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"Have you got everything we need? Sunscreen? Towels? My sudoku's?"

"Check. Check and check. I've got everything we need Lee, and even if I did the other girls are gonna pack plenty of things. You've seriously going to have to calm down, we're spending the day at the beach."

"Yeah I guess you're right, I'm sorry"

"You've got nothing to apologize for, my love. Now come on, let's go."

You put your hands on her waist, pulling her in for a kiss full of love. The beach bag is slung haphazardly over your right shoulder after you'd checked its contents as per Leah's request. The two of you had been invited to an Arsenal beach outing, the last meeting before everyone shipped off to Australia for the World cup.

Releasing her waist from your iron grip, you walk out the door side by side with your fiancée but not before stealing another quick kiss from her usually pouting lips. You unlock the car for Leah remotely as you lock up the house, triple checking that your house was locked up before joining Leah in the car. Settling into the driver's seat, you lean back and put the bag in the backseat before putting the key in the keyhole and starting the engine.

With one hand on the wheel and one on the back of Leah's headrest, you look through the back window as you maneuver your way out of the driveway. Leah can't resist pressing a soft kiss against the exposed skin of your neck, resulting in you stopping your movements entirely too distracted by the affection from your favorite person.

Waking from your slight trance, you continue your earlier actions of backing out. DJ Williamson makes her appearance as she connects her phone to the aux and starts to play the playlist she made specially for the two of you, made up of your shared favorite songs and lyrical pieces.

Jamming out, you've driven about half of the journey when the music gets cut off and the sound of someone calling replaces it. Seeing the face of a certain Irish captain paired with 'Leprechaun 🇮🇪🍀' clues you in to who's calling you. Accepting the call you are instantly met with the screaming voice of Katie Mccabe floating around the air of the enclosed space of the car.

"Ey! Where are ya? We've been here for a while now"

"My dear Katie, we're there in like 10 minutes don't you worry. Did you manage to drag Ruesha with you?"

"I sure did" You hear the sound of the phone being passed through the speakers in the car, enforcing every little sound coming from the other end of the phone.

"You asked for me, darling?"

"Rue, my love! How you doing? Been missing you, yeah" You and Ruesha had clicked as soon as you had met and became best friends faster than the Flash could run, ever since then you've been calling each other pet names for fun. What made it even more fun was how your partners hated it, your favorite activity outside of football was to annoy them two.

"Been dealing with my crybaby, but otherwise I've been alright darling. How about you? How's it been dealing with Grumps?" Snorting at the nickname Ruesha's given Leah, you can feel her glare burning into the side of your face.

"Leah's been much less grumpy since I proposed, maybe you should take a page out of my book and pop the question to Katie so she'll stop being so feisty." The words falling from your lips are words you know are going to come into fruition within the next couple weeks, Ruesha having told you her plans as soon as you told her yours.

A 'hey!' comes from the background of the call, Katie clearly having heard your comment on her feistiness.

"Right, we're pulling in now so we'll see you soon." Surprisingly it's not you who speaks this time, instead it's Leah who ends the call when she's done.

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