10 ✨

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Katsuki pov:
Me and Izuku got out of the car, grabbing our suitcase and backpacks.

"Hey boys? Could one of you please take a picture of the sign with our parking level on it please?" Dad asked, tapping me on the shoulder.

"Yeah, I can!" Deku replied, taking out his phone and taking a picture of the blue sign with the white letters reading '3rd level terminal A'. We all rolled our suitcases down the ramp, every time they were rolled over a crack it would make that one sound that just gets you ready for vacation.

We made it to the small glass room that had the elevator and staircase in it, because I was the first one in our of all of us I pressed the button with my knuckle so I wouldn't get my finger tip all germy and nasty. The elevator made a 'ding' sound as we all stepped in, because it was an airport elevator there was plenty room for all five of us to fit inside including the three carry-on suitcases, the bigger suitcase, and all three backpacks.

The elevator stopped and the doors slid open, revealing one of the wings of the airport. We stepped out and made our way to the human conveyor belt thing and we all stepped on. I held Deku's hand as we walked across the moving strip. We had to take an escalator up to our check in and security so we did, laughing and struggling to get on the escalator with the luggage but we made it work.

My parents had brought a bigger suitcase that needed to be checked so we had to go and get that checked before going into security. I held Deku's hand as we walked over to the lady that was checking the bags, she had dark red hair and dark blue eyes.

My mum and dad got they're bag checked and we then moved over to security, thankfully there was only a small line so it wasn't that bad. It was now our turn to go through security, taking off our shoes and putting all of our belongings in the bins that they provided for guests, Me, Deku, Auntie, and the old hags all went through the metal detectors and put our shoes back on.

We made it through security and we finally found our gate after being lost for like 20 minutes. I put my stuff down next to the chairs that we had claimed as ours and sat down in one of the blue chairs next to the one Izuku was sitting in.

"Okay, get comfy cuz this is where we will be for the next two hours!" The old hag said as she adjusted herself in her seat.

"I'm sorry what?!" I yelled, confused on why we would be sitting here for such a long time.

"Well, me and your father wanted to arrive two hours early just in case it was busy, though we lucked out! It's like a ghost town here!" She exclaimed, looking up from her phone.

"Oh my fucking god I'm done with this shit! Deku get your ass up we are going for a walk." I freaked out in frustration as I grabbed Deku's arm, yanking him out of his seat.

"Katsuki that is no way to treat your boyfriend!" The old hag continued to yap.

"Bye I guess!" Izuku laughed as he was being dragged away by me.

I continued to drag his slow walking ass until we were a bit farther away from the adults.

Izuku pov:
I was honestly surprised that Kacchan just walked away like that, I mean I know how he gets sometimes but this was in public too.

"Kacchan-Kacchan stop!" I stopped walking causing him to stop aswell.

"What?!" He snapped, letting go of my hand.

"Okay what is going on? Are you tired? Like I seriously don't get what the big problem is." I asked as my eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm just so fucking tiered and the old hag came in our room this morning and beat us with a fucking pillow to get us up whcih really pissed me off. I'm also hangry as fuck and I just didn't want to be over there." He finally spoke up as he leaned his forehead against my chest.

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