Chapter Three

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     After a few more classes, we went to lunch. We sat down at our normal table in the back right corner, right next to the window. Every window in this school has a great view of the cherry blossom trees and flower beds. It's like the school is in the middle of a giant garden. Each view is different. I like to sit and think about what I learned and what will happen in the future.
     Charly looked at me with regret in his eyes. I sighed. "It's ok, Charly. Nothing happened. No one heard. Just be more careful. That's not something we can talk about at school."
     "Ok, well I am sorry. I'll be more careful." He said just as the others joined us. I'm not entirely sure how but we were popular and were immersed in the popular group. They always showed up at whatever table we chose, so we stopped trying to avoid them. I can only assume it has something to do with our families.
     My family owns the gaming company SilverHeart. It's the most successful gaming company. Always at the top of the carts in New Gaming. My family doesn't know but I have been learning all I can about programming and computers since I learned about the company. I like to learn about a variety of subjects that my interest in computers is covered. Before I was presented as omega, I always wanted to officially join the company.
     Charly's family owns GoldFang. Their company is all about real estate. They buy land, build on it and sell it. No one can outdo them. Like my family's company, they are the best. If I'm right, SilverHearts building was constructed by GoldFang.
     After lunch we went to fifth period. Since I started Art class today, I went there. I immediately noticed it was more crowded than I thought it would be; I assumed since this is basically an alpha school this class would be nearly empty. The whole room ogled at me as I entered.
     "Killian? Why are you here?" Some random asked.
     I walk over to my normal seat and see someone sitting in it. I look down at them and raise an eyebrow. "Move."
     They look up at me and quickly stand up to sit somewhere else. I sit down, crossing my legs. "I was forced. Besides, art is essential to the creation of any good game." I didn't bother to look at any of them. I dismissed the Random and turned my head to look out the window.
     "Oh. Ok. Cool. What's it like? What's it like to be part of the family that owns the best gaming company?"  I looked over at them coldly. It was a guy I had never seen before. His black eyes were full of ignorance.
     "Dude. You don't disturb him when he's sitting in a window seat."  Someone spoke up just as I was about to open my mouth. I think I know this one. His light pink hair and dart purple eyes are not common, and I had seen them before. I believe his name is Henrie Jok and his family has dealings with mine.
     "Why? It's just a seat. He's just a guy."
     Henrie shook his head. "Dude. He's from a very influential alpha family. They basically run this school and don't take shit from anyone. Not to mention they've gone to this school for generations. It's not just about his family. He's the smartest student in this school."
     "You know a lot about him, suck up." The Nosey Alpha sneered.
     "Ouch. Of course I know about Killian Borg. Who wouldn't know a lot about him? Oh wait. You're just some commoner that doesn't know about the elites."
     At that point I lost interest in the converstion and looked out the window. I stayed like that until the professor came, but since it's art, I decided to pay attention this time. Even if I knew a lot about the subject, I had a feeling I'll learn a lot more here. When Mrs. Selby walked in, she saw me in the window seat. She expected that. What she didn't expect was to have my attention the whole class period. A surprised look crossed her face before she covered it up with a small smile. Until this day I have never put so much effort into a class. We started a project on clay statues, Mrs. Selby describing how to wet and mold the clay, and before I knew it the bell rang.
     Post Art, I looked out the window in a few classes and drew whatever came to mind in others. I was contantly thinking about my future family and position in the company. After school I went home. That was how the nest few days went, rince and repeat. I was looking forward to the weeked. I couldn't wait to meet Charly's family.
     When Friday came around, I was so excited I could barely sit still. Just befor the bell rang for the end of the day I walked up to Charly. "Heyy, buddy. I was wondering if it would be ok with you if I stay the whole weekend?" I tried giving him puppy dog eyes. Whenever I do, he doesn't refuse me. "I was thinking and it seems like only a few hours wouldn't be long enough to get to know your family."
     He sighed. "Sure. Let me ask my parents." He said as he took his phone out. After a while he looked up at me. "The said it's ok. Shall we swing by your house and pick up a few things?"
     I smiled and clapped my hands. "Yay." The bell rang and I grabbed Charly by the wrist and ran out the classroom door ad down the hall. We practically flew down the stair to the car that was waiting for me.
     When we walked in my parents saw us. "Charly. We didn't know you were coming by." My mom spoke up.
     "Oh. Yeah. Sorry Mrs. Borg. I'm only hrer to help Killian grab some things to stay at my house for the weekend." Charly said bowing to my mom.
     My mom smiled, "hmmm, well ok, I suppose it's time for you boys to hang out at your house. But rememer, just call me Lillianna. You don't have to be so formal! We've known you since you were little."
     "Right! Lillianna! We should go up to his room and get his stuff."
     Charly quickly bowed again before grabbing me by my shouder. We went up to my room and I grabbed a couple of pjs, t-shirts and jeans. "Dude, I hate to say it but I think I still have a crush on you mom" Charly groaned as he loaded my clothes in a duffel. I almost stumble on my way to my bathroom to grab everything.
     "First of all, never talk about my mom like that again. If you go after my mom I'm gonna go after YOUR mom, or maybe your older brother?" I laugh lightheartedly.
     "Yeah, ha. Funny. Don't worry, I won't be going after that old Fox." I sense an awkwardness t his tone, but just brush it off as I finish packing.
     I turned around to Charly. "Umm. Charly. Should I bring the medicine?" I asked.
     He looked at me knowingly. "No. They know you're an omega."
     A wave of annoyance surged through my body "come on, Charly. Why would you tell them without asking me first?"
     He paused putting my toiletries in a shower bag and looked at me. "I'm sorry Killian. They smelt your real pheromones on me one day. They didn't have a problem with you being an omega."
     I stood there thinking it over After a while I let out the breath I was holding. Finally. Somewhere other than home I can really be myself. At school I was free from familial pressure but I wasn't free to be myself. I hated the medicine, but it was necessary.
     Charly laughed at me when he noticed how relieved I was.
     "Ok, let's go." He took my bag and walked out the room. I followed. We went down the stairs and said bye to my parents one last time before leaving. We were finally on our way.
     When we pulled up, I saw it was almost as big as my place. Mine was a little bigger since we had more people in the family. I was so excited I couldn't sit still. Charly caught my eyes and laughed. He put his hand on my knee, making it stop jumping.
     "Are you that excited to meet my family?" he asked, looking at me.
     I looked at him and gave him an 'are you kidding' look. "Of course I am."
     "Haha. Ok. My bad. I should have introduced you back then." He ruffled my hair, helping me out of the door and up to the door. We walked into a larg living room. Plants were everywhere, a couple sitting on one of the many sofas. "Mom and dad. We're here."
     Charly's parents looked up, their eyes immediately filling with....excitement? The woman got up and walked to me, grabbing my hands. She had long black hair and hazel eyes. "Hi Killian. I'm Charly's mom, Hanna." She looked back at the man. "That's my husband, Mason." He had black hair and gold eyes. I guess Charly and I are similar, both taking after our fathers in the looks department.
     "It's nice to finally meet you," I nervousy said. I take a big breath to relax my nerves. Hold on, is that what I think it is? "Umm, Mrs. Knight. I don't want to sound rude by asking, but are you an omega?"
     She looked at me and laughed. "Just call me Hanna, and yes. I am."
     I was surprised. The first omega I met happened to be my best friend's mom. I looked at Charly. "Really, Charly? You knew how much I was struggling, and you never told me your mom was an omega?"
     He looked at me sheepishly. "I'm sorry Killian. It didn't cross my mind."
     Hanna quickly caught on, "you don't know other omegas?" She asked me.
     I looked at her sadly. "No. My family is all alpha. It was a surprise when I presented as an omega."
     She looked at me thoughtfully. "There most certainly was an omega in your ancestry." I looked at her confused. When she saw my face she sighed. Grabbing my hand, she pulled me over to the sofa. We sat down facing each other. "There was a time when alphas mated solely with omegas, since omegas were the only ones to get pregnant by an alpha. Now, there are no limitation to who is mated. As long as the Moon Goddess wants it nothing is impossible. That is to say, my dear. That you may be from an alpha family, but clearly someone was getting jiggy with an omega at some point." Hanna bursts out laughing. "Now who wants cupcakes?"

This is the last chapter that had to be updated. Thanks to those that was patient with me while I rewrote them. Chapter 4 will be up soon. I hope you like them.

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