All Mine

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W.C. - 1,3 k

prompt 22. -I can't describe what I'm feeling. prompt 116. -Baby you're all mine.


Weight training. One of the most annoying things ever to a certain footballer, you wanted to be out on the pitch playing with your friends, not be in a crowded weight room. It wasn't that you weren't strong, you were incredibly so, but it was just incredibly boring.

But, there was one thing that made the long rhythmic sessions worth it. That was being able to shamelessly stare at your girlfriend, a favorite on your part being when she was squatting. It's been your forever favorite.

You had been caught staring at your girl so many times that you weren't even phased by the immense teasing you got for it, no you just continued staring while nodding every once in a while.

Today though, you wouldn't even have the opportunity to do it as Jonas had made the conscious decision to place you with all the youngins. Even he had noticed your decline in productivity when you were close to your Aussie.

This meant that you had to be supervising the youngsters and train, it was just a disaster waiting to happen.

Chatting with McCabe before the session was to start, you're quickly pulled away by the infamous duo of Gio and Katherine, each of them tugging on one arm. You can't do anything but mouth a 'help me' to the Irish woman, who just decides to laugh at you.

"Y/n/n it's time to start!" The Brazilian drags every word in the sentence out, speaking in a sing-songy voice.

"Wait, where's Vic? And the rest of the youngsters?" You ask in a confused tone, not seeing any of your younger teammates.

"Oh Viccy's late, she'll arrive later. For now you're stuck with us" Katherine tells you, the two of them looking at each other mischievously when they hear your loud groan.

"Alright then, let's do this. You two can start with whatever dumbbell you like, I presume you've already warmed up?" The vigorous nods you get just make you sigh, a long day before you.

Even though you couldn't see Steph, she could definitely see you. The way your sleeves were pulled up around your shoulders made her mouth water, muscles flexing in a way that catered to her taste perfectly.

Yet, as she looks over towards you for the tenth time, Steph can't help the uncomfortable burning feeling in her stomach.

It wasn't like she wanted it to happen, but when she sees Gio stand behind you, her hands on your waist as you squat, she truly cannot help it.

Steph wasn't a jealous person at all, but the thought of anyone other than her touching you like that had her infuriated.

Worst thing was that she couldn't look away, not even if she tried. She was simply glued.

Her saving grace came in the form of a vigorous tapping to her thigh, the Aussie having completely forgotten that she was spotting a player of her own.

Picking the bar up from Caitlin's chest, she can hear the forward grumbling absentmindedly while she looks over to you once again.

Thankfully, you'd moved on to another exercise, otherwise she might've combusted.

The rest of the training session goes off without a hitch, you joining your suspiciously quiet girlfriend in walking back to the locker room when you're done.

Steph doesn't say anything to you even as you both get out of the locker room, neither does she say anything when you get in the car or when you arrive home.

It isn't until you're both inside the comfort of your own home that you decide to ask her about it, the defender keeping her eyes cast downwards to the floor instead of looking you in the eye.

"What's wrong love?" You ask her cautiously, trying to get her to look at you and not the hardwood.

"Nothing" Her thick Australian accent gives away how she really feels, and she herself knows it. Maybe that's why she mumbles the words into her coat.

"Love, I can't hear what you're saying." Placing your pointer finger directly below her jaw, you lift her head so that she's finally looking at you. "What's going on baby?"

"I- today when Gio was spotting you, I just felt..." She lets out a groan, the inability to express her feelings frustrating her like no other. "I can't describe what I'm feeling"

Steph's arms wrap around you, her face burying into your chest.

"Do you want me to help you?" The defender nods her head, arms tightening around you. "Did you feel sad?" A shake of her head. "Did you feel happy?" Another shake of her head.

It continues for another minute before you finally, in a teasing tone, get to the emotion she was feeling.

"Did you feel jealous?" The hesitant nod she gives you has a surprised chuckle escaping your mouth, genuinely shocked that she felt jealous.

"Don't laugh at me, she was touching what's mine. You're all mine and no one except me should be allowed to touch you like that" The brunette looks up at you, fiery jealousy spreading like a wildfire throughout her.

"Oh, am I now? Well why don't you show them who I belong to then my love?" The suggestive tone your voice bears is hard to miss, and Steph immediately gets the hint.

Getting up on her tiptoes, she connects your lips in a way that has your knees buckling underneath you. Her hands move up to your hair, tugging and tangling her fingers in it like it was the last thing she'd ever do.

Gasping, the defender slips her tongue into your mouth, kissing you possessively and passionately. Without letting up on the kiss, Steph starts to walk you towards the living room, your thoughts consumed by her and only her.

When the back of your knees hit the soft cushions of the couch, you break the seal of your lips, sitting down and leaning against the cushions.

Steph sits down in your lap with one leg on each side of your thighs, straddling you. She doesn't even give you any time to settle before connecting your lips in an even more heated kiss, the defender moving your limp hands to her waist before moving her own to your hair.

In a flash, her kisses move down to your jaw and even further down your neck, sucking and biting at all parts of your neck. You can even feel the smile against your skin when she hears the sounds slipping out of your mouth, it only spurring her on more.

"Baby, you're. All. Mine. Not Gio's, mine." She grumbles between kisses, the entirety of your neck filled with deep dark bruises. Pulling back, the Aussie admires her work.

Her finger grasp at the sides of your jaw, pulling your head in different directions to get a better view of all the hickies she'd left, you still panting slightly. Humming, Steph thinks for a second before she moves her hands down to the hem of your shirt, tugging on it.

"Take your shirt off baby" She whispers in your ear, kissing the spot just below it. Immediately you do as she tells you, tugging the shirt off hastily.

She kisses you one last time on the lips before moving to place even darker marks on your collar bones, all the skin that would be visible to the public eye (and a lot that wouldn't be visible) was covered in blackish purple marks.

Soon enough the skies are as dark as the marks littering your upper body, laying beside your girl in your shared bed.

Both of your phones having been turned off since long, neither of you being bothered with the notifications from your instagrams.

It wasn't just your teammates who needed to know that you were hers, but the entire world too. Steph posting a picture of your hickey littered neck to her story with the caption, all mine.

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