Blessing In Disguise

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W.C. - 1.8 k

prompt 30. -Maybe it's a blessing in disguise.


Signing for a new club is supposed to be fun, exciting and sometimes even scary. For you, all those emotions were robbed from you by a girl who'd decided to break your heart.

The relationship hadn't been going on for long, only a couple of months, but in that short period of time you had managed to fall for the girl completely. The girl who'd only gotten with you for shits and giggles.

So there you stood, taking pictures in the red Arsenal kit, all while trying not to cry. 'Stupid, stupid people. Stupid, stupid me.' You think, biting your cheek lightly as the photographer calls for you to do another pose.

'Olaf and puppies, just keep thinking about Olaf and puppies.' You have to keep from snorting at your own thoughts, the children's character always turning your frown upside down.

"YES! That's it, there's that smile!" The shouted words startle you slightly, but what startles you even more is the Irish accent that accompanies them. You hadn't even noticed anyone else sneaking into the room.

"Katie! How'd you get in?" The American accent of the photographer contrasts the harsh Dublin of one Katie McCabe.

"Through the door" She pauses in the middle of her sentence to roll her eyes overenthusiastically. "I wanted to meet the newbie before anyone else" She nearly shouts, sticking her hand out for you to shake.

As soon as you grasp it, she pulls your much taller frame into her own. Her strong arms wrap around your waist, your left arm wrapping around her shoulders reluctantly.

She pulls away from the embrace nearly as quickly as she started it, leaving you to strangely enough, miss her touch.

"You are much taller than you look in the pictures!" The signature smile she flashes you has your knees weakening slightly, butterflies fluttering their wings inside you in a completely different way than it had for that girl.

This time it was more than just attraction, you could sense that she was a genuine person.

"What d'ya mean?" Katie feels her heart flutter at the furrow in your brow, heart eyes forming despite having met officially only moments before.

"I've seen pictures of ya, you look short" You send the multi positional player a playful glare, the woman herself having to tilt her head up to look you in the eye.

"Sure I do Mickey, sure I do." Now it's her turn to look confused, the nickname something entirely new to her.

"Mickey? Where'd you get that from?" Her accent continues to play with your heart, if a heart monitor had been connected to you then it would show a clear spike in heart rate.

"I guess you'll just have to figure it out because I won't tell you Mickey." Out of your peripherals you can see the photographer giving up.

"Girls, if you could both face me for a second so that we can get a decent photo" Mr. Photographer calls out sassily, tapping his foot against the floor in wait. When Katie looks you in the eye, you both have to keep from laughter.

Turning towards the man, Katie slips her arm back around your waist while you place your arm around her shoulders. Your other hand makes the motion of pointing at her, the Irish woman smiling brightly.

After a few clicks of the camera, Mr. Photographer lets you start to pack up, ready to go back to your hotel.

"You want a ride home?" With your back to her, you don't notice Katie's intense gaze settled on your back. Her eyes scan the entirety of your backside, getting stuck on your ass for a few seconds too long.

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