Chapter Twenty-Five

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     After a few minutes of us cuddling I started stirring, trying to get up. Killian wrapped his arms around my waist, burying his face into my chest. I ran my fingers through his hair. I leaned down and pressed a kiss to his temple.
     “It’s ok. I’m not going anywhere. I have to let my Alpha know I’m not going to be back for a few days.”
     Killian looked up at me, concern in his eyes. I knew it was going to be tough. “Really?”
     I stared deeply into his eyes. I ran my fingers along his cheekbones. “Yes. We just bonded so we can’t be separated.” I looked up into Raiven’s eyes. “I have to let them know so they don’t get suspicious.”
     Raiven reached over and pulled Killian to him. “I understand. Do what you must.”
     I sat up and reached for my phone. I called up the Alpha.
     “Hello, Alpha. It’s Aiden. I have to go to training for the next couple of days.”
     I paused while I listened to what he had to say.
     “Yes, sir. I’m not sure when I’ll be back.”
     Another pause. I looked up at Raiven and Killian. I smiled at them.
     “No, sir. They didn’t tell me how long.”
     I really hate talking to him. He always goes round and round. Always going back to the beginning of the conversation. It’s almost like he was making sure he was hearing right or even trying to change the others opinion.
     “I’ll be back soon. Sorry sir.” I hung up. I turned back to Raiven and Killian. I laid down on my back and opened my arms. Killian slid into them and laid his head on my chest. I put one hand around his waist and the other ran through his hair.
     I looked up at Raiven. He had laid down behind Killian. One hand was under Killian while the other laid on my hip. Our legs were tangled up together.
     I watched as Killian closed his eyes and fell asleep. I pressed a kiss to his forehead and then looked up at Raiven. He leaned over Killian and pressed his lips on mine in a chaste kiss. He kissed Killian on the temple and then laid back down and closed his eyes and fell asleep also. When they both were asleep I let out a breath and closed my eyes and fell asleep.
     When I woke up in the morning I felt something moving on my chest. I slowly peeked my eyes open to see what it was. I saw fingers drawing circles. I followed the fingers to the hand to the arm and up to the face. When I saw who it was I smiled.
     “Morning, beautiful.” I said. My voice came out deep and raspy due to just waking up.
     Killian looked up at me and smiled. “Morning.” 
     I ran my fingers through his hair and looked around. I didn’t see Raiven. “Where’s Raiven?”
     Killian looked down. “In his office. He wanted to work on the problem with Azule. He didn’t know how long it would take you to wake up.”
     I frowned. “Ok. Should we join him?”
     Killian looked up at me. “Do you want to? He should be busy.”
     I smirked. “Of course I want to. I would love to see how he is when working.”
     Killian sat up and then got off the bed. He went into the closet. When he came out he had on one of Raiven’s shirts. Since it came down to his knees he had nothing on underneath. “If you want to change you can wear something of Raiven’s.”
     I stood up. “Ok.” I walked into the closet. It was a lot bigger than I thought. It was a walk in closet with hundreds of clothes. I looked around. It had clothes hanging and in the back there were shelves for shoes and accessories. Drawers for stuff that needed to be folded and I’m guessing ties. 
     I walked over to some t-shirts that were hanging up and pulled a dark blue one down and looked at it. I put it aside and walked over to the jeans. I pulled a pair down and put it with the shirt. I walked over to the drawers and pulled a few out. I found some boxers that were still in their package. I took one and then looked for a pair of socks. When I found them I walked back over to my little pile of clothes and put everything on.
     I walked back out to join Killian. When I walked out Killian looked up. His eyes racked my body and he bit his bottom lip. I tilted my head to the side and smirked. “Like what you see?”
     Killian jumped. His eyes snapped up to mine. I ran a hand through my hair. I never did like my hair neat.
     “Umm. Sorry.” Killian mumbled and then looked down.
     I walked toward him. When I approached him I grabbed his chin between my forefinger and thumb and pulled his face up so he looked at me. “Look all you want. Remember I’m yours as much as I’m Raiven’s.”
     Killian blinked up at me. A smile pulled at his lips. I glanced down at the pretty pink temptations. I looked back up at his eyes. I pulled his face closer as I leaned down. Killian’s eyes fluttered close as our faces got closer. Just as our lips touched I closed my eyes.
     The kiss was chaste for a few seconds until Killian grabbed my belt loops and pulled me closer. Our kiss got deeper as I wrapped my arms around his waist. Killian’s hands slid up my stomach to my chest and then around my neck. His fingers slowly threaded into my hair.
     Just as I was about to move down to Killian’s neck the door opened. “Oh. So this is what you two were doing.”
     I looked over Killian’s shoulder to see Raiven leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed. I smirked at him. “Want to join?"
     Raiven smirked and pushed off the frame. He walked over to us. He stopped behind Killian and pressed up against his back. He wrapped his arms around both of us. He leaned over Killian’s shoulder and pressed his lips against mine.
     He pulled me into a deep kiss as his hands slid down to my ass and squeezed. He pulled us closer. Killian started kissing my neck.
     Raiven pulled back before the kiss got too deep. I stood there catching my breath. Every time we kiss I’m left breathless. I looked up into his eyes. He was smiling. I looked down at Killian. He was already looking up at me with a smile. I smiled at them.
     I’m glad I got them as mates. I always wondered who I would be mated with. I always thought it would be an omega since I’m an alpha. I never thought I would have an omega and an alpha as mates. I guess I should have known. I am dominant but also submissive. 
     I guess I got the best of both worlds. Someone to be dominant with and someone to be submissive with.
     “I’m glad it’s you guys.” I mumbled. I buried my face into Killian’s neck.
     “Aiden?” Killian asked. He put his hands on my face and pulled it up so he could see my face. I tried to turn my face away. He wouldn’t allow it. He had a firm grip on my face.
     When he finally got me to look at him he gasped. “Aiden? What’s wrong?”
     I shook my head. “Nothing.”
     Killian ran his thumb along my cheekbones. “Why are you crying?
     I wish I could say that I’m surprised I’m crying but I’m not. I cry when I’m overly emotional. I put my hand over my face. I didn’t want them to see me like this. I felt a hand on my wrist.
     “It’s ok Aiden. Show us.” I heard Raiven whisper. I slowly removed my hand. I didn’t open my eyes. I felt fingers graze my eyelids. “Open your eyes.”
     “Do I have to?” I whined. I knew my eyes were going to be red. They always are no matter how much I cry. Even if a single tear drop escapes my eyes they are red.
     “Yes.” Raiven said softly. I slowly opened my eyes. When I fully open them I see Raiven and Killian in front of me. They looked concerned.
     “I’m fine. I’m just really happy.” I tried to explain.
     Killian tilted his head. “Then why were you crying?”
     I scratched the back of my neck. “I cry when I’m overly emotional. No matter what emotion.”
     “And the eyes?”
     I gulped. “They turn red no matter how much I cry, even with a single tear.”

Sorry it's been so long since I updated. I been trying to figure out what to write for the next chapter. Plus I been working on my next story

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