Chapter Sixteen

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     After school I went out to the courtyard. It may be cold but it's the only place I know that no one will hear us. I wanted our conversation to be private. I sat down on a bench and leaned my head back, closing my eyes. I took a deep breath of the clean, refreshing, cold air.
     "Killian." I heard after a few minutes. I opened my eyes and looked in front of me. Henrie knelt there on one knee with his right fist against his heart. "What can I do for you?"
     "I need you to look into someone for me." I looked away from him and looked around the courtyard. It wasn't as pretty as it was before. All the flowers were dead. All that was around were bare trees and bushes surrounding empty flower beds and benches. A water fountain in the shape of a howling wolf sat in the middle. Unfortunately the water was turned off since it was winter.
     "Who is it?" Henrie bowed his head slightly.
     "My mate's best friend. Something feels off about her." I turned my attention back to him.
     Henrie looked up at me, surprised. "Your mate? Who is that?"
     "Raiven Knight. Charly's big brother." A smile slipped onto my lips.
     Henrie laughed. "Of course it is. After all you are supposed to be mates with a member of one of the biggest packs. What pack is one of the biggest besides the one that owns GoldFang?" He rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
     "Right." I glanced to the side. I have yet to talk to Raiven about his pack.
     After a bit of thinking Henrie looked back at me. "Who's this person you want me to look into?"
     I looked deeply into Henrie's eyes. "Raiven's best friend Azule Bradley. We ran into her the first day we bonded and I didn't get a good feeling from her."
     Henrie tilted his head, confused. "A feeling? What do you mean?"
     I sighed. I knew I had to tell him about the aura thing but after how Charly reacted I'm not sure if he will believe me. "Her aura. It felt evil."
     He looked down and started rubbing his chin again. "Aura. I think I read something about that when I was looking for info for you before."
     I looked at him surprised. I was pretty sure he would not know what it was. "You did? What did you read?"
     "It was something everyone used to be able to feel. Just like the wolves it died out in most people. There was a mention saying that the omega born into the family would feel it. They would be the only ones who can. It is a kind of intinctual reaction to others. With it one can tell if someone is good or bad, how they are feeling and the like." He looked up at me.
     "Now that you can feel it I'm sure more people would be able to. They just have to let their instints out."
     My eyes widened. I didn't think he would have known about something like this but it is understandable since it's Henrie. He pretty much knows everything I ask him.
     "Ok. Thanks for the info. I will need more info on what the ancients were like along with info on Azule Bradley."
     Henrie put his right fist on his heart and bowed his head. "Yes, sir. I'll have it for you as soon as possible."
      With that I stood up and went back inside. Now that I gave him his task I can wait for it. I went the rest of the day thinking about what Henrie told me. It seems like I'm bringing back some of the traits the ancients had. Ones that died off for the reason.
     I would love to learn what those traits are and how they work. I would also love to learn why they died out. I would love to bring them back if possible. I don't like knowing that some of the traits that made us who we are are died out. If this kept going on we wouldn't be werewolfs or even wolves. We would only be human. I don't want that to happen. If I can prevent that I will.
     'Hey Silva?' I wanted to talk to my wolf.
     'Yes?' he yawned. He seems to always be tired. Must be because it hasn't been long since he woke up.
     'Do you know anything about the abilities we used to have?' I questioned.
     'Yes. All wolves know about them. We just don't tell our hosts about them unless they ask.'
     'Could you tell me? I seem to have those abilities and would like to know about them.'
     'Yes. I'll tell you everything.'
     'Thanks Silva.'
     'No problem. Just let me gain my strength. Since I just woke up I have no strength to do much.'
     'Ok. Let me know when you have enough strength.'
     As I walked out of the school I saw Raiven's car. He was leaning against the hood with his arms crossed. I stopped and checked him out for a while. He must have felt me since he lifted his head and looked right in my direction and smiled.
     "Raiven!" I yelled and ran to him. A big smile on my lips.
     Raiven caught me just as I reached him. His arms wrapped around me tightly. My arms wrapped around his neck. I buried my nose in his scent gland and took a big breath of his scent. Slowly, I looked up at him.
     "Why are you here?" I tilted my head.
     He looked down at me with a smile. "I did say I'll see you later."
     I smiled up at him. "Yes you did. Now what?"
     "We're going to my office. I have work to do but I wanted to be with you." His grip on my hips tightened. He pulled me closer.
     I kissed his cheek. "Me too. Let's go."
     Raiven picked me up and put me in the passenger seat, kissing me on the cheek. He got into the driver seat and placed his hand on my thigh. He then drove off to his office.
     When we got there I noticed it was the GoldFang building. So he works for his family. I wondered what his position was.
     I looked around as we walked into the building.
     "Welcome back sir." I heard just as we walked past the reception desk. I looked over and saw a beta woman. Guess it makes sense since betas can't smell pheromones. They are best to deal with alphas and omegas that lets their pheromones run free.
     I looked up at Raiven. He didn't even look at the woman. He smiled down at me and walked me up to a set of elevators. They seem to be private. We went up to the 18th floor. It seems like there were two more floors so this building had 20 floors.
     The elevator doors opened right in front of an office door. Raiven took my hand and then stepped out of the elevator and walked to the office. He opened the door and stepped aside to let me by. I stepped in and looked around. There was a couch to the left with a coffee table in front of it. Bookcases to the right, filled to the brim. In the front was a huge mahogany desk with two arm chairs in front of it.
     Raiven pulled me behind the desk and sat down in the chair. He pulled me into his lap and turned toward the desk and started working. It looks like he had a project to do.
     I snuggled into his chest and laid my head on his chest. I closed my eyes and relaxed. His grip around my waist tightened and pulled me closer. I could feel myself dozing off.
     I don't know how long it's been but when I opened my eyes I found myself sitting on Raiven's lap sideways with my head on his chest. His arm was around my waist, making sure I didn't fall.
     "You're awake?"
     I looked up at his face and smiled. "Yes. I didn't know I fell asleep. Sorry Rai. I didn't keep you company." I sat up a little.
     He looked down at me smiling. "Don't worry about it. I like that you can fall asleep in my arms. I like watching you sleep. You are so peaceful and relaxed."
     I felt my cheeks heat up. I leaned up and kissed his cheek.
     Raiven then turned his head so his lips touched mine. He kissed me deeply. Like he missed me and couldn't get enough of me.
     I repositioned so I was straddling him and deepened the kiss. His grip tightened even more and pulled me closer so there was barely any space between us.
     I pulled away when I couldn't breathe. I looked into Raiven's eyes and smiled. I buried my face into his neck. My arms wrapped around his neck.

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