13 💕✨

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(Day 1, pt: 2)
There is a shit ton of dialogue in this so just make sure you read very carefully as it may become confusing or unclear who is speaking if you don't! Anyway enjoy!
No one pov:
All five of the group members left the restaurant with a 'thank you and have a good one'. Walking to the car and opening the doors, Katsuki and Izuku hoped in the very back of the minivan as the other three sat in front of them.

"Hunny? Could you make sure the reservations for the cabana or whatever it is, is ready?" Masaru asked, keeping his eyes on the road and hands on the wheel as he drove out of the parking lot.

"Cabana?" The greenette male asked with a brow.

"Yup! We reserved one of the private cabana thingys that they have in the beach!" Inko turned around, seeing the smiles on both boys faces in the back, chuckling as she turned back around.

"Yeah it's ready! It says we need to park in the private parking and walk over to the little white house and check in there." Mitsuki said, leaning to look out the big front window seeing all of the beach parking spots.

Masaru found where the 'private parking' was, parked the car, and hoped out. Izuku grabbed the backpack and Mitsuki grabbed the towels.

They all walked over to the little white service station and walked in telling the others it wait outside, seeing how it could just fit two people. Showing the man her ID and credit card, she came out with two thumbs up as they began to walk out to the beach.

Izuku pov:
Holding hands with Kacchan, we walked behind the rest of the group and stepped onto the white, hot sand. I took of my socks and shoes and held them in my other hand while Kacchan did the same.

"Oh my goodness! Kacchan look at the water!" I gasped in disbelief, pointing at the clear teal water that looked almost still besides the water that was washing up on the light yellow sand.

"Holly fuck! What type of Pinterest shit is this?!" He added as his dark ruby eyes widened at the sight.

Following our parents, they led us to the small cabana they had rented out. It had walls and a roof with five beach chairs and a mini fridge that contained waters, alcohol, and Tropical Tide Capri Suns within the inside. There was also a small table in the back corner.

There were two palm trees that surrounded the two sides of the cabana and plenty of space to set up towels to lay on outside of the cabana in the sun.

"Oh my lord, this is amazing! How did you even find this?!" I asked, placing the black backpack on one of the beach chairs while taking off my shirt.

"Trip Advisor." Mitsuki laughed as she took she flip-flops off and taking off her coverup reviling her black and red bikini.

"Mom, what the fuck. You look like Britney Spears right now." Kacchan sighed, rubbing his temples with a chuckle.

"First of all, I do not look like her. And second of all, I'm not leaving the Bahamas without at least a small tan. And plus I know you, your probably going to end up wanting to tan as well! You always do whenever we go to the beach!" Mitsuki said, placing her hands on her hips as she laid down one of the towels on the sand outside the cabana and in the sun.

Kacchan just rolled his eyes, taking off his shirt and taking his phone out of his pocket as Masaru and my mum finished up setting up the cabana with the snacks we brought.

"Can we take a picture? I want to make it my wallpaper." Kacchan said, tapping my shoulder.

"Yes! I was going ti ask you the same thing!" I replied, wrapping an arm around his shoulder, holding up a peace sign
And smiling as he held the phone out in front of us.

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