Chapter Twenty-Two

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Killian POV

     Aiden ran a hand through his hair. He looked at us like he was uncertain about something. He took a deep breath.
     “I think I should start off with some info I'm sure you don't have.” He looked at Raiven. “Do you remember all the so-called boyfriends Azule had over the years?”
     Raiven tilted his head. “Yes.”
     “They were the heir's to small packs. The smallest had a population of 25. The largest had 50.” Aiden paused to gauge our reaction.
     “Every time the Alpha saw a pack that was getting ‘too big’ for him he would send Azule to seduce the heirs. She made it look like she was their mate. Their wolf knew the difference but she was so convincing that the heir thought she was. They are now insane since they went against their wolves.”
     I frowned. “She tried that on Raiven?”
     Aiden looked at me. “Sadly, yes.” He looked at Raiven. “Do you remember when you saved her from being raped?”
     I looked up at Raiven. He cocked an eyebrow. “Yes.”
     “She staged it. Those alphas that were supposedly going to rape her were from the pack. She knew you were going to come that way and would help anyone in that situation.”
     I rubbed up and down Raiven's arms, trying to comfort him. His arms tightened around me and he buried his nose in my neck. I tilted my head to the side so he had better access. I felt bad for him. He found out that everything he knew was a lie.
     “Unfortunately for her you already knew who your mate was.” Aiden said, looking at Raiven.
     “How did you know that?” Raiven said while his face was still in my neck.
     “Even though I wasn't really around when you said it I was listening in. One of my duties was to follow Azule around.” Aiden shrugged.
     “Every time I heard you say you were a one and done kind of man I felt a flash of pain in my chest. I didn't know at the time why I felt that way.” he lowered his head.
     I frowned and leaned forward as far as Raiven's arms allowed me to. I reached out a hand to Aiden. He slowly lifted up his head and saw my hand. He hesitantly reached out to grab mine. 
     He looked up at Raiven. When Raiven didn't stop him he grabbed my hand and held on tightly. Suddenly I felt sparks. They felt like the ones I feel when Raiven and I touch.
     I looked at our joined hands and then back up at Aiden. I knew by his scent and by seeing him that he was our mate but these sparks just proved it.
     Aiden's blue eyes were huge and his mouth was hanging open. Guess he never felt them before. I looked up at Raiven and smiled. There was no doubt he was our mate now.
     We both looked at Aiden. We wanted to smile but we knew it wasn't time to rejoice. There was still so much to talk about.
     I tilted my head. “Why did they start going after Raiven? I thought they only went after packs that are smaller than them.”
     Aiden rubbed his chin. “They knew that GoldFang was a very successful company under the leadership of a very prominent pack. They wanted to put a stumbling block in the way.”
     Aiden looked at Raiven. “They thought that if they got you to fall for Azule it would cause trouble for the pack.” He looked over at me. “I think it's a good thing you found Killian before they tried.”
     Aiden let go of my hand and stood up. “I think I should go. It was nice to meet you guys.” He winked. “I look forward to seeing you again and getting to know you. I'll keep you updated on the pack.”
     I looked up at Raiven. When he gave me a nod I stood up and walked around the desk. Aiden looked down at me confused as I stood in front of him. I looked up at him for a second before standing on my tip toes and throwing my arms around his shoulders and pulled him towards me.
     Aiden hesitated before wrapping his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. He lowered his head to my neck and nuzzled into my scent gland.
     After a few minutes he straightened up and cupped my cheek. I leaned into his touch. Aiden smiled down at me. He turned to smile at Raiven. He then walked to the door and left. 
     After Aiden left I walked around the desk and climbed back into Raiven's lap. I sat there thinking. Raiven and I haven't known each other for long and just met another mate. I wasn't sure if I should ask him.
     My heat was coming up soon and I wasn't sure if I wanted to spend it with Raiven. I mean, I would love to but what if it was too soon?
     I would love to spend it with both but there were things that we needed to work out. Like our third mate was from the pack that was going up against Raiven. We even needed to work on that pack. I didn’t like how they operated and since they were messing with my mate I wanted them dealt with soon.
     From everything I heard from Aiden I don’t think it is a pack that is right for him. I can tell he is a good guy. Just one in a bad situation. I want to do all I can to help him. I know he doesn’t want to be there. If the Alpha is as bad as he said he can’t leave without consequences. 
     Not all packs would let their members leave if they wanted. The only time people can leave packs is when they meet their mate. Even then some packs won’t allow it. If you leave without permission from the Alpha then you turn rouge. When they become rouges then it is hard to come back from that.
     Anyways. I looked up at Raiven. “Hey Raiven. I have a question.”
     He looked down at me. “Yes, Lil bit?”
     I looked down at my hands and wrung them together. “My heat is coming up. Is it too early to spend it together?”
     Raiven pinched my chin with his forefinger and thumb and lifted my head and made me look at him. “How soon?”
     “Within the week. I would love to spend it with both of you but it hasn’t been long since we met and we just met Aiden.” I looked away from him.
     Raiven ran his hand up to cup my cheek. “Lil bit. It’s never too early. Most normally mate the minute they meet their mate.” He rubbed his thumb along my cheekbone. “We've been going slow since I knew you weren’t ready to mate when we met. If you want Aiden and I to spend your heat with you we can talk to him about it.”
     I looked deeply into Raiven’s eyes. “Really?”
     Raiven smiled at me. “Yes Lil bit. We can talk to Aiden soon if you want. I’m sure he would agree to it.”
     I beamed up at him. “Thanks Rai. I don’t really want to spend it alone again. I didn’t normally have one because of the medicine my family had me on. When I did it hurt a lot. Now that I have you guys I don’t want to go through that again.”
     Raiven pulled me closer and buried his face into my neck. “You don’t have to from now on. We will be there with you. We will be your rock from now on.”
     I rubbed my cheek along his neck. “Thanks so much Rai. It means so much to me. When will we talk to Aiden?”
     Raiven pulled back so he could look at me. “How about tonight? That way we can talk to him when he is alone.”
     I threw my arms around him and pulled myself closer to him. I buried my face into his neck. “Ok. We don’t want him to get into trouble. Can you message him about wanting to talk to him?”
     Raiven rubbed my back. “Of course, Lil bit.” He pulled away. He then reached for his phone. He began to type a message. I watched him as he did. He showed me the message. ‘Aiden. Killian and I want to talk to you later about something. Call me when you can.’ I nodded my head and he sent it.
     Soon we heard a bing. We looked at Raiven's phone and saw a message from Aiden. ‘Ok.’

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