Chapter One

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Killian Pov

     "Killian. Come on. Let's go. The teachers will come." My best friend Charly whined. I sighed as I continued spray painting the side of the school building. Finally, I shook the can and finished it. I quickly placed the cans into my bag. Pushing my light gray hair out of my silver eyes I stood up and looked over at him. "Ok, Worrywart, I'm done. We can go."
     "Whatever," he chuckles softly. "Seriously, though. We're gonna be late."
     "Just one more thing I'll get in trouble for. Fantastic!" I grin as I slap him on the back. He pushes me playfully. I throw my bag over my shoulder and walk to the door. For an alpha, he sure worries about everything.
     We walked into the school, passed the main office and auditoruim and began the grueling walk up the staircase. Every year had their own floor, and since Charly and I were Seniors we were on the fourth. Reaching the fourth floor at long last, we head over to homeroom. I looked around as we entered, noticing there were only a few students and Mr. Holden was at his desk in the corner looking at his computer. I walked to the row next to the window, reaching the last seat I sat down.
     I get in trouble but I'm still a good student. At the top of my class. I read everything I can get my hands on and in my spare time I go over the curriculum for each class. Everything they are teaching and everything they will. What I'm reading lately is all college level, and I don't know how he managed to get it for me, but Charly got me ome of the Good Stuff. Not even Brenton Academy has access to these books. Charly knows I'm quick to get bored, and when I do, I tend to lash out and do things of consequence.
     For the first few classes I sat in the back by each window thinking. The professors see me, but leave me alone. When it was time for lunch I met back up with Charly at the stairs. The cafeteria was on the first floor. When we reached the bottom we turned left and walked down the hall through double doors to the cafeteria. As we were stepping in, an announcement came over the speakers.
     "Killian Borg, come to the office. I repeat. Killian Borg, come to the office."
     I looked over at Charly and smirked. "Well, I guess I better go."
     He looked at me anxiously, sighing. "Every day. This happens every day."
     I smirked. "You're the one that always shows up even when I don't call you."
     Charly shakes his head and sighs. "How can I not? You know we're connected. When will you stop causing trouble?" He asked. Not even expecting an answer, he continued into the cafeteria to get his lunch. I laugh to myself and turn on my heel. Sauntering down the hall I take a left at the staircase, as I enter the Main Office, a bell goes off. Right in front of the door is a long counter where Magdalena sits. She sees me and I wink at her. Rolling her eyes she silently points to a row of chairs next to the door. I laugh and find the closest seat to the window and sit down, I throw my leg over my knee, resting my chin in my palm. To the right is the principal's office and to the left was the counselors.
     The door to the principal's office opens and I gaze over to see my older sister, Amiri. Well shit. That's not a good sign. She's the only one that won't let me get away with stuff. She looks disappointed, but no surprise there.
     The Principal, Mr. West looked past her to meet my eyes. "Come in, Killian." I stood up, "I'll catch you later, Mags" I grinned at Magdalena before walking into Mr. West's office. I quickly take a seat in one of the chairs in front of the large desk. I've been through this so many times I'm bored. It's always the same thing, "stop hijacking the morning announcements this, stop swapping the bathroom signs that." Normally if a student did what I do they get suspended or expelled. My family donates way too much money for that, and the principal wouldn't want to upset them.
     My whole family had gone to this school at one point, spanning generations. It's only this school from preschool up, and I think there's even a college. The only thing is, the school is exclusive to Alphas and Betas. I'm only here because of my family.
     I glanced at Mr. West and then my sister. I don't like this, normally it's my parents here. Why is it my big sister?
     Amiri glanced at me and shook her head. She then looked at something on the desk. I tried to see it, but I couldn't make it out from where I'm sitting. The desk was covered by loose paper and folders and whatever else principals usually have. I noticed a single piece of paper in front of my sister. I looked over at her again. I waited for her to say something, I couldn't stand the silence and she knew it. I started to fidget.
     She looked up at Mr. West and sighed. "What are we going to do?" she asked him. She ran her fingers through her light gray hair then flicked it behind her shoulder. I don't understand, I thought I was in trouble but with the way she's acting it doesn't seem that way.
     Mr. West looked at Amiri then down at a piece of paper in front of him, a sigh escaped his lips. "I don't really know, he should get a punishment, but I can't seem to do it this time."
     I tilt my head. What's going on? i glanced at Amiri hoping to get some kind of clue on what's going on, but instead she picks up the paper and hands it to me. It's a picture of the mural I did earlier on the wall.
     "Did you do this?" She asked.
     I gazed into her silver eyes. Looking for anything that will tell me if I'm in trouble or not. I don't see any real anger, so I decide to speak up, "Yes."
     She sighs again but she still doesn't look angry. "I knew it. I have seen your art before, but nothing like this."
     I looked at her confused. "Like this?" Whoops, didn't mean to say that out loud, it just slipped out.
     She looks back down at the picture and slightly smiles. "It's more detailed and refined. It feels like you poured everything into it, but normally you don't put anything into your art. It's like you create as a chore, not because you enjoy doing it. This looks like you enjoyed doing it. It's passionate."
     Ah, yes. Normally when I'm home I don't paint or draw what I want. Others give me designs to do. Typically it's not what I like, so I feel like I'm being forced to paint or whatever silly request my family can think of. All my enjoyment is erased, and that's why I end up in the library or den reading in the free time. This was different, I came up with an idea and wanted others to see it, and unfortunately for the school, the best place I could think of was the school wall. No idea why. When I first thought of it, it wouldn't leave my mind. Somehow I ended up at the wall with spray paint early in the morning. Halfway through was when Charly showed up. He saw I was really into painting it, so he didn't say a word, just stood there keeping an eye out.
     The painting was of an omega wolf surrounded by pups. In the background was an alpha keeping an eye on the little family. It's one of my fantasies. Something I want to have in the future.
     After looking at the picture for a while I looked at Amiri and then Mr. West. "What now? You know I painted it on the wall. What's my punishment?" I snarkily asked.
     Mr. West sighed. "There will be no punishment. The only thing that will happen to you is art class and club."
     I stood up and nearly threw the chair back. "What? You want me to join those losers? You gotta be joking. If I wanted to join I would have already."
     Amiri pulled me down and glared into my eyes, "It's already been decided. You join tomorrow. If you don't you will be punished, and it won't be like normal. No slap on the wrist. You would be suspended for a couple of months. Since I see you have talent in the arts, I convinced Mr. West to enroll you in Art instead of punishing you. I know how much you like to learn. This is your chance to learn all you want about art."
     "Fine." I stood up and left the office, speeding through the hallway.
     I decided to go through the back door and out to the courtyard to cool off. I walked to the giant tree in the middle and sat down. Leaning against it, I closed my eyes. I didn't like this, but it was something I wanted. I did want to be in the art class but didn't know how to tell anyone. For me to be in this school I had to act in a certain way. That didn't involve being in a class that most think is something for omegas.
     I may be an omega but not many people know. Since my whole family are alphas, they hid the fact that their oldest son is an omega. My family has always been of alpha heritage. No Omegas or Betas, and since I don't know anyone else that's omega, I have no idea what I'm supposed to do, I don't even relate to them.
     Every subgender has a role: Alphas are the leaders. They run everything. From the country down to companies. They are like kings and shop owners. Betas are workers. They work alongside the alphas, but never in the leading positions. They are mainly office workers. They are like the maids. Omegas are the mothers. They stay home and take care of the pups. They don't work. They are like concubines, only around for reproduction.
     That's one role I don't want. Sure, I want my own family, but not to the extent that I can't work. I want to take care of my family, but I want to provide income. I don't want to stay home.
     Since I'm being raised in an all-alpha family I'm also being treated as an alpha most of the time. Then there are times when they remember I'm an omega and try to make me do things an omega does. Like art. I do enjoy it, but I really wish they wouldn't force me to do it.

hey. I'm sorry but this has just been redone. a friend of mine has helped me rewrite this story. in my opinion it is a lot better. I hope you enjoy it.

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