6 💋💕

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⚠️Smut starts here.⚠️ 

No one pov:
The kiss became very heated within seconds. Izuku simply did not care that he was making out with his boyfriend who was sick, he honestly couldn't control himself at the moment.

The two took a small break for air, a string of mixed saliva connected the boy's mouths together. Katsuki was straddling Izuku's lap until the greenet flipped them over so now he was on top. Izuku did t want Katsuki to do much of the work, mostly because he was sick and was supposed to be resting.

Izuku pov:
I cannot believe I just kissed him, I mean I don't really care but I was just surprised that I did seeing how he's sick.

I could taste the soup that Kacchan had eaten before we started to make out, though I didn't really care. I depend the kiss, tilting his head further into the pillow he lashed his head on. I broke our kiss, slightly panting, wiping my lips moving down to his shirt. I played with the hem of his shirt before listing it uo and iver his head to see his perfect slim waste.

His waste was so perfect, it was this beautiful milky pale color and was super soft. I ran my hands along his sides, running them back down to the white elastic band that was sewn onto the boxers he was wearing. I looked up at him to see his arms bent leaving his hands up next to his head, his eyes squeezed shut and head slightly tilted to the right.

I gently tabbed my thumb on the band of his boxers earning a small nod from the boy letting me know I can continue. I stuck my thumbs into the elastic band, pulling his boxers down and letting them fall to his ankles. God was he stunning, he always is but something was different this time.

I heard him shutter as the wind hit his cock which led me to chuckled softly under my breath. I came back up to his neck, gently sucking and kissing the soft skin of his neck, while still kissing his neck, I brought my middle and ring finger up to his mouth.

Katsuki pov:
God, is this a good idea? Should we be doing this right now, what if shitty Deku gets sick.

I felt his fingers at my lips, signaling me to open my mouth and suck on them. I opend my mouth, welcoming in his fingers, sucking them while he sucked on my neck while rubbing up and down my side with his free hand.

I swirled my tongue around his fingers, trying to coat them with as much saliva as I could. He pulled his fingers out and pulled my legs up so that they were now bent at the knees. He moved his left hand that was rubbing my waste up to cup one side of my face as he brought down his right hand that was coated in my saliva.

"Ready?" He whispered in such a loving way, meaning no harm whatsoever.

I personally couldn't form words at the moment so I just nodded my head waiting for his next move.

I watched as he moved his head to look at my hole as he inserted his middle finger. I shuttered at the cold sensation from the spit cooling from the air. He thrusted the one finger for a minute or two and added the second finger shortly after.

I moaned quietly until it grew louder when I felt his fingers run over this one spot that felt particularly good. I heard him chuckle under his breath, begging to scissor his fingers, stretching me out more than he already was. He continued to scissor me until I began to pant, feeling that feeling in my stomach caused me to pant and moan a little more than I originally was.

He pulled his fingers out, causing me to whine at the loss of friction. I stopped whining when I heard the bedside table being pulled open. I watched Deku was he slowly pulled out a bright-ish blue dildo that was 2 or 3 inches smaller than his dick.

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