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prompt 57. -It feels like you don't care.

prompt 77. -We may never, ever meet again.


"LIA! Will you just stop and listen to me for once!?" It had been long overdue, you snapping, but this time it had just gone way too far for you not to react.

You had signed for Arsenal when you were 22, and found your love at 23. Now 2 years later, you've gotten an offer from the world's biggest club, Barcelona.

Frankly it would be stupid to turn the offer down, but you were more hesitant than you'd ever been. I mean, you had your love and all your friends in North London, but on the other hand the board had been toying with you and your contract extension for months now.

You would think that your girlfriend of 2 years would be happy for the incredible opportunity you got, but when you told her of the record offer from the massive club she just shut down. Ever since then she'd been ignoring you for most of the time.

As for you, you'd tried everything in the playbook to get her to talk to you but it always led to arguments, like now.

"It feels like you don't care, not about me and not about our relationship" You sigh out, just tired of the constant arguments. "I mean, when was the last time you looked me in the eyes? The last time you told me you love me, huh? Weeks."

Lia looks at you, stunned. She hadn't even thought about how her behavior affected you, only how much it hurt her that you were thinking of leaving.

Now that you're standing before her, in your shared apartment, packing your clothes into a suitcase to take with you to the Spanish city it all just becomes so real to the girl. She was really about to lose you because of her own stupidity and inability to be happy for you when it meant that she had to be sad.

"You know if you do this, we may never ever meet again?" Lia's shaky voice finally comes out of her mouth, the words having been stuck there. She hears how you pause in zipping up the suitcase, but then you start back up again.

Cupping the older woman's face, you press your lips to hers in what could be your last ever kiss, tender and loving. The kiss telling the woman that you'd always love her, even if it was from afar. Leaning your forehead against hers, you sigh before moving away slightly.

"I guess this is it for now. You will always be my dearest, I hope you know that. No matter what happens, I'll always love you, from the moon and back." Lia stands still in the place where you left her, eyes still closed. The tears only start to fall when she hears the echoing click from the door closing.

Lia's body drops to the ground, heartbreaking sobs wracking her body. As you stand outside of the front door that once lead to the place you called home, you can't help but let out your own sob in despair.

All you wanted to do was run back into the apartment and apologize, telling your love that you didn't mean it and that you were staying, but then you'd be lying. You were moving after all, to Barcelona and away from your love, away from all your friends.

Oh how were you going to make it without your greatest love by your side, through all the good and bad, all the hard and easy, through the ups and downs.

That was something you'd have to figure out during the 2 hour flight to your new home, for the foreseeable future...

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