7 ⚠️🙏

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Before you read, as you may know this is a remake i simply did not like the original so yeah.

⚠️There will be some slight mentions of needles/shots/very very short mention of knifes (js to cut food) in this chapter, i will put a warning above the scene that contains such content and a warning when the scene is over, please skip such parts if you are not comfortable with the topic! thank you and enjoy!⚠️

No one pov:
Both boys continued to cuddle each other and watch try not to laugh videos on YouTube.

Both the greenette and the blond both heard Izuku's phone make a 'ping' sound, a notification banner showed up at the top of the screen for the calendar app.

The greenette opened the icon banner, opening the app and seeing why he was being notified.

The older boy scanned his calendar, not seeing anything until he did. His emerald colored eyes widened in fear as he zoomed in.

⚠️needles/shots are mentioned starting here and out until there is another warning telling you that the scene is over!⚠️

He had a doctor's appointment, to get a shot that he had been dreading.

If you know Izuku well enough, you most likely know that his biggest fear is in-fact needles. The last time he needed to get a shot, it was an eventful day to say the least.

Katsuki pov:
Shit. How the hell are we just finding this out?!

His phone said that he had a doctor's appointment to get some stupid shot or something tomorrow at 8:00 am!

I felt his head immediately turn to face me, our eyes met as I looked up at him, seeing his eyes blown as wide as they could in pure fear. Though there really wasn't anything I could do.

"Kacchan, I don- what the fuck I don't remember ever planning this, i - i don't want to go, im not goi-." Izuku started to panic.

"Deku, Deku stop! it's going to be okay. I know that you are really afraid of needles and shit i get that, but you have to go you can't just not go. and it's important that you stay healthy." i quietly made my point, trying my best to not come across as rude or anything.

⚠️end of mention you may continue on unless another warning stumbles across you!⚠️

Izuku remained quiet, a few tears staining his cheeks.

I moved myself upward, wrapping my arms around him as he began to cry. The soft sniffles of him filled the room as I whispered sweat nothings into his ear, hushing him and telling him it will be okay.

I felt so bad because i couldn't do anything to make it better, all i could do is tell him it would be okay, when in his eyes no matter what i say nothing will be okay.

"Izu, you gotta stop crying, you're going to get a headache. It's going to be fine, i'll come with you and hold you hand the whole time." i whispered, trying not to make his panic worse as he tried to stop crying.

Izuku had finally stopped crying after a few minutes of me telling him it would be okay. we just laid there, hugging each other in the silence that had taken over the room. i decided that i would continue to work on some of my school work and get it out of the way so i would have some time to myself when school would start back up again in two days.

I grabbed my laptop and started to add more to my essay on why zoos should be shut down. In my ela class we were currently working on debates and what not so i decided i would make a debate on zoos closing. I've always felt strongly about zoos shutting down ever since i was 13 when we started learning about Sea World and shit. it's honestly pretty fucked up what they do to the whales there.

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