Sixth Sense

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"-And so she was all like...Less? Alessia, are you listening to me?" Katie taps the shoulder of the taller girl, seemingly zoned out fully.

"Hmm? Uhm, you'll have to tell me later Macca, my Y/n-tingle just went off and I have to make sure she doesn't lose a limb." Jogging towards the dining room at the training ground, Alessia can soon feel Katie's presence right beside her.

"What's the Y/n-tingle?" She questions the younger forward, whom she had taken under her wing.

"When Y/n does anything stupid, dangerous, or the dreaded 2-in-1, I get a...feeling. It's like my spidey-sense..." Alessia's words trail off as they reach the lunch room, being met with the dreaded 2-in-1.

For you were standing on top of a table, decked out in a full bear costume, one foot high in the air and hands high above your head. The ski goggles didn't do you much favor, cutting off your breathing slightly.

"Y/N Y/L/N GET DOWN!" The loud, unexpected voice startles you, the single foot on the table slipping.

The resulting fall feels like one happening in slowmo, your back hitting the table and fully knocking all the wind out of your lungs.

"Ouch" Is the only thing you're able to say as soon as you can get some air into your lungs, hand coming up to rest over your chest.

"Holy shit, that was awesome Y/n!" Your partner in crime says, the girl is also known as one of your bestfriends in the entire world.

"Did you get it on film?" You ask excitedly, seeing Alessia shaking her head disappointedly in your peripheral vision. With the same enthusiasm as before, you waved her over.

"Less! Did you see that!?" The girl drags her feet over to where you're now sitting on the table, standing in between your thighs.

"I sure did baby, it was very dangerous." She tells you matter of factly, brushing her thumb over your cheek lightly.

"Well, when you get triple dog dared to do something, you do it." With a quick kiss to her cheek and an even quicker slap to her butt, you jump off the table and run out the room.

It doesn't take long for your girlfriend to follow your lead, running out of the room to seemingly catch you.

The remaining women in the room look to Kyra, who'd been the one to film.

"Hey, don't look at me! I wasn't the one to triple dog dare her, Caitlin was!" And with that, two more people were running out of the room.


"What would happen if I theoretically jumped off a trampoline and into a pool?" You whisper to the girl laying in your arms, the early morning sun painting the room with its gorgeous orange glow.

"You'd probably hurt yourself, don't even think about doing it." She mumbles sleepily, but firmly at the same time.

"I wasn't thinking about doing i-" You get interrupted before you can even finish your lie.

"Stop lying, I know you better than you know yourself my love." Alessia shoves her face deeper into the crook of your neck, exhaling loudly.

"Let's say I hypothetically-"

"No Y/n, that's dangerous." Her voice holds a tone of finality, signaling the end of the conversation.

"But you haven't even-"

"I know you Y/n, it's dangerous." She presses her fingers into your ribs, the feeling making you giggle.

"Okay, okay, I won't." You tighten your arms around her, the girl not having noticed the way your fingers were crossed behind her back.

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