Chapter Thirteen

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     I was deep in thought when we stepped out of Mr. West's office. It was new information we needed. I know I didn't know about most of it. Anyways I'm glad we had someone that could help us with this. I was so deep in thought I barely noticed Raiven had put me in the car and started driving.
     I looked up and glanced around. "Um, Raiven?"
     Raiven rubbed his thumb on my thigh. "Yes Lil bit?"
     "Where we going?"
     Raiven laughed. "To the college. I need to let them know you will be with me. That way you can go to class with me without problems."
     Ah, yes. I can't just stay with Raiven without the staff knowing. I don't want my problems getting in the way.
     Raiven pulled into the parking lot and then got out of the car. He opened my door and helped me out. We walked into the college and he took us to the office. He walked up to the desk and filled in some paperwork. When he was done he took my hand and we walked back out to the hall.
     "Raiven!" We heard down the hall. A force knocked into us. I looked up at Raiven and saw arms were wrapped around him. I frowned and squeezed his hand. My nails slightly dug into his hand.
     He looked down at me and then peeled whoever was wrapped around him off. He then turned toward me and pulled me into his arms.
     "It's ok, Killian. The only embrace I want is yours. I will never look at another."
     I looked into his eyes and then wrapped my arms around his neck. I clung to him.
     My grip tightened on Raiven at the voice. He rubbed my back.
     "Yes?" He never looked at the person. His full attention was on me.
     "Who is this Raiven? Why do you hold him?"
     "He's my mate." Raiven kissed my cheek, smiling down at me.
     "Your mate? But you don't have one yet."
     At that Raiven shot them a glare. "Azule. I always had a mate. I just couldn't meet him in person until he was 18."
     I instinctively tried to get as small as I could in Raiven's arms. I didn't like this person. Wait. Azule? Isn't that Raiven's best friend?
     Raiven could tell I was getting uncomfortable. He picked me up so my legs wrapped around his waist. My head landed on his shoulder with my nose pressed against his scent gland. He rubbed my back soothingly.
     "Raiven? Can we go? I don't want to be here." I rubbed my nose on his scent gland as my grip tightened.
     "Of course Lil bit." He looked over at the person. "I have to go, Azule. See you around."
     He started to walk off when he was grabbed by the sleeve.
     "When did you have a mate? You didn't have one when I last saw you."
     Raiven didn't even look back. He ripped his sleeve out of the grasp of the person. "I knew he was my mate when I presented but for personal reasons we couldn't meet until he was 18. Now I would like to get him to a peaceful place so he can calm down."
     "Why? Why him? I have always been by your side. Why couldn't it be me?"
     "I don't know what you're talking about. We weren't supposed to be together. Killian is my mate and no one else will take his place." Raiven's voice got dark. If I didn't know it wasn't aimed at me I would have shrunk back.
     With that he walked off. He took us to his dorm room. He sat on his bed with me straddling him. My nose was against his scent gland. He released calming pheromones and rubbed my back soothingly. I slowly started to relax.
     "Raiven." I mumbled.
     "Yes, Lil bit."
     "I don't like her. I have a feeling that she will never back off." I pulled closer to him. "Raiven, please. Do something about her. I don't want to be around her."
     Raiven's hold tightened and pulled me closer. "I will, sweetheart."
     I don't know why but I didn't like her aura. It felt evil. Not something I want to be around. Maybe I'll have Henrie look into her. Something feels off.

Raiven POV

     I watched as Killian fell asleep. I held him as close to me as I could. I laid down so I was on my back and Killian was on my chest. My fingers ran through his hair.
     I had to keep my anger in right now. I didn't want to disturb Killian. He had a rough day already. He didn't need me to add to it.
     I still can't believe she had the nerve to grab onto me when I was with Killian. Everyone knows not to mess with a couple when they are together. Add to that the fact our bond is new.
     If she had any sense at all she would have known to back off when she saw Killian at my side. An alpha is very protective of their mate when they first bond. It will take a few days until that protective instinct calms down.
     I was ok with my brother around him but that is only because I knew he only saw Killian as a friend and brother. Nothing more.
     The way Azule acted got me so pissed that I'm not even sure if I wanted to stay friends with her. Especially if she had no respect for my mate. I know she wanted to be with me but if she kept going like this then I'm sure we will no longer be friends.

Killian POV

     When I woke I found myself curled into Raiven's arms. My face against his chest. I looked up at his face to see he was asleep. Should I wake him up?
     "What you looking at Lil bit?"
     I jumped. Raiven's eyes peeked open. He looked down at me and smirked.
     I smiled up at him. "Who says I'm looking at anything?"
     Raiven rolled on top of me. He started to kiss my neck. I gripped the back of his shirt.
     "Are you sure you weren't looking at anything?" Raiven whispered in my ear. His breath tickled my ear. A shiver ran down my back.
     "Raiven." I moaned.
     "Yes Lil bit?" Raiven ran his nose along my neck.
     I swallowed. I can't believe I'm acting like this. This is all new. I never was so soft before except with Lorina. "I was looking at you. Who else would I be looking at?"
     Raiven chuckled. "Oh yeah?" He rubbed his hands along my sides.
     I shivered. "Y-y-yeah."
     Raiven pulled away and got off the bed. He held a hand out to me. I grabbed it and he pulled me to stand up.
     "We need to go to class. I have an exam to do." He pulled me to the door.
     "Ok." My grip tightened.
     He took us to a classroom. He quickly spoke to the professor and then walked to a seat. He pulled me on his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist. He laid his chin on my shoulder as the professor passed out some papers. Raiven started his exam. His left arm pulled me closer to him.

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