15 ✨⚠️

301 4 8

(Day: 3)

Mentions of food poisoning and vomit, please skip the '⚠️' part if you are not comfortable with the topics listed above. Once you see another '⚠️' feel free to continue on with the story, it means that the scene is now over!

Katsuki pov:
"Kastuki, me, Inko, and your father are going to breakfast." I heard as I just nodded, still sleeping.

I turned the other way and snuggled into Izuku's chest, hearing him chuckled a bit as he wrapped his arm around me.

"Are you awake Kats?" He mumbled, moving his hand up to my head and heals the back of it gently, intertwining his fingers with my head.

"Mnn, no Zu." I groaned into his chest.

"W-wha..?" He stuttered, tilting his head down and looked at me.

"Mn.?" I said half asleep."

"No- no like what did you just call me?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Zu..?" I questioned with my normal raspy morning voice.

"What is that, like a new name for me?" He laughed as he embraced me tighter in the hug as I just nodded in response.

"Hmmn, what are we doing today, if you know." I groaned tiredly, turning into my back, ya waning and rubbing my sleepy eyes.

"Well... I wanted it to be surprise, but I guess I'll tell you. Well basically I kinda asked everyone if maybe we could go on a double date with Mina and Tsu because they were just going to stay at the hotel and swim, our parents were going to do the same so I thought that we could have some fun!" he replied softly, hugging my waist.

"Izuku, as much as I love you and your stupid little 'double date', I fucking hate roller coasters." I turned his way, looking into his dark emerald eyes as he looked back into my dark vermilion ones.

"Oh come on! It will be so much fun, I'll hold your hand!" he whined, grabbing my hand that was under the covers.

"Fine,  but if I start freaking out it's your fault." I sighed.

With that I was forced to get up and out of bed, as well as get dressed and ready for the 'fun' day that was ahead of me. I just threw on my Ron Jon shirt and a pair of shorts, socks and sneakers too.

We said our goodbyes as we grabbed the keys and walked to the car, Mina and Tsu were already waiting outside of the car on their phones.

"Hi guys! Ready?" Deku exclaimed as they both squealed in response, which made me roll my eyes as I hopped in the front seat.

We got in the car, plugged in our seatbelts, and put some music on, not forgetting the GPS. Just like that we were on our way to this fucking hell of a place, 'yippee'. Finally arriving, and looking around, it wasn't super duper crowded, but there was still a decent amount of people there. The check in process took less than a minute, all we had to do was walk through some metal detector and show the workers our tickets on our phones which they scanned.

"Holly fucking shit, we are going on that! Come on!" Izuku said, gazing up at literally the biggest roller coaster they had, standing at like 220 fucking feet or something stupidly crazy like that.

"Absolutely fucking not! What the fuck! You asking for a burger and a side of death or something?!" I yelled, throwing my hands up in the air as I tilted my head in order to see the whole coaster in all of its 'glory'.

"What, you a baby? How old are you 5?!" Mina chuckled as she playfully punched my arm while she held Tsu's hand with one.

"Uhm no. I'm 17 for starters, and yes I'm fucking scared! I'm not asking to fucking die today, unlike you!" I snapped back at her.

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