Chapter Eight

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Killian POV
     It's now November and my latest game just came out: Titania's an mmorpg, a game where the players can interact with each other. They have missions and everything a traditional adventure entails. They can even have their own shops that they can earn money from. They can get married and get benefits.
     Only one more month until my 18th birthday. A lot has happened in the past few months. I still can't believe I have met another omega and that I have been learning from them. I'm glad it was my best friend's mom, now I don't have to worry. I wasn't judged when I met her. I felt accepted for the first time ever.
     I walked into the only class I pay attention to and like. When I sat down I looked around. Naturally I saw Henrie and the annoying Jack. When I glanced at Henrie our eyes locked and he bowed his head slightly. Hmm. I wonder what that is about. Just what kind of business does Henrie's family have with mine?
     "Well if it isn't Mr. Smartypants."
     I looked over at Jack. Is he serious? I cocked an eyebrow.
     "What is your problem Jack?" Henrie inquired.
     "Me? I have no problem." Jack sat back in his seat.
     Henrie raised an eyebrow. "Then why are you antagonizing Killian?"
     "Antagonize? Me? Antagonize Killian?"
     "Are you stupid or what? All you do is antagonize him." Henrie crossed his arms and leaned back.
     I squinted my eyes at Jack. I was wondering the same as Henrie. What was his problem? What did he have against me?
     "Seriously. You have always been antagonistic ever since I met you. Do you have a problem with me?" I lay my chin on my hand and lean forward.
     Jack looked at me. "Besides you being one of the elites? You are a jerk."
     "Haha." I laughed. "Because of that? Are you really stupid?" I turned away. I didn't want to deal with his stupidity.
     He may say it's because of that but it may be something else. In my life there are two groups of people. Ones that try to get in my favor and ones that try to take me down. Honestly, it gets annoying after a while. I wish there were more people around me like Charly, not wanting anything but to be friends.
     After a while of Henrie and Jack going back and forth Mrs. Selby walked in. She quickly took attendance and then started the lecture. We are starting to learn how to draw portraits. Normally people go from 2D to 3D but Mrs. Selby seems to thing the opposite is best.
     After class I decided to walk around the courtyard. When I stopped at one of the flowerbeds to smell the flowers I heard footsteps behind me. I didn't turn around since I knew they were trying to be quiet so they didn't disturb me. I waited until they were beside me before I lifted my head to look at them.
     I raised an eyebrow when I saw it was Henrie. "Yes?"
     "Sorry for disturbing you. I just wanted to talk about a few things, if thats ok with you?" he turned toward me, bowing with his right hand pressed to his heart.
     I sat down on a nearby bench and crossed my legs. "What do you want to talk about?"
     Henrie stood in front of me. His hand is still on his heart. "I know you remember me to some extent but you don't know how. Am I right?"
     I looked at him curiously. How did he know that? I tend to keep my thoughts to myself. "And?"
     Henrie started to unbutton his shirt. He undid the top two before pulling it to the side. There on the left side of his chest was a crescent moon with little stars surrounding it. That is my family's crest. How does he have that? Why?
     I raised an eyebrow. "What is the meaning of this?"
     "My family has always served yours." Henrie said as he got down on one knee.
     I squinted my eyes. "Serve us how?"
     He bowed his head. "Protectors, confidants. Anything that is needed or wanted. My family has always been the betas of the pack."
     So he knows about the pack. Damn. Here I thought no one knew. I never caught wind that some of our pack members were in this school. I wonder if there are more of them and I just don't know.
     "Are you the only member?"
     He raised his head for a second before lowering it again. "No. There is always someone near you."
     I crossed my arms. "How have I never noticed you guys?"
     "We were told to keep our presence a secret. To watch over you but don't draw attention to us."
     I wish I had some tea. "Here Killian." I looked at Henrie to see he had a cup of tea. "I figured you could use some by now."
     "Umm. Thanks." I took the tea and took a sip. I feel calmer now. "How did you know?"
     "I saw the tension in your forehead. Normally when you get tense you want a cup of tea. I keep some on me just in case."
     "Thanks. Now who has you watching me?" I took another sip before putting it next to me.
     "The only one that has the authority to command us. Alpha Colten."
     My father. Well that explains how they know more about what I do than they should. "Ok. What else do you know?"
     Henrie cocked his head. "Well I know you're not really an alpha. I'm the only one that knows so your secret is safe. The Jok family always keeps the secrets of the Borg family."
     I guess he noticed how I tensed up when he said he knew I'm not an alpha. When he noticed he was quick to reassure me. "Oh? Then what am I?"
     "You're an omega."
     "How do you know? Did my family tell you?" I don't think they did but I'm not going to put it past them. They would do anything to keep me safe.
     "No. I walked past you before you took the medicine once."
     Wait. When was the last time I forgot to take the medicine before leaving my room? If I'm right, that was when I first presented and was just getting used to taking the medicine.
     "Have you known since the beginning?"
     He looked up at me. "Yes."
     "You have told no one?" I was finding this hard to believe. Normally if someone found out that their superior was not what they claim to be they would tell someone else.
     "Just my family. I had to tell them since we keep the secrets."
     Secrets. I wonder if he would know why I presented as an omega when my whold family are alphas. "What kind of secrets do you know? Do you know anything about why I presented as omega?"
     Henrie tilted his head, thinking. "I will have to look into that when I get home. I remember something about that but I can't remember the details."
     I sighed and stood up. "Ok. Fine." Just then the bell rang signaling the end of the day. "You have until Monday."
     "But sir. That would only give me the weekend." he said as he stood up and followed me into the school.
     "Yes. I know. Two days should be enough for you." I walked out the front doors and went home.

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