17 💙🙏

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(Day 7, time skip)

WAZZAAA!!! IM BACK YALL 😁 FIRST OF ALL TYSM FOR 5.31K READS!? ABSOLUTELY CRAZY, but anyway, it has been so long since I've last updated this and because I've gotten my motivation back Im going to try and start this up again! It's also my spring break so I am going to try to write and finish at least one more chapter after this one (no promises though). Anyway, I'm going to be doing a time skip from day 4 to day 7 (I'm so sorry) but I hope you enjoy!

I present to you, KACCHAN ANGST!

Katsuki pov:
*beep, beep, beep*
The sound of the alarm on my phone went off, irritating my eardrums as I did not want to wake up yet. Inhaling and exhaling with a groan, I turned over and reached my hand out to grab my phone to stop the obnoxious sound. Squinting my eyes at the overly bright screen my eyes began to widen as I saw the time at the top of my lock screen; the time read 9:00 am, we were supposed to get up at 8:00 am to pack up for the airport.

"Shit." I gasped, shooting up from the end and shaking Deku till he woke.

"Mn, huh, what?!"

"Deku, get your ass up we need to pack! We slept through the alarm and we only have an hour to pack up all of our shit!" I yelled.

"Mnph." He mumbled and turned in his back, falling back asleep.

"Fine, i'm going to pack my stuff but you better be fucking uo by the time i'm almost finished because i'm not doing yours."

Getting down on my hands and knees, I began to pack my clothes into my suitcase. Opening the sliding drawers to the dresser and folding the clothes within, I placed each piece of meet folded clothing item in my suitcase.

By the time I was almost finished Deku got up and began to pack his luggage as well, though I was doing most of HIS packing because he was too busy scrolling on his phone.

"Oh my fucking god Deku! Get the fuck off your phone and help me pack YOU'RE shit up! We are going to be late and it will all be your fault and we are going to miss our flight and your just being a stubborn piece of shit and I told you we should've packed yesterday but you said no and that we could get up early and do it and now we woke up late and this is going to be all your fault of we are late and-and ARGH!"

Out of rage, I swatted his phone out of his hands; throwing it on the plush white bedding beside him where he sat.

"What the hell?!" Deku shouted, looking up at my raging hot expression.

I couldn't believe that all he had to say was 'what the hell.' what did he mean 'what the hell'?! Standing up, I stomped over to the bathroom. Seining the door shut behind me though it was caught still open by the hand of stupid Deku.

"What is your problem?! Why are you so str-"

"Don't you dare ask me why i'm so stressed out because you know why! I told you last night that we should pack up all of our shit so this exact thing wouldn't happen but guess what happened, you wanted to go to that stupid clubhouse and stay up all night even though you knew we needed to pack and wake up early to leave to the airport. So don't you dare ask why i'm so stressed out because this is all your fault!" I cut him off, tears now streaming down my cheeks and onto the underside of my chin.

He was silent, not a single sound withdrew from his mouth. "Just leave." I whispered.


"I said, just leave!" I yelled, pointing at the door.

"What, no. I'm not just going to leave, I'm sorry here let me help."

"What do you mean you're sorry?! You would've helped me in the first place if you were sorry!" I stared to cry again.

"Katsuki, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were that stressed out about this. I get you're telling me to leave, but I don't know what good that would do seeing how you are mad for me not helping in the first place." He moved closer to me, wrapping his arms around me into a hug.

I didn't know how to respond, he was right. There would be no point of making him leave if I was mad at him for not helping in the first place, just doesn't make sense in the end.

"Here, how about we do it together yeah? We can put some music on, it will take less time if we do it together." He said, hope in his tone.

"Fuck you." I scoffed in a jokingly manner.

Playfully shoving him off of me we began to work. Folding our clothes, putting them in the suitcases, and packing up our backpacks. Eventually we finished and our parents came home.

With that we were headed to the airport.

Word count:872
I'm so sorry this was so short, I just really wanted to get this out. I also think it will leave me much more room to write about the airport and what will take place when the two arrive back home. Anyway hope you enjoyed this very late chapter! ❤️

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