Chapter Fourteen

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     The next couple of days we either stayed in Raiven's dorm or went to his exams. He always had me on his lap during his exams. I was never very far from him, always tucked into his arms. He made me feel so safe and comfortable. He was home.
     During that time the urge to stay near him calmed down. I don't get anxiety whenever I'm away from him for longer than 15 minutes. When his exams were finally over he took me back home.
     Raiven stopped at the door of my house and pulled me into an embrace and kissed me on the cheek. "This is as far as I'm going today, Lil bit. I have to go home for a bit. I'll see you soon."
     I buried my nose in his neck and inhaled his scent for the last time for a while. "Ok. Be safe. I'll see you." I didn't want to leave him but we couldn't stay together all the time. He has to go to college and I need to finish high school. Five more months and I'll graduate and then to college and reveal myself at the company. Hmm. I'm going to need to talk to Raiven about that.
     "Hey, Raiven." I peeked up at him.
     He looked down at me and hummed.
     "Can I have one of your sweaters?" My fingers curled into his shirt, gripping it tightly.
     He smirked. "My sweater?"
     I felt my cheeks heat up and I looked away. "Yes. I want something of yours. Something that smells like you."
     He took his jacket off and then peeled his hoodie off. He handed it to me and put his jacket back on. "You can have anything of mine you want. Having something of mine will make you more comfortable." He cupped my cheek and ran his thumb along my cheekbones.
     His hand slid down and gripped my chin. He tilted my head back and then pressed his lips on mine. He kissed me deeply. I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him closer.
     Raiven pulled away when we couldn't breathe anymore. He ran his hand on my back. "I have to go now."
     "Ok." I pouted. I didn't want him to go but I knew he had to. I stepped back and watched as Raiven walked to his car. He turned and looked back at me before he got in and drove off.
     I walked into the house and went straight to my art room. Then I went to my office and worked on my games for a couple of hours. I was so deep in my work I didn't hear my phone ring.
     For some reason I glanced up at one of my monitors of the house and saw someone walking toward my rooms. I watched as they bypassed my bedroom and went straight to my art room. I quickly stood up and left my office, closing the door just as there was a knock at the art room door.
     "Coming. Hold on." I yelled as the door closed. I walked over to the art room door and opened it. I looked out to see who it was. "Charly?"
     Charly smiled and did a salute with two of his fingers. "Yo. Can I come in?"
     I backed up and let him in. "Yeah." I walked back over to the secret door and opened it. "I was working on my games. Want to come in while I work and talk?"
     "Sure." Charly followed me in. I sat down in my chair and turned to my monitors and started working again. Charly sat down in the chair I keep in the corner just for this.
     "How was the time with Raiven? Did the bond calm down?" Charly asked.
     I never looked at him. "It was ok. The bond is calm now."
     Charly watched me, scrutinizing my every move. "What's wrong Killian?"
     I quickly glanced at him and then turned back to my monitors. "We ran into Azule the first day."
     I watched as Charly winced. "How did that go?"
     "I don't like her. She asked Raiven why it was me and not her."
     Charly put his hand on my arm. "I'm sorry Killian. You shouldn't have had to see that. Raiven and I have known she like him for a while now. He tried to turn her down so many times but she wouldn't leave him alone. I'm sure he already told you this."
     I felt as he started running his hand up and down, trying to comfort me. "Yes. He has. I know pretty much everything."
     "Good. Just know he hasn't been sure about their friendship for a while now. He didn't want to lose it since she has been his best friend for years but she has been wearing that really thin. I'm pretty sure the way she acted when you ran into her was the last straw."
     I turned toward him, seeking answers. "You think so?"
     Charly smiled at me. "Yes. No one disrespects an alphas mate when they are together. Especially when they first bond. An alpha is very protective of their mates. Since she disrespected you she will not get it easy."
     I eagerly listened to Charly speak. I wanted to find the answers and feel better. I hate feeling so down and not knowing anything. I don't really know what to feel right now.
     "You think so? Will she be punished? I didn't like her aura. It felt evil." I was like a kid asking why the sky was blue.
     Charly tilted his head. "Aura?"
     I turned back to the monitors and started working again. "Yes. Aura. Everyone has an aura. Yours feels nice, calm, safe. That is why I became friends with you in the first place."
     He grabbed me by my shoulders and turned me to face him. "What are you talking about?"
     I looked deeply into his eyes. "Wait. You don't know what an aura is? I thought that was something everyone knew."
     Charly shook his head. "No one knows. What is that?"
     I slowly looked away. "It's a feeling everyone gives off." I didn't know how to explain it. I never told anyone about it.
     I guess Charly realized I didn't want to talk about it. "Ok. Anyways. How's it going with Raiven?"
     I smiled. "It was good. We spent so much time together. I loved it." I pulled Raiven's hoodie up to my nose. "It felt like home. Safe and comfortable." I then lowered it a little and frowned. "There was something I didn't like though."
     "What was that?"
     I peeked at Charly from the side of my eyes. "His hair."
     Charly laughed. "His hair? What about it?"
     "It's too short." I flatly said.
     Charly laughed harder. "Too short?"
     I looked right into his eyes and scrowled. "Yes, too short. I can't run my fingers through it."
     Charly laughed so hard he nearly fell off his chair. "Wait, wait. You like to run your fingers through hair?"
     I pushed him off his chair. "Yes. Is there a problem with that?"
     Charly looked up at me and rubbed his ass as he stood up. "Uh. No. There's no problem."
     I sat back and crossed my arms. A smirk on my lips. "Good."
     Charly sat back down, still rubbing his ass. A frown was on his lips. "You can be so mean sometimes. Why can't you be soft like everyone else?"
     I glared at him. "Soft? Why would I be soft? I am me. The only people I'm soft with are Raiven and Lorina."
     Charly shrunk back. "Why not me also?"
     My glare pierced through him. "No."
     Charly pouted. "Why not? I'm your best friend and like a brother."
     "I'm only soft with Raiven because he's my alpha and I act like an omega around him. With Lorina it's because I practically see her as my daughter."
     He pushed his bottom lip out. "Fine."

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