4 ⚠️💙🙏

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Hello! So as you may know this is a remake of the original chapter 4. With the original chapter, I was experiencing major writers block, therefore the chapter came out really shitty and it was bothering me that it was still published even though it wasn't my best work. I hope that this chapter will be extremely better than the original chapter 4. The plot of this chapter will be a tab bit different from the original chapter 4 but I think that I will be able to build off of it way better. Thank you so much for your understanding and sorry for the inconvenience!

Katsuki pov:
I felt something warm hugging me and heard the quiet noises of TikTok coming from someone's phone. I shifted myself closer to the larger figure that was holding me gently, squeezing my eyes a bit tighter and nuzzling my head into Izuku's shoulder. Soon after I felt a hand caress my hair, massaging my scalp so carefully and gently. I relaxed into his arms, hearing a small chuckle come from Deku.

It was Monday, though there wasn't school today or the next three days for some huge ass meeting our teachers had.

I tensed my body a bit raising my head into the air, slowly opening my eyes and letting them adjust to the light that was coming through the window.

Izuku pov:
Kacchan raised his head up to look around, I couldn't help but chuckle seeing his hair all messed up and bedhead, like it usually is. He dropped his head back down onto my shoulder and completely let his body go limp.

"Good morning!" I said quietly, just loud enough for him to hear what u was saying.

"Mmn..morning." Kacchan added in a muffled raspy voice, head still buried in my shoulder.

I turned my phone off and placed it behind me on the remaining couch cushion, wrapped my arm around his smaller figure, and nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck. I couldn't actually see his face because I was spooning him but I knew there was the smallest smile on his face.

Kacchan quietly groaned tiredly while pushing himself backward to get closer to my chest.  As he got snuggled up against me, he pulled the blanket over his head, trying to block out the sunlight.

No one pov:
The two sat there, both laying in the couch, spooning each other. The soft sounds of breathing were heard by both the greenet and the blond. Katsuki's eyes started to become heavy and sleepy and Izuku just closed his eyes, still having the same hard but gentle grip on Katsuki. Izuku wasn't actually asleep, he was just closing his eyes, Katsuki did the same.

Around 5 or so minutes had past, they were still in the same position they were already in. Izuku slowly pulled his arm up, pulling down the blanket that was covering the face of his boyfriend. Katsuki opend his eyes, squinting at the greenet , soon pushing his head back down into the older boys chest.

"Kats, we gotta get up now. It's like 11:30 already." Izuku chuckled wrapping a hand around Katsuki's head. The blond shook his head no and let out a muffled, "m-m..too comfy.." intertwining his leg with the taller's.

Izuku pov:
Katsuki did not budge, at all. It got to the point where I had to pry him off myself so I could use the bathroom. I've been up since 9:00 am, it is now 11:30 and I have to take a piss. I was able to slip past Kacchan's grip and run to the bathroom. Kacchan just stayed on the couch in defeat, waiting for me to come back. I was washing my hands when I walked out to see Katsuki literally sleeping on the couch, how tired was this kid?!

I walked over to Kacchan, sitting at his feet, rubbing his back saying nothings trying to get him to wake up.
Eventually he woke up, stretched his arms out and hugged me.

"Kacchan, are you okay? Your being like really clingy today, not that I don't like it, I love it, but you usually aren't this clingy." I said softly not wanting to come off as rude but it was honestly kind of weird, Kacchan never was like this.

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