that of her eyes, yet you don't believe her for one single second.

"Oh really, then why were you glaring holes into the back of that guide's head? Was that because you were totally fine?" You weren't as clueless as you first looked, you knew why she had been so distant as soon as you looked into her eyes, they always expressed everything she was feeling despite her trying to mask it.

"I- I- you-she looked at you like you were a prize to be won over with her horrid pick up lines and non subtle winks. I didn't like it." She mumbles, looking down towards the thick and long grass. Your hand settles under her chin, moving her head up to meet your gaze, a slight smirk on your face.

"So you were jealous?" She looks away from you again at your teasing comment, an embarrassed blush overtaking her face.

You pull her attention back to you, her eyes finding yours again as she searches for the truth in your words.

"There is nothing wrong with being jealous, baby. To tell you a secret, it was quite hot to see you glaring at that weirdo. I mean does she not know that I have the most wonderful amazing fucking girlfriend in the world?" You tell her, rolling your eyes at the thought of another girl flirting with you, especially in front of your girlfriend.

"I will love you until the end of time, no tour guide is going to take me away from you. That is certain." You lean down, placing a passionate kiss on your girlfriend's lips. She quickly deepens the kiss, the once simple kiss turning into a heavy makeout session behind the barn.

"Oh my god! I have to bleach my eyes after seeing that." You two her the Dutch accent connected to your shared best friend, and when you look towards her she's covering her eyes with her hand. "Come on before the others notice that you're gone."

You steal one last kiss from your incredible girlfriend before you follow Viv, Beth's hand in yours.

When you rejoin the group you see the tour guide looking towards you with a flirty gaze. It makes you want to gag, but instead you pull Beth in for another deep kiss and make sure that she's watching you. The girls around you cheer you on as you kiss, and you fix the woman at the front of the group with a stern look, telling her that you only belonged with one woman and that you didn't appreciate her flirting at all.

"God I love you so much" You steal one last kiss from the shorter girl before continuing to look around the farm curiously. Beth once again looks at you with the most love filled look in her eyes, not believing she had someone who loved her as strongly as you did.

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