8 ⚠️💙🙏

388 3 8

(As you may know, this is also a remastered version of chapter 8, I didn't like the original so here ya go!)

⚠️doctors office so please skip if you are not comfortable with needles and shots! There will also be a scene with low self confidence and panic attack, Please continue when you see another warning you that the screen if all done! Otherwise enjoy.⚠️

Katsuki pov:
The nice lady called Deku's name, he immediately shot me a distressed look, pure terror invaded his facial expressions.

"Come on, it will be okay." I whispered. standing up from my chair, gesturing for him to come.

He didn't reply but stand up, looking down at the ground as we followed the women. We took a turn here and there and eventually made it to the room we would be sitting in. She opened the door as we walked in behind her.

Izuku jumped himself up to the table, the crinkle of the sanitary paper that they had put on the cushions of the table were heard by all three of them. I went and sat in the chair next to the table until they brought back the needle.

All the lady did was just ask some questions and gave us some information about the shit or something, though I wasn't really paying attention, I kinda just zoned out until I snapped out of it when I heard the door close.

Izuku looked at me, trying to tell me to come up on the table with him. I chuckled under my breath and jumped up on the table. It was a bit of a struggle due to my height and being on the short-ish side, this made Izuku giggle a bit which made me happy that he wasn't super nervous.

He rested his head in my shoulder, taking a deep breath as I moved my hand so that we were now holding hands. We heard a knock at the door, "come in!" I said loud enough for the person to hear. The door knob twisted with a small 'click' as the door opened revealing the same women from earlier.

She walked in, holding a small silver plate holding the needle and a small circular band-aid. She used the hand sanitizer that was sitting in the counter next ti the sink as he rubbed her hands together, she grabbed a blue box that contained purple latex gloves. She put them in and rolled Izuku's sleeve up.

"I'm just going to roll your sleeve up okay?" She said softly as she could tell that he was nervous.

Izuku nodded as she did, grabbing the alcohol wipe, tearing it open. She spoke every step of the process and what she'd be doing before she would actually do it.

"Okay I'm going to count ti three okay?" She asked as Izuku quickly nodded, wanting everything ti end as soon as possible.

"One, two-" and she stuck in the needle into Izuku's arm, pushing the needles substance into his muscle.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, done!" She counted, as she pulled it out,sticking the band-aid on the spot she had poked, rubbing it with her thumb for a few seconds.

"Okay, that's all for today! I'll leave you two be and you may leave whenever you wish! Thank you for coming!" She said, taking off her gloves and tossing them in the trash as she gathered her things and exited the room.

I look over my shoulder to Izuku who was clearly crying on my shoulder.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's okay! It's done now!" I explained, cupping his cheeks to see the tear stains that littered his cheeks.

He sniffles and hugged me as I rolled his sleeve back down, hugging him back.

"How about we get outa here and I'll make you Katsudon when we get home and we can watch a movie, how does that sound?" I asked in a soft tone, trying not to laugh, sometimes he can be so dramatic.

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