12 💕(🙏?)

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(Day 1, pt : 1)

Izuku pov:
Surprisingly, I woke up pretty early, in fact the earliest I've ever woken up without an alarm waking me up. I felt something heavy that laid across my body. opening my eyes the slightest but and looking down, seeing a messy blond head of hair on my chest and a body spread across the rest of my body. Smiling slightly, I nudged the sleeping figure, who was the one and only Kacchan, in hopes of getting him to wake up from his slumber.

"Mn mn.." he hummed no in response, not daring to open an eye or move.

"Kacchan, you gotta get off me, you're heavy." I groaned, squinting my eyes.

He didn't say anything, he just moved off of me and turned the opposite way, though I could tell something was off. I tried turning his way and wrapping an arm around him, though it was shoved away aggressively.

"Kacchan, what are you doing? I'm trying to hug you!" I said, confused and tiered.

"I'm mad at you. You called me heavy!" He grunted, his voice raspy and lower pitched in his morning voice.

"No- no Kacchan, that's not what I meant. No matter what they weigh if there is a 18 year old who is sleeping and letting their body lay dead on me, it's obviously going to be heavy no matter what. You're not heavy at all Kats, your smaller a bit smaller than me for fucks sake and I'm not even that big! I explained, keeping my hands to myself not wanting to get more upset with me.

"Promise?" He replied, turning and facing me.

"Yes promise! You aren't fat Kacchan, I'm sorry that I said that." I assured him, wrapping an arm around him. But did he really think he was fat? I mean, he wasn't a toothpick but he wasn't big at all, but he was on the smaller side.

"Okay, well I would go back to sleep but I'm kinda up already, wanna watch a movie?" He asked, sitting up against the headboard of the bed.

"Sure!" I replied, sitting up as well.

We decided to watch a series instead and so we continued our binge on Outer Banks, after we had taken a break from it for awhile just being busy and having other things to do.

Throughout the episode we watched, I kept noticing Kacchan was constantly fixing his hair and moving it out of his face until he finally spoke up about it.

"Oh my fucking god! This is so annoying for some reason last night my hair got all messed up and now it's being so god damn annoying!" Kacchan freaked out, aggressively trying to fix his hair, though it just made it worse.

"Kacchan, stop your making it way worse. I didn't bring any elastics but my mum usually wears her hair up if you wanna ask her if you could borrow one." I said chucking under my breath, seeing the blond head of hair that had been hit with a bad case of bedhead.

"K, but give me your shirt." He said in a demanding tone, getting up from the bed and walking over to the door, about to twist the knob but then turned around and faced me.

"What? Why? Just go out there or get your own!" I defended, not feeling like taking my shirt off.

"Because I'm currently shirtless and I'm way to fucking lazy to get my own and I don't want to walk into your mom's room with my tits showing!" He explained with a groan and a small laugh rolling off his tongue.

"Uhg fine, your an ass, you know that right?" I sighed with a small chuckle, lifting my iconic light blue sage shirt above my head and throwing it at Kacchan.

"Yeah I know I'm an ass, you love it though. Anyway thanks I guess, nerd, I'll be right back." He mumbled, sticking his arms through the short sleeves and putting his head into the neck hole. The skirt was a tad bit too big and fell right at his upper thighs, covering the navy boxer briefs he wore under.

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