Koala Bear

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prompt 50; I don't really want to pull away

"Yeah, that's how you do it!" You scream into Viv's face, the Dutch woman having scored just a few moments before due to a perfectly placed ball coming from your feet.

You gather the older girl into your arms, clutching onto her jersey in a way that allows for you to lift her from the ground. She squeals as her feet leave the ground and she wraps her legs around your waist to not fall down, leaving you stuck in a koala grip as the rest of the team envelop you two in a group hug.

You and Viv get a few pats on the back and a few shouts of 'good job' before the team starts to part, going back to their positions on the field. You start to make the motion of doing it yourself, but Viv doesn't seem to want to let go.

You loosen your grip on her until your arms are situated loosely under her thighs, but Viv just clings on tighter to your body.

"Viv, you have to let go, we have to go back." She doesn't even react to your words, she just buries her face in your neck as you start to make your way back to the middle of the field.

"I don't really want to pull away" She mumbles right in your neck as you carry her, the circle in the middle of the field nearing.

"How about this? I'll carry you everywhere after the game if you let me go." You say right into her ear, the woman clinging to your frame shivering slightly.

You feel how her legs loosen their grip around your waist as she slides down your body, feet hitting the ground as she sighs. You give her a quick pat on the butt as she jogs back to her position, Viv's cheeks darkening beyond the flush of the exertion from the game.

True to your word, you pick Viv up as soon as the game finishes, bringing her to the locker room where she changes before planting herself on your lap. She straddles your sitting form, laying her head on your shoulder as she nearly falls asleep with the help of your body warmth.

Your arm settles under her thighs again as you stand up, thankful for the extra strength sessions you had been doing. You pick up both of your bags while the rest of the team teases you both, poking Viv's squished cheek and shooting off teasing comments towards the both of you.

She awakes slightly as you set her down in the passenger seat, losing the warmth from your body, but the bumps of the road and the hand on her thigh soon lures her back into the darkness of the welcoming sleep.

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