Bound To Falling In Love

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prompt 100. Bound to falling in love


Many people believe that soulmates don't exist, that they simply are a fictional story that the ancient Romans told to deceive their people. If only those people knew of you and Vivianne, then they'd realize exactly how wrong they were. The two of you were simply bound to fall in love.

Your mother had known Vivianne's since birth, much like you and Viv had, because your grandmothers had been childhood friends. They had always joked that they created two generations of friends, which they did funnily enough.

Your fathers had been friends with each other long before they met your mothers too, the two of them hitting it off after having met at a football game when they were 14.

And just like that, the formula for a soulmate was made.

This belief was only heightened when your mothers had you only minutes apart, Viv born slightly before the clock hit 00.00 and you slightly after, putting your birthdays on two different days.

But still, when you were old enough to decide whether you two wanted to keep having shared birthday parties or if you wanted separate ones, you both chose to keep having shared ones. You didn't want to be apart for longer than necessary.

Your mothers first realized your relationship differed from theirs when Viv and you were about 4. They had caught you kissing each other after having left you alone for a couple of moments.

The two of them pulled you to two different corners of the playroom, where they explained that you only kiss the people you love romantically, well they explained as well as they could to 4 year olds.

They were not even surprised when they got identical answers from the both of you, telling your respective mothers that you loved each other.

That's when they knew, knew that you two were bound to fall in love.

Your fathers however found out years later when you two were nine years old. The two men would always catch you and Viv cuddling, after school or a particularly difficult training session, on the couch or in your beds.

But they never thought that there was anything more to it, just innocent cuddling between friends. It was only when the men were climbing up the ladder to the tree house they'd built the two of you that they finally realized that there was something to it.

You and Viv had managed to convince your parents that you were old enough to sleep in the tree house alone, and when they finally agreed to it you were both ecstatic.

So when the fathers went up to check on you two, they did not expect you to be in the same sleeping bag nor did they expect you to be looking at each other the way they looked at their wives.

You were laying with your head on Vivi's chest, looking up at her as if she hung the moon and the stars while she read softly to you.

They slowly went back down the rope ladders placed on their respective sides of the fence that separated their yards. The tree in which they built the tree house crossed over into both of your yards, hence it having one ladder on Viv's side and one on yours.

The men disappear back into your house, seeing their wives chatting with each other, a glass of wine in their hands. Your father shrugs, taking two beers out of the fridge and handing one of them to Viv's father.

"MHM," Viv's father starts off, gaining the ladies' attention. "Have you noticed the girls being extra close?" The ladies shake their heads in order to deny it

"Because we were just checking up on them, and they were in the same sleeping bag and Y/n was looking at Viv the way I look at you schat." Your father slings his arm around your mother's waist, kissing her head.

The two women parallel to each other give each other a look before telling their husbands;

"They've been in love with each other-" "-Since they were like 3" They finish each other's sentences.

Their husbands look at the other in shock, apparently being quite oblivious to the love their daughters shared.

That's when your fathers knew that you were bound to fall in love.

Funnily enough, the two ladies who claimed to be the ones to get you two together, were the ones who found out last in your family.

You were both 14, it being 11 years since you shared your first kiss together. You two didn't feel like putting a label on your love, when you were together you weren't Vivianne Miedema and Y/n Y/l/n the dutch wonderkids, you were just Vivi and Y/n/n - the girls who'd been madly in love with each other since before you could express it properly.

You were at a family gathering when the two elderly ladies found out, the two of them walking in on you kissing each other passionately.

The sound of the women clearing their throats startled you both, pulling away from the soft embrace quickly and looking at the older women with fear in your eyes.

They sit you both down to tell you that they weren't disappointed in you, but instead rather pleased that you'd FINALLY gotten together after all these years. They said that they'd always known that you two were soulmates and bound to fall in love.

And if you knew anything after all these years together, then it was that you and your Vivi had always been bound to fall in love.

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