16 💋

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(Day 4, pt:1)

Katsuki pov:
I could see the usual morning blue-toned light as began to I squint my eyes open, feeling a warm object close next to me, embracing me in a hug. I heard the soft sounds of breathing coming from the object next to me which turned out to be Izuku.

Last night was awful. Both me and him stayed up all night in the bathroom, I think we both actually fell asleep at like 2:00 in the fucking morning? I don't know, all I know is that it was not a very fun way to end the day.

I reached over to the bedside table and grabbed my phone as I let out a small yawn. Grabbing it, I turned it on to see many notifications from both my mom and Izuku's. They all read: 'what's going on?', 'are you and Izuku okay?', 'let me know if you need me', and just other soppy supportive shit.

I just responded with: 'yeah he's fine' to both Auntie and the hag and opened Instagram. I decided to just scroll seeing how it was 9:00 am and Izuku wasn't up and it didn't really seam like there was anyone else awake yet either.

Around like two hours later, Deku finally decided to wake up, though how could I blame him for sleeping in, he was sick, all fucking night! And I usually sleep in too so I really shouldn't be judging.

"Zu.? You up..?" I whispered as he started to slightly move closer to me.

"Mnn." Was what I got as a response which made me chuckle under my breath.

"How are you feeling?" I asked softly, playing with his dark, forest, green curls, turning off my phone and placing it down next to me.

"Mph." He mumbled.

"Huh..?" I spoke, not being able to understand what the fuck he just said.

"Nm, good." He mumbled into my chest as I continued to play with his messy curls.

"Well that's good, like all better do you think?" I chuckled at his response.

He sleepily nodded, eyes still shut as he remained pretty much sleeping.

Softly scoffing in a playful matter, I picked my phone back up. I felt Deku scooch himself up from my chest and rest his chin my my head. I looked up, smiling as our eyes met, though his were still kind of half lidded and sleepy.

"Deku, what are you doing?" I chuckled, tilting my head up which caused his chin to slightly move.

"Mn, recharging." He groaned, pulling my head back and placed his chin back on my head, once again.

"Oh my god Izuku! The second hand embarrassment is hitting really fucking hard." I whined, cringing at the cheesy response he gave.

"Fine, maybe that was like, really fucking cringy. But still, I want to cuddle." He laughed, lowering himself back down to my chest, resting his head on my it and warping his arms around me.

"Okay." I smiled, placing a hand on his head as I put my phone back down again next to me.

Izuku pov:
Last night was awful, I was up all night due to the fucking food poisoning from that damn burger, knew I should've gotten the chicken tenders.

I hugged Kacchan, I just wanted to be close to him. I felt, clinging? More than usual. Don't get me wrong, I love Kacchan with all my my heart, though I've never wanted to be so, so very close to him before.

My thoughts were soon interrupted by a knock at the door, probably for the better if I'm being honest.

"Ha?" Kacchan sighed, looking up from his phone.

"Don't 'Ha?' Me Katsuki Bakugo! Can I come in or are y'all doing nasty shit that I shouldn't witness?" Mitsuki shouted as she placed her hand in the door knob.

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