Chapter Two

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     When I heard the bell signaling the end of lunch, I headed inside and went up the staircase by the back door. I went to my next class and sat in my window seat. I have such a high IQ that everything the professors teach can go in one ear and out the next and I can still retain the information. Of course, I already know what they teach so it's not much to retain.
     After school Charly and I decided to stop by the cafe near the school. It's our daily ritual. It helps us unwind from the day and prepares me for home. I don't like  to go home right after school since I know someone in my family will force me to do something omegan. They don't care what I want or feel, they just want me to be the perfect Omega. Whatever that is.
     When we got to the cafe we walked up to the counter and ordered. Charly got a slice of red velvet cake and earl gray tea. I got a slice of cheesecake and chamomile tea. We went and sat down. I started to pick at my cheesecake.
     "Hey, Killian." Charly said, breaking in my reverie.
     Looking over at him I hummed, letting him know he had my attention. However long that is. I tend to zone out, and my mind takes me to other places besides what's in front of me. I could be talking and the next second, I'm trailing off.
     "I must leave early, I'm sorry. My big brother messaged me and wanted to see me about something." He looked at me guiltily.
     I looked down at me tea and sighed. "Fine." I peered up at him through my long lashes, "when am I going to meet this mystery big brother?" I've always been curious. I never met his family for some reason. He has met mine and they adore him. Sometimes they tease us about being mates, we all laugh, but everyone knows that's not how it works. You find your mate when you meet for the first time after you present at 15. Charly and I have known each other well over a decade; we met at Brenton Elementary, in fact. I was secretly relieved to find out we weren't mates when we presented.
     Suddenly, I picked up a strong scent. I really liked it. It smelled like earthy moss sweetened by freshly mowed grass. It seems someone doesn't know how to control their pheromones. I glanced around the cafe and noticd a tall black male sitting in the back corner. I began to notice that he seemed to be looking over here every few minutes.
     "I don't know man. You know he's in college and I don't get to see him very often. Besides, I don't think he would like you. You're too unbridled." Charly said, recalling my attention.
     I shrugged and pushed myself from the cafe table. "Ok, let me know when I can meet your family. We've been friends for years, dude. Best friends." After looking at him one last time, I flased a smile and took care of my trash befor leaving. I walked out to the car that was waiting for me, and braced for the worst at home. Time to face the music.

Raiven POV

     I watched as he left. I have known since I presented and saw Killian hanging out with my little brother all those years ago. It wasn't time to meet him yet. It will be soon.
     I know he noticed me because I had purposefully released my scent. As I watched he looked up and glanced around, and I averted my eyes quickly once his silver orbs landed on me. My eyes went to my little brother, and I knew he felt my energy.
     After the coast was clear, I stood up and walked up to my little brother. I sat down where my mate sat before as Charly looked up at me. He looked at the door making sure Killian was gone.
     "Why did I have to send him away like that?" He asked me. "You knew he would leave if I said that." I knew he was disappointed, Killian was best friend after all, and soon enough he will be part of the family. Charly has always tried to protect Killian. Even more so when I mentioned that Killian was my mate. When I told Charly he was overjoyed. He really liked Killian and wanted to be by his side for as long as long as possible. Knowing Killian was my mate had him treating Killian more like a brother.
     "It's almost time. Tell him he can meet our parents. I will meet him another day." I stated and stood up. I walked out without looking back.

Killian POV

     I walked through the front door of my house and into the living room. It was a large open room. There were three large leather sofas on the right. A glass coffee table sat in the middle. It was covered with paper and folders. Looks like my parents brought work home today. The kitchen was through an open arch on the left. Sitting on the middle sofa were my parents. I walked over to them and sat down, crossing my legs. I waited for them to say something.
     My father looked up at me. "You got into trouble again."
     I shrugged my shoulder. Nothing new.
     "You're an omega. Omegas don't get in trouble."
     I stood up and turned to leave. My father quickly got up with me, "sit down young man," he nearly yelled.
     I didn't stop. I went up the stairs leading from the room, going up to the second floor. I headed towards the east wing and to the last room on the right. The wall right in front was floor to ceiling windows. Next to my closet door are giant gold mahogany bookcases. One was full of paperback, hardcover novels and manga, and the other one was all learning material. In front of them was a giant gold beanbag facing the windows. A gold shag carpet covered the floor of the corner. On the right wall was my king-sized bed. It was covered in a royal purple and black duvet. On both sides were night tables. A lamp with a gold shade sat on one. A gold mahogany desk sat in front of the windows.
     I don't really know why but ever since I met Charly and saw his gold eyes, I have liked gold. Almost everything is gold. My hair even has gold highlights.
     I walk over to the bookcases and pull out a book. It's one of the college materials that Charly gave me. I sat down in my bean bag and started reading. After a while I hear a knock at my door.
     "Come in." I said without looking up.
     My mother walked in. Walking over to my desk, she pulls my chair over, sitting down. I still didn't look up. "Killian," she sighed.
     I slowly looked up at her, not caring. My face remained blank.
     "Why do you do this? Why do you keep getting into trouble? Why can't you behave?" She choked. She sounded like she was close to crying. Her graying brown hair was a mess, her chocolate brown eyes were wet.
     I raised an eyebrow. "Why? Why do you care? You raised me as an alpha. Now that you know for certain that I'm an omega you try to force me to act like one. I'm sorry mom, but I can't. I can't be something I'm not. I am an omega, but I don't feel like one. I don't like to sit around doing nothing all day, ok? You can't make me be something I'm not. Just let me be me. If you do that then I'll stop getting into trouble." I looked into my mom's eyes, hoping she understood what I was saying.
     Mom sat there looking at me. She finally sighed and stood up and began to walk to the door. "Ok, I will. I'm sorry I made you feel bad. I'll take your feelings into consideration more."
     "Thanks mom," I said just as she left.
     I continued reading. After a while a knock came at my door again. "Yes?"
     My twin sister Kiela walked in. I groaned. She only shows up to rub something in my face. Ever since we presented, she seemed to not like me as much as before. It was like she loathed me for my second gender.
     She smirked and tossed her long light gray hair over her shoulder. "I hear you got into trouble again. Being an omega is bad enough, why must you keep getting into trouble? Are you trying to get attention? Is that what you're doing?"
     I looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "Yes, Kiela. That's exactly what I'm doing."
     After looking at me like I grew a second head, she left without looking back. Finally, I can now relax. No more interruptions. For the rest of the evening, I read.
     The next morning, I got up. Took a shower, brushed my teeth and hair and got dressed in black skinny jeans and a dark gray t-shirt with a black jacket over top. I then walked out of my room and down the hall. At the foot of the staircase, I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple from a basket on the countertop. I walked back out munching on it and out the front door. I walked down the porch steps and went to the car. It took off to school once I was sitting in the back. I had to stop by the office to see which hour I had art. Charly caught up to me as I started towards class.
     "How did it go? Did you get into trouble?" he asked, falling into step with me.
     I glanced at him and smirked. "Unfortunately, no."
     He looked at me. "What? No punishment?"
     "No." I said as we walked up the staircase. "They made me join the art class and club."
     Charly stopped and looked at me. Surprise flashing in his eyes. "The art class? You must join the art class?"
     I walked down the hall to homeroom and walked in. I went to my seat and sat down. I crossed my legs. "Yup. This is going to be fun."
     Charly sat next to me. "Oh yeah, there's something I have to tell you." He looked around like he was nervous about something. Weird. I looked at him and hummed, so he knew to continue. "I talked to my parents last night. I told them how you want to meet them." He looked everywhere but at me.
     "Yeah. And?" I wanted him to get to the point. I don't like it when he's evasive, and he knows it.
     He kept looking around. "They want to meet you also. It seems they have for a while now. They said to bring you some time this weekend." He finally looked at me. Gauging my reaction. I gave him a slight smile.
     "Cool. Can't wait. I finally get to meet my best friend's family. It's long overdue."
     Charly heaved a breath that he seemed to be holding since he started talking. "Good, I'm glad. I have been meaning to introduce you to my family, but I never found the time."
     I laughed. "Yeah. Since we presented you seemed to back off some."
     Charly sighed and looked away. He scratched the back of his neck ruffling his black hair. "Well. I kind of did. I presented as alpha and you an omega. I didn't want it to seem like I was being friends with you because of that."
     I looked around the classroom to see if anyone heard what he said. Everyone seemed to be focused on their own conversations. I wish he didn't say that, but he doesn't have a filter. He says what's on his mind. "Charly." I warned.
     He looked at me for a bit before realizing what he said. Panic filled his gold eyes. He looked around. "Ah, shit. Sorry Killian." He apologized.
     I sighed. "It's ok. Just don't do it again. You know what's going on. No one can know." I looked into Charly's eyes. I was serious. If people found out I'm an omega I won't be able to go to school. If I remember right, once you presented as omega you got pulled from school and homeschooled. School was the only place I felt free.
     Charly was the only one I have told about me being an omega. Sure, the school knew but my family bribed them into not saying anything and treating me as an alpha. As far as my classmates know, I'm alpha. I was even given some medicine that gives off the pheromones of an alpha. It is similar to suppressants. It suppresses my natural scent, and releases an Alpha-like musk when it enters my bloodstream. It lasts for hours.
     He hung his head like he was being scolded. Honestly, he was. If someone got wind of my real second gender we would be in real trouble. Not just me and Charly but my family the the school for covering it up. He opened his mouth to say something just as Mr. Holden walked in. I looked at him just as he stood up and moved over to his seat.

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