Chapter Six

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     Waking up to birds singing in the morning I looked over at Lorina. She had her face in my chest, softly snoring. I gently shook her shoulder to wake her up and she softly fluttered her eyes open. I picked her up and walked into the bathroom. I set her on the counter as I started the bath. I bathed her as she played with some of her toys. When I was done I wrapped a towel around her and took her to her room.
     I set her on the bed and went into her closet. I grabbed a pair of light purple leggings and a pink dress with a purple jacket. I gave them to Lorina so she could get dressed. I grabbed the brush and sat behind her and started to brush her hair. "Hey little one?"
     "Yes Keke?" Lorina looked back at me.
     "What do you want to do today? I'm all yours." I asked as I braided her long light gray hair.
     Lorina tapped her pointer finger on her chin, thinking. "Bowling."
     I laughed. "Ok. Bowling it is." I slipped her pink sneakers on. I took her hand and went back to my room. "Sit on the bed and wait. I gotta get ready also." Lorina jumped onto my bed and I walked into the bathroom for a shower. Afterwards, I came out with a towl wrapped around my waist. I went to my closet and got dressed in light in light blue skinnies and turquoise t-shirt with a jean jacket. I slipped my blue sneakers on. Since I dressed Lorina in light colors I decided to wear light colors to match. I quickly brushed my hair before going back out to Lorina.
     When I walked out of the closet Lorina ran up to me and hugged my waist. "Keke, you look so handsome."
     I smiled down at her and petted her hair. "Thanks little one." she nodded enthusiactically. "Ok. Let's go bowling."
     We go out to the car and go to Lincalin Bowling. We walk in and see lanes in front of us. To the right is a food stall. Next to that is an arcade, to the left is the counter. I walk up and see a red head beta.
     "Hello. How may I help you?" The redhead asked.
     "I would like a lane for two hours, with bumper bars." I said, not really looking at the beta.
     The redhead turned to his computer and started typing. "How many people?"
     I look down at Lorina and smile. "Two."
     The redhead looked down at Lorina and smiled. "She's cute. Daughter?" He asked.
     I scowled at him. "Do I look old enough to be her parent?"
     His smile dropped. "No?" It came out more like a question than an answer.
     My frown deepened. "I'm 17 and she is 5. How can I be her parent? She's my little sister."
     The redhead threw his hands up in a surrendering gesture. "I'm sorry. Anyways. You can have lane 2. What sizes for the shoes?"
     "8 for me and 4 in kids for her."
     The redhead turned around and grabbed the shoes and handed them to me. I give Lorina her pair and we go to our lane. We put them on and pick out our balls. I get us set up on the monitor. I let Lorina go first.
     After the two hours were done we took the shoes off. It seems I didn't need to get the bumper bars. Lorina was better than I thought. She never touched them. It was always down the middle or slightly to the side.
     I looked over at Lorina. "Are you done or want to do something else?"
     She smiled up at me. "Laser tag."
     I smiled and walked up to the counter.
     The redhead was still there. "Hello again. Are you done?"
     I handed him the shoes. "Yes, now I'll like a game of laser tag."
     "Ok. Here's your tickets."
     I took it and walked over to where it is with Lorina. I gave the person in charge the ticket. They gave us suits and a gun. We got changed and ready for the game. When it was time for us we went in, and both immediately took cover. We stalked each other around the field. Whenever we spot each other we take a shot. Round and round we went, shot after shot.
     I got hit in the left shoulder and the right leg. Lorina got hit in both shoulders and left leg. After a long time of stalking she finally got me in the head. When the game was over we took the suits off and gave them back to the person in charge.
     Lorina ran up to me and jumped into my arms, laughing. "That was so much fun Keke. I want to do this more often."
     I quickly wrapped my arms around her and held her close. "Of course, little one. We can have our little dates whenever you want."
     I carried her out to the car. I got in and let her sit in my lap. "Ok, now what?" I asked her.
     She started jumping around in my lap. "Movies."
     "Ok. Movies it is." I quickly told the driver to take us to the movie theater.
     When we got to the theater I let Lorina choose. She chose The Magician's Elephant. We got popcarn, a few candies and soda. We went to the room and sat down to wait for the movie to start.
     All day I was trying to pretend I didn't feel a gaze on me. I wanted my whole attention on Lorina today. When we sat down on the couch like seats Lorina snuggled up into my side. I wrapped an arm around her and looked around. After a while I saw Mystery Diner Man. Again? That's the third time I saw him while I was out. Once at the diner, once at the mall and now here. Was he following me or is it all a coincidence?
     I unconsciously pulled Lorina closer. I looked away and back down at her to see she was happily munching on her popcorn. A smile spread across my face as I looked up at the screen when the movie started rolling.
     When the movie ended we threw away our trash. I took Lorina to the bathroom before we headed to a restaurant to eat dinner. Pulling into the parking lot we walked into the restaurant as the hostess greeted us.
     "Good evening. Do you have a reservation?"
     "Yes, it's under Killan Borg."
     The hostess looked at her computer, typing. "Right here. Follow me."
     Lorina and I followed her to a small secluded corner on the second floor. The decor was red and black. The table cloths were ivory. Sheer curtains hung from every open arch, giving the illusion of privacy. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling. As we sat down in our seats the hostess gave us our menus.
     "Ok, little one. Decide what you want?" I asked Lorina after a few minutes.
     "Yup. I'll have the Seafood Stew." Lorina said as she put her menu down. She may be 5 but she acts older a lot since childish antics are not allowed in our family.
     "Sounds good." I signaled the hostess. "I'll have the Creamy Lemon Pasta with Smoked Salmon and she will have the Seafood Stew." I said as I handed the menus to the hostess.
     "Ok. That will be right up." the hostess said as they went to the kitchen.
     After half an hour the hostess brought out our food. We ate, sharing each other's food. When we were done with the main course we got dessert. I got Tiramisu Cheesecake and Lorina got Milk Chocolate Molten Lava Cake. When we were finally done I paid and then we went back home.
     When we got home I sent Lorina upstairs to shower and get ready for bed. I tucked her into bed. "Goodnight little one. See you in the morning." I kissed her on the forehead.
     "Night Keke." Lorina yawned.
     I closed the door after turning on her dolphin night light and went to my room. I showered and got dressed in pjs. I crawled in bed and flicked the switch but thoughts of Charly's brother. I really want to meet him. I wonder what he's like. What does he look like? Would he like me? Weird and confusing thoughts kept rolling around until I finally was able to fall asleep.

Sorry it took me a bit to update. my life is a bit messed up right now. I really hope you like Killians interaction with his little sister.

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