Hold Me

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prompt 55. -Just hold me now.


"Baby, I'm home!" Your voice is heard all throughout the hallway as you kick off your shoes. The house you live in with your wife is suspiciously quiet, the only sound being the pitter patter of Calvin's paws against the floor.

Giving Calvin an egregious amount of pets, you soon move to remove the coat from your shoulders. Your confusion only heightens when Steph doesn't come and give you your normal 'welcome home kiss' as she called it.

Looking around at the white walls of your newly purchased home, you hear the slightest bit of quiet chatter coming from the living room. Your sock clad feet thump against the floor as you make your way to the large room with your tv in it.

The look on your face when you enter the room is just hilarious, looking closer to a deer in headlights than a human.

Because there sat your wife...and all her Arsenal teammates, the teammates you'd never met formally before, the teammates that didn't know you existed.

Looking around at their varying expressions, your eyes finally land on a familiar face, that of the skipper. The older woman had come over at the...wrong time once, leading you to having to explain exactly who you were and why you were in the same bed as her teammate.

Next to her is your wife, who has the same expression as you, only slightly more horrified. She knows that you'll both have to answer questions like the ones Kim had posed all those years ago, only 10 times worse.

"Aye, who's this now?" The painstakingly recogniseable accent of one Katie McCabe startles you out of your thoughts and you snap your head in her direction before turning your head back to look at Steph.

At the sight of her nod, you turn back to Katie with a nonchalant look.

"I'm Stephy's wife" Holding up your hands, you both watch the shock wash over the other girl's faces, well everyone except Kim's.

After 1 second of quiet, the room suddenly explodes with voices, the girls throwing out questions haphazardly. You walk over to the love seat Steph had been sitting in, she stands up so that you can sit down before setting herself down in your lap.

You wait for the girl to get comfortable before interrupting the chaos.

"Hey! One question at a time please, that way you'll get your answers more clearly." Your voice carries all through the room, and to your surprise the group of women quiet almost instantly. You get a hum and a nod from the skipper, not even her being able to calm them down that fast.

"Okay, first question!"

"How long has this been going on?" Your wife's national teammate asks, Caitlin looking at you two expectantly.

"Well we've been married for 4 years now-" You start off the answer, the women looking around at each other in shock not thinking you'd been married for more than a couple months.

"-But we've been together since we were 15" Steph finishes off with a toothy grin, interlocking your hands at the front of her body. It only takes another second until the room explodes once again, and the loud noise makes her tuck her head in under your chin.

Soon enough your hands come up to cover her ears, the woman sighing into your neck at the relief it brought. Not long after that, the skipper managed to reign the team in so the interrogation could continue.

"How could you not tell us? More importantly, how could we not catch you once during nearly 15 years?" Caitlin questions once again, and you look at Steph adoringly.

"You wanna take this one my love?" Pressing a kiss to her temple, you can hear the awws coming from the team.

"In the beginning it was new for both of us, and we didn't feel the need to tell you, but then in a snap 3 years had gone by and then it was already too late to tell you. We just figured you'd find it out in your own time, but you didn't" Steph ends it off with a shrug.

The rest of the girls look on in disbelief as your girl continues.

"As for you not catching us, that's your own fault. I mean there were some close calls..." Just for good measure, Steph adds a wink to the end of her sentence.

"OHHH so that's what you were doing in that storage closet, ewww" Caitlin can't help but shudder at the thought that just ran through her head.

"Okay, more questions?" You ask to divert the attention from your wifes now rosy cheeks, knowing she'd be teased for it later.

"What do you do for a living?" The young Australian asks, Kyra not really looking you in the eye.

"Well I'm a professor in History and English, and sometimes I substitute for the math teacher." You smile softly at the shy girl, your wife having told you of her appreciation for the young girl.

The Australian youngster perks up at the mention of you being a teacher, the girl having question upon question for you. You're so preoccupied with the young girl that you don't even realize the lovestruck look your Australian love sends you. But the rest of them do, choosing not to say anything in fear of destroying the moment.

A while later it's time to say goodbye, and after promising to come to their games more often plus hugging your second favorite Australian extra tightly, they all finally leave.

Collapsing on the couch, the long day finally catches up to you like it always does. Steph helps you into a pair of pjs before helping you brush your teeth, your hands squeezing at her waist every so often to show that you were awake.

After brushing her own teeth, the woman leads you to bed where after crawling under the covers you ask;

"Hey baby, could you just hold me now?" The Australian just hums in response, curling her body around your taller one as best as she can.

She was just the perfect woman, your first and only love.

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