Where You Belong

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prompt 68. -It's nice to have you back, where you belong.


"Ky I miss you so much" Despite having spent basically the entire summer, well winter technically, in Australia together competing in the World Cup, you missed each other tremendously the second you were apart.

"I miss you even more Y/n/n. I miss your cuddles the most though." The sweet girl sighs out, her cheeks puffing out adorably with her chin resting on one of her forearms. She's clutching her pillow tightly, laying on her stomach.

Letting out a loud gasp in faux shock, you chastise her playfully for the comment.

"Kyra Cooney Cross, I cannot believe you. And to think I believed you liked me for more than just my body." Her giggles fill your bedroom in London over the phone, her bright smile on the screen contrasting the dark nature of your room.

"Well you thought wrong, I'm clearly just using you for your body." She rolls her eyes at you, picking at her nails uninterestedly, but you can see the small smile forming behind her hands.

"Yeah, yeah whatever you say pretty girl" Her hands come up to cover her face, blush apparent between her fingers.

"You think I'm pretty?" She questions as if the answer wasn't already obvious, her beauty just one of the many aspects you loved about her.

"You're the most gorgeous girl in the world lovely, you always have been and you always will be." You tell her softly, gauging her reaction.

She once again just covers her face with her hands, her smile reaching her ears. Sighing, you look at the time on your phone, being an hour behind her, it was late over there in Sweden.

"Ky, it's time to go to bed." You say seriously, her yawn nearly cutting the last of your sentence off. She was clearly exhausted from the long days, like you were. Living without each other was a death sentence, slowly killing you both.

"Just stay on the call until I've fallen asleep would you? It's so hard to sleep without you here."

"Sure my love, but if Arsenal come knocking for ya then you have to accept, I don't know how much longer I can live without you by my side."

The smirk on her face only widens at your words, oh you clearly had no idea.


You were unfocused, that was pretty clear for everyone to see. You were missing even the simplest of passes and you could probably store both of your boots in the bags under your eyes, dark blue and incredibly prominent.

Two sleepless nights in a row created by pure worry was why you were so unfocused. Kyra hadn't spoken to you in days, not even as much as a text that told you she was alive, she had simply disappeared off the face of the earth.

Rubbing your eyes in an attempt to wake up that much more, the worry set deep in your mind didn't falter the slightest bit. Not even when the comforting hand of your captain comes down to rest on your upper back, moving up and down soothingly.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"Mhm, just a little tired." You tell her softly, chin resting on your forearm lightly.

"Yeah, well I think Jonas has someone you might want to meet, with him." Your head perks up, snapping towards the shorter woman, eyes wide open.

"What do you mean?" Kim just smiles at you, nodding her head to the right where a majority of the team is crowded around someone.

In between black clad bodies, you can just see the familiar outline of the person you love the most, hands waving around animatedly.

In an instant you're on your feet, slipping and sliding across the grass in your hurry to get up from your sitting position, hands flat on the ground. When you get up on your feet properly you set off in what can only be described as a jaguar-like run, reaching the mob of people in no-time.

The girl in the middle squeals when she gets picked up all of a sudden, familiar arms wrapping around her waist from behind. The squeals turn into laughter that echoes around the training grounds, her hands clutching around yours.

"Why didn't you call me, lovely? I was worried sick about you." You tell her softly, hands moving from her waist to her face, moving her head around softly as if you were trying to convince yourself she was real. "I was so worried about you, don't ever do that again please." She gets pulled into your body once again, your arms wrapping around her tightly.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to surprise you. I won't do it again, I promise." She mumbles into the material of your shirt, her hands clutching onto the elastics of your shorts, fingers pressing into the skin of your stomach.

Pulling away from her body, you place your hands on her jaw, cupping her face softly. You can't help but just look at her, admire her in such a way you hadn't been able to in weeks.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Her nose scrunches up in that adorable way that had you falling in love with her all over again.

"Like what?" She looks up at you through furrowed brows, a light blush dusting her tanned cheeks.

"Like you're in love with me." Kyra whispers into the vacant air, your teammates having left you long ago.

"That's because I am in love with you silly. Kyra?" She hums in response, waiting for you to continue. "It's nice to have you back, where you belong." The shorter girl buries her head into your chest, the earlier blush having darkened significantly.

"It's nice to be back by your side too Y/n/n."

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