Chapter Nine

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     All weekend I thought about what Henrie said. I'm glad I had another ally and not just Charly. From what Henrie said I can confide in him. Talk to him about anything. I may not be the Alpha but he still works for me. I really hope he will be more than a subordinate. I would like to be his friend.
     I walked into art and looked around. I saw that Henrie was in his seat looking at some book. I guess he was still doing what I ordered Friday. I smiled.
     "Hello, Henrie." I stopped by his seat.
     Henrie raised his head, his eyes widened. "Hello, Killian. How are you today?" He slightly put his right hand on his heart.
     I sighed. "Good. You?"
     Henrie looked at the book. Then back up at me. "Good. Here. The info I managed to dig up." He handed it to me. I took it and held it to my chest.
     "Thanks Henrie. Please don't be formal with me. Let's be friends."
     Henrie looked at me surprised. "Friends? But my family..."
     I patted his shoulder. "Yes. Friends. I don't want subordinates. I want friends. People I can hang with and be myself without fear. People that are as close to me as family." I leaned down to his ear and whispered, "Isn't that what a pack is supposed to be like?"
     When I stood back up Henrie looked up at me surprised, his dark purple eyes twinkling. "A pack." He whispered. "A family."
     I smiled at him. "Yes." I know what I said is not common. Society is all about hierarchy. It's about power. The ones with more power are the ones in control. I would love to change that. I think everyone is equal. No one is more powerful.
     I sat down in my seat and looked at the book. I flipped through it and found out that every page was filled. It went all the way to the first couple. The couple that founded this town and the academy. Apparently they were my ancestors.
     I knew my family name had changed often over the years but I didn't know how many times. It changed every time a male alpha joined the family. The first couple were alpha and omega. It was like that for a few generations but then it slowly became only alphas, with only alphas as mates.
     Henrie even found something that one of the last omegas said. They said that the family will be only alphas until the combination of two of the biggest packs will become necessary. Then an omega will be born into the pack.
     Being the first omega in hundreds of years means I'm destined to be mated to an alpha from another pack. Another big pack? What other packs are there besides my pack, The Crescent Moon Pack? Honestly I'm still learning about the packs. I was left in the dark for so long. It was time to learn who I am and what I'm destined for.
     As the days and weeks went on I got more and more info from Henrie. I can now piece together my ancestry and what it was meant for me. Something is going to happen to the pack my mate is in and I'm supposed to help him through it.
     I was in my room getting ready when my door slammed open. I looked at it and saw my best friend Charly.
     "Happy birthday bro!" he yelled.
     I laughed. "Thanks bro." I finished buttoning up my shirt and shrugged my jacket on. I slipped my dress shoes on.
     I walked over to him and gave him a fist pump. We walked into the ballroom. It was all set for a party. Banquets were lined on the wall, filled with food and drink. There was a band on the stage tuning their instruments.
     I told my parents that I wanted the ballroom redecorated. They changed the black and red room to silver walls with gold accents. The tables were bronze with ivory tablecloths. The chairs were also bronze with ivory cushions. It was everything I liked. Silver for my family and gold since I liked the color. I did have a feeling I liked it for another reason but I haven't figured it out yet.
     I walked up to the railing that circled around the balcony and looked down at the floor. Charly and I came through the doors from the second floor. I saw that practically everyone was there.
     "Now introducing the birthday boy Killian Borg and his best friend Charly Knight." Announced the butler.
     I stood there looking down for a bit and then turned and walked down the stairs with Charly following me.
     "Keke." I heard once I reached the bottom. I looked up and quickly opened my arms. Lorina ran and jumped into them. I stood up with her in my arms and smiled at her. "You look so handsome."
     I was wearing a dark blue suit with a light blue shirt. Normally I would wear something smart-formal for something like this but since it's my 18th birthday my parents planned a ball-like party. I had to dress formally. Lorina was wearing a pink ball gown and purple sandals.
     Soon I was in the middle of the room. I put Lorina down and looked around. I saw Henrie and his family, my teachers, classmates from school, and Hanna and Mason. There was someone standing next to them but I couldn't see them very well with everyone in front of them. I got the feeling I saw them around before though.
     "Thanks for coming, everyone. Please have fun while we celebrate today." I looked around and smiled. I looked back down at Lorina. "Shall we get some food?"
     Lorina smiled up at me. "Yes!" She yelled and jumped around.
     I laughed and took her hand and walked to the tables. There were all sorts of food. I got some finger sandwiches and Lorina got some cookies.
     Just as we were going to sit down I smelt the pheromone again. I looked around for the source. After a little bit the crowd separated. I then saw the person I couldn't see earlier. So it was the guy that I kept seeing around.
     "Big bro." I heard behind me. I looked back and saw Charly. "Is this how you wanted to show yourself? Now? No proper introdution?"
     I looked back at the guy.
     "Yes. This is the best way." He smiled.
     I heard a whine in my head. A whine? Who? Who's there?
     'I'm Silva. Your wolf.' he yawned.
     'My wolf? Why have you not answered me before?'
     'Sorry. I was sleeping. No matter how much I tried I couldn't wake up. We had to meet our mate for me to wake up.'
     'Yes. That alpha is our mate. He has been watching over us for years but it wasn't time to meet so I couldn't wake up.'
     I took a step back unconsciously. "Mate?"
     He took a step forward. "Yes."
     I dropped to my knees and covered my face with my hands. Tears poured down my cheeks. He ran to me.
     "Hey hey. It's ok. I'm here now." He wrapped me up in his arms.
     I threw my arms around his neck and clung to him. I sobbed into his neck.
     He stood up with me in his arms. "Charly take me to his room." I felt him start walking. I wrapped my legs around his waist and buried my face in his neck, still sobbing.
     He laid me down on my bed and tried to remove my arms but I wouldn't budge. After a while he laid down next to me and pulled me into him. He started to release calming pheromones, running his fingers through my hair. After a bit I calmed down and stopped crying. I slowly fell asleep.

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