2 💕💋

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(Pt: 1)

No one pov:
It was now Sunday morning around 9:00 am or so, Katsuki was still sleeping while Izuku was awake, preparing the two's breakfast. The sleeping blond came across the scent and sound of sizzling, crispy bacon on the stove and heard the sound of eggs being cracked and whisked. All of the sounds and smells eventually woke up the smaller boy, causing him to stretch his arms and yawn. Izuku heard the yawn that escaped Katsuki's mouth and smiled to himself, continuing to make the food.

Katsuki groaned and reached over to the bedside table where his phone was sitting plugged in to the charger. Bakugo forgot to unplug his phone so when he grabbed his phone, the charging brick came out of the wall "fucking kill me." The blond groaned to himself in annoyance. He checked the time and it was now 9:17 am.

Katsuki rubbed his sleepy, vermilion, eyes and sat up, putting the slippers on that were conveniently placed right where his feet landed when hoping off the bed. He slipped his feet into the slippers and walked towed the kitchen where he spotted his lover hovering over the stove, quietly humming a familiar song, though Katsuki just couldn't put his finger on it. Katsuki finally figured out what song he was humming when he heard the greenette hum "sex, drugs, etc."

Katsuki walked over to his boyfriend, hugging him by the waste nuzzling his cheek into the larger boy's back as he finished up cooking the eggs and pancakes. The greenette somehow didn't hear the other boy come out of the room, most likely because of his blaring AirPods playing "sex, drugs, etc". Izuku reached an arm back to hug Bakugo back, though he brought it back to the pan so he could put the food on the plate.

"Kats I love you, but you gotta let go so I can plate out food." Izuku chucked while Katsuki let go rolling his eyes and crossing his arms. "Thank you." The greenette thanked and started to assemble their plates. The blond went to the fridge and got the orange juice out and the cups but didn't fill them, instead he went to the bathroom and gave the responsibility to his boyfriend. Izuku just gave an annoyed look to the smaller and filled up the cups while keeping eye contact with the vermilion eyes staring into his dark emerald green. Bakugo was the first one to break eye contact causing Izuku to chuckle proudly.

Izuku walked over to the living room with the tray of food in his hands and placed it on the coffee table. "I will say nerd, this looks fucking amazing, I'll give it to you.. I guess." The blind spat out rolling his eyes. "Yeah I know." Izuku said cockily to which Katsuki found this quote a huge turn on. He found it fucking sexy yet so odd of Izuku to day because he would never, ever be a cocky son of a bitch. He has never scene the larger male act like this, it was odd but so so hot.

Katsuki could feel his body heat up while eating the food staring deeply at the freckles on the cheeks of the male sitting next to him, the greenet's cheeks where moving while he chewed his food. Katsuki followed the food with his eyes, watching Izuku's adam's apple bob while he swallowed the piece of food while stabbing his bacon with the fork bringing close to his mouth.

⚠️smut starts here please skip if you are not comfortable with smut scenes or read with caution⚠️

The blond was now drowning in his own arousal as his cock began to harden becoming bigger, making his pants feel tighter suffocating him, at least he felt as though. Izuku looked at the blond's plate seeing only a few bites and then brought his eyes up to his face. It was visibly invaded with dark red blush that spread all across his body, even his finger tips had a red tint casting on them. Izuku got the hint on what was going on to his boyfriend and decided to steal a peek of his hard cock. Izuku then looked back up at the vermilion eyes that were half lidded staring at every move he made.

Izuku let out a giggle, though the smaller was unfazed by this, he was in his own world at this point. Izuku placed his plate down and got up really close to his lover giving him the most intimate and gentle kiss. Bakugo relaxed into the kiss, kissing the other back.

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