1k Reads?! AN

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omg thank you all so much for 1k reads! like what?! I just started this book maybe a month ago, if that, and you're telling me it has gained so much popularity?! If you told me that I decided to write a book based off of dkbk and it already has 1k reads, I would automatically accuse you of lying. The support that i've been receiving from some of you is absolutely incredible and really makes my day. whenever you guys comment, it gets me so exited to see that someone is taking the little time out of their day to leave a kind note or even a funny comment. I am so so happy that this book is getting so much attention and love, and i feel as though i should be thanking you guys. Comments, Votes, and Follows are extremely appreciated and are really taken into consideration, seeing how it has really helped with bringing so much attention to this book. that's about it for this small announcement but it really does mean the world to me that this has gained so many reads and votes. i hope that you have a wonderful rest of your day or night wherever you are! 💕


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