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W.C.- 1,7 k

prompt 8. -Loving you was a hazard, so I got my heart a helmet. prompt 11. -Oh I'm down on my hands and knees, begging you please. prompt 13. -I'm feeling so tired, really falling apart.


You knew it was risky to date the 'fuckgirl' of the team, but as she flashed you that cheesy loving smile, all those worries slipped to the back of your head. She was no longer the hot girl that your teammates told you to stay away from, she was just your Leah.

Your Leah that would kiss you oh so tenderly, your Leah who would look you in the eyes and tell you she loved you, your Leah who had you convinced that she'd changed. Your Leah who wasn't yours.

When you notice the first signs of your declining relationship, you outright chose to ignore them. To this day you can't understand why you did what you did, maybe you had inherited the same naivety as your mother, maybe you were just too in love with the blonde.

Either way, it didn't matter, not when she wasn't yours to love.

When Leah started password protecting all her devices like she had done in the earliest stages of your relationship, you should have packed your bags and left. But you didn't listen to that gut feeling that told you something was up, now you know to always trust your gut.

Then came the secrecy, the one that made you feel so stupid and like you were a stranger in your own relationship. Leah would leave you at random points during the day, claiming that the physio needed her to come in for a 'quick session', technically she wasn't wrong it was just a different type of session than you thought.

After that most of the sweet, intimate moments began to wither away. You no longer got a kiss goodbye nor did you get to do something as simple as hold her hand. And when you finally did get an intimate moment with her, it was like she didn't mean her actions. She didn't mean the kiss she would press so feather light to your lips, the kiss that once meant so much.

Leah was slipping through your fingers, and the worst thing was that there was nothing you could do about it.

But it was really when she started to come home with gifts after her every outing that the pattern truly emerged. It was eerily similar to how it had been when your father had been having an affair with his secretary. You feel so incredibly stupid when all the puzzle pieces finally fall into place, of course history has to repeat itself. I mean it was just your luck.

No matter how disgusting you feel at the thought of invading Leah's privacy, it was essential for you to get your proof.

So when Leah decides to take a shower at your place after another 'session' with the physio, you take the opportunity to look through her phone.

It only takes you two tries to get it unlocked, the woman having the audacity to have it as your birthday. It takes even less time to find the proof you need, the overly suggestive comments between her and one of the assistant physios telling you everything you needed to know about their less than appropriate activities.

By the time Leah exits the bathroom in one of your fluffy towels, you've already screenshotted it and sent it to your phone, the naked photos on her phone so revolting that you have to keep yourself from throwing up all over your expensive rug.

"What are you doing with my phone?" Leah questions carefully, her wet hair splayed over her strong shoulders and dripping onto your floor.

"What in the fuck does it look like I'm doing Leah fucking Williamson?" You shoot back at her, the usually overconfident woman retreating back at your tone.

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