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W.C. - 3.8 k

The long awaited part two of Parents:)


The few days before the season started had always been your favorite, the excited butterflies wreaking havoc in your stomach and the sheer anticipation of getting to play against other teams in the league with the possibility of winning it all, it was just on a whole other level.

The energy around the locker rooms always changed too, everyone sharing the same excited energy about getting to play league football again after a long summer. You had always enjoyed the excitement coursing through your body and you had to wait an entire summer to get it back.

So when you wake up less than a week before the season started with the back of your nose bolting with pain and your throat itching like hell, you cannot believe it. The immense pressure behind your eyes and the pounding headache only makes you feel that much worse.

Your limbs feel heavier than usual as you climb out of bed, the heinous task of putting one foot in front of the other makes your head spin and your vision blackens. In order to not pass out, you took immediate hold of the dresser that stood near your bed, swaying back and forth slightly.

Hot and cold flashes shoot down your arms and legs, and as another stabbing pain shoots through your head you can't keep from letting out a pained hiss.

Your feet drag along the ground as you shuffle towards the kitchen, not ready to start your day what-so-ever. 05.37 flashes bright green as the oven comes into view, loud yawn you let out a sure indication of that.

Opening the cabinet, you reach your hand up and feel around for the crinkling plastic that accompanies the paracetamol, and as the ridged plastic is felt under your fingers you wrap them around the packaging.

Making sure to not make too much sound, as to not wake your parents, you quickly pop a tablet right into your slightly sweaty hand before moving over to the sink and turning on the tap. You fill your mouth with water before popping the pill into your mouth and swallowing quickly, just so that it doesn't start to dissolve in your mouth.

Dragging your feet back to your room, you looked closer to a zombie than you did a 15 year old footballer, the bags under your eyes really encompassing the zombie spirit.


The next time your eyes opened, you somehow felt worse. The pounding headache is only enforced by Lucy's obnoxious shouts of your name, trying to get you to wake up. The loud whining of the door hinges cuts deep into your ears, but the soft footsteps that follow it soothes your ears.

Freezing fingers make contact with your face, stroking softly over your cheekbones as the owner tries a different approach to waking you up. The bed dips beside your covered form, Keira's low voice trying to coax you from the slumber while her hand moves up to scratch at your scalp slightly.

Instead of having a waking effect on you, it slowly lulls you back to sleep, the massage making your brain unscramble and not hurt as much. Your entire body slowly shifts to lay on Keira's instead of the mattress, your head landing on her shoulder as you sling one arm around her in a tight grip.

Soon enough, you're lying fully on top of the older girl who you fully considered a parent, whilst the other one was downstairs wondering what had happened to waking you up.

Keira only looks up from her ministrations when she hears the door open once again, meeting her girlfriends eyes quickly before they move back down to your overheating body. Lucy's steps echo throughout the room when she moves closer to the bed, and as her hand meets your forehead she feels the unusual warmth emitting from the skin there.

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