3 💕💋

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(Pt: 2)


The older picked up the lube again, lathering all over his dick and coating the younger's hole with the left overs that were still coating his hands. The green haired male lifted both of the blonds legs over his shoulders letting him rest his knees on his shoulders. "I'll be gentle, no need to stress Kats." Said the larger male who was now inches from pushing his girth in that wet little hole beneath him.

Izuku knew that the younger boy beneath him was very flexible, whenever they would play hide and seek when they were kids he would always end up in some weird ass small and compact hiding spot and Izuku would always be amazed on how flexible he was. Izuku then whispered in the ear of the younger boy telling him that he was going to put it in. And so he did, he started with the tip and watched very closely to the other boys face expressions. Everything looked good so he pushed in half way. Katsuki clenched around the girth that was in his hole and whined. The greenet groaned at the now tight compression around his cock. "Ouch god what the fuck is it almost in yet?!" Katsuki groaned the stretch was so big compared to the greenet's fingers from earlier. "Just hit half way Kats, we can stop if you want." Izuku said with a sad tone knowing that it hurt and there was nothing he could do about it.

"No fuck you move baster I ain't fucking stopping now." Katsuki exclaimed. With that Izuku began to push himself all the way in now. Katsuki was filled to the fucking brim, feeling so full was so comforting to him. The greenet tried so hard not to start railing him but he knew he had to wait. "Okay..you can move now." The blond whimpers the pain has shifted from pain to pleasure and he was ready to be fucking pounded. Izuku began to thrust into the tight muscle and into the others prostate. Katsuki was practically screaming with the volume of his whimpers, screams, and moans. "Gah..ffuu ck izu s so fucking good oh goo ahh d" the younger moaned while being railed and thrusted into. "Yeah you like that..mmnh yeah so tight for me Kats so fucking tight for me." The greenet praised "doing such a good job Katsuki. Tell me how much you love my dick." "Ohh good izu I I love your mnnph shit ah your big cock so much I izu. Shit fuck fuck fuck cu cumming!"

The greenet grabbed his dick and covered his slit with his thumb making it so the mound could pant release. "No no no please Izuku please I'll be a good boy shit fuck I'll let you cum in me please just anything." The younger was begging at this point. "You will let me cum in you?" The older male questioned with a grin. "Yes yes yes just please let me cum Deku!"

With that the green haired male removed his thumb and let the other cum, strings of seed shot out of his cock and onto the chest and stomach of the boys. Katsuki clenched around Izuku's dick causing the greenet's cock to pulsate and shot long ropes of cum deep within the boy's hole. The blond felt the warm liquid being shot up and into his hole, the sticky white fluid was hot and he could feel the pool of it being plugged by the huge cock that was still inside him.

"As much as I would love to just sit here with my dick in you we gotta get cleaned up and get the cum out of you Kats." Izuku explained,
"but whyyy this is so niceeee." Katsuki whined
"Because if we leave it in you for a while it will give you a stomach ache so come on." The greenet answered and pulled out slowly. Katsuki cringed at the feeling of not being full and the cum dripping out of his ass was extremely uncomfortable.
"Deku..it's leaking out..please help I don't like it." The blond started to freak out he hated the way the leaking of the cum slowly coming out of him felt."Okay shh shh I've got you one second I'll clean you out" the older spread the other cheeks and began to scoop out the substance that was still deep within the small boy. The blond gripped the sheets and shivers went down his spin. "Shh almost don't I know you don't like it one more second." Izuku comforted as he continued to clean his lover out. "Okay let's go get in the bath now I got most of it out okay it's still going to be a bit uncomfortable but you'll be fine"

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