Airport Dad

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"RISE AND SHINE EVERYONE, we leave in an hour. I expect everyone to be ready at least five minutes before we go." The girls around you groan at the loud intrusion, all having been asleep only moments before.

You were notorious for being a real pain in the ass when it came to flying. Everyone had to get up bright and early, even if the flight wasn't for another 4 or more hours, or even in the morning. You personally made sure that everyone had their passports and all necessary paperwork, leaving last to make sure that everyone got on the road safely.

"Remind me why we decided it was a good idea to stay over?" Lotte groans out, raising her arms high above her head as she stretches.

"I don't know" Vic groans back to the taller girl, light now hitting her eyes.

"ALESSIA I hate your girlfriend right now." Kyra tells your girlfriend, who's come up behind you to place her head on your shoulder smiling at your friends.

Leaning on the doorframe, you turn your head to press a soft kiss to your girlfriend's lips. She smiles against your lips, her hands coming to settle on your waist.

Gagging is what makes the two of you break from the kiss, turning your heads to see all three of your friends with disgusted expressions on their faces.

"Breakfast's ready, we'll be downstairs if you need us." You tell your friends, the three of them nodding in their sleepy haze.

After a while, both you and Alessia can hear the rushing footsteps thumping against the steps of your stairs. When Kyra comes rushing into the kitchen, sock clad feet gliding all over the floor, neither you nor Alessia are surprised.

"TOAST!" You share a smile with your girlfriend at the Australian's childlike excitement. You do get a little worried about your chairs though as she nearly throws herself into one.

The next two musketeers come down the stairs at a civilized pace, neither of them having the same type of energy as the brunette.

"Eat up, you'll need the energy for today." The girls around the table nod at your words, eating peacefully, or in Kyra's case, very rapidly.

"Less, you feel like helping me bring all the suitcases down?" She nods at you, leaving her seat at the table to go help you.

When you and the forward are fully out of sight and earshot of the other girls, you pull her into a deep kiss. Lips moving frantically against the other's, tongues meeting each other in the middle, her hands in your hair, yours on her waist.

"What's happening up there? Doesn't sound like you're moving any suitcases." Lotte's voice once again interrupts your kiss, and now it's your turn to groan. Your head drops down to Alessia's shoulder, and she laughs at your defeated expression.

"Nothing Lotte!" You shout back at her, separating your body from your girlfriend's.

The two of you start to bring everyone's suitcases down, careful not to let them scratch the floor. Everytime you and Alessia meet at the top of the stairs, you share a sweet kiss, mostly for the sake of your sanity.

Eventually you start to round everyone up, telling them to go brush their teeth and do anything they need before departing from home. There was after all not a very long time until you had to drive to the training grounds to board the bus, a mere 25 minutes.

Unsurprisingly, you had already completed all your tasks long before waking the girls, same as Alessia. You'd been together long enough for her to be accustomed to your habits, and in some cases adopt them for herself.

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