The Best Kept Secrets

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W.C. - 3.7 k


Homecoming! From Barcelona's youth academy to Manchester United and back again, read more about the incredible journey Ona Batlle and Y/n Leòn have made on their way to first team football at the Spanish giants...

The Red Devils lose 2 Spanish superstars as Batlle and Leòn prepare to leave in the summer, read more here...

A package deal! Manchester United stars switch rainy England in exchange for sunny Spain, will we finally get an insight to what makes them so great?

That's what most of the tabloids had sounded like as soon as you and your girlfriend announced that you were leaving the club that had housed you for more than three years, the club that had helped you develop as players and people.

It was bittersweet, you had gotten attached to it after all like anyone would but it was time for a new challenge, and that was apparently having to deal with your older sister every hour of every day.

But having Ona by your side made everything miles better, the constant playful annoyance with your sister melted away as soon as her warm hand slipped into your own, the huge smile on your face something not even Mapi could wipe away.

Although that was a problem, well for Mapi at least. She wasn't the only one who noticed the small seemingly insignificant touches between the two of you, the playful teasing, the stolen glances when you thought no one was looking.

It drove her mad, it was clear that the two of you had some serious feelings for each other and the fact that you were stupid enough to not see it was making her more annoyed than it probably should've. You even lived together, how could you not see how madly in love you were with each other?

But to start from the beginning, when Mapi came to pick you both up from the airport.

"I really hope it's Alexia coming and not Mapi." You groan into your girlfriend's shoulder, sitting on the suitcases that you'd placed into the luggage cart, the sleepiness from the flight translating into grumpiness when you felt her hand stop threading through your hair.

"Come on, I'm not that bad." The second you hear Mapi's voice, your head snaps around, and despite you seemingly having complained about her only moments before, you wrap the smaller woman up tightly in your arms. Ona stays back and watches the interaction with a soft smile on her face.

"She didn't cause you too much trouble, right? I know how she can be." Mapi looks past your body to meet Ona's eye, the brunette smiling softly in return and shaking her head.

"Slept like a baby the entire time." Ona exposes you, joining Mapi in pinching your cheek like an old grandma would.

Slapping away both their hands, you maneuver around so that you can grab the luggage cart, gently pushing it in the direction you thought Mapi had come from.

"Amor, you don't even know where she's parked, you have to wait for us." Your sister's eyebrows furrow at the affectionate nickname, but even more so at you actually listening to the shorter girl, since you were almost globally known to be stubborn beyond comprehension.

She's even more confused when you let Ona sit in the passenger seat, seeing as it was your designated seat that you'd fight for if you had to. It all made her even more suspicious of you, something had clearly happened in England, more than likely between you and the girl next to her.

"When do you two get the keys to your apartments?" Mapi asks, her eyes trained on the road despite her talking. Ona looks back at you, almost questioningly but as you shrug in return, she decides that it's best to just bite the bullet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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